Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1131: Is it a honeymoon? How does it feel a bit like surviving on a desert island!

The scars were uncovered by Qin Xiaobai several times in a row. The faces of Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei were all green, and they almost hung up the video call.


In the years since Qin Xiaobai disappeared, it is not that no one has chased them. On the contrary, there are at least dozens of people in line, not to mention hundreds of kilometers.

But don't know why.

Both of them have the same feeling, as if something is missing. For those who pursue them, there is always not much feeling.

Instead of accommodating, it is better to be a noble single!

"Qin Xiaobai, don't you laugh at us that we will die?" The little girl glared at him and said angrily, then she suddenly remembered something, and then asked road:

"By the way, Qin Xiaobai, do you have any plans when you come back? How about me and Tuanzi go to you to get together?"

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai pondered for a moment, and then decisively refused: "I may not have time, or you can come and play with my daughter-in-law, I have to go. Nanguo, do something!"

"What? Are you going to the South?"

Before the dumplings could talk to Duan Xiaomei, Su Wanqing was the first to be startled, blinked a few times, looked at him blankly, and asked.

This husband can't have it, can he?

Are you planning to sneak out again and disappear for another ten years?

She can afford to wait ten years, but for another one, Su Wanqing really can't stand it anymore.

After all, life can have several decades, which can be consumed!

Qin Xiaobai's eyes stayed on Su Wanqing's face for a moment, and seemed to see the worry in her heart, grinned, and explained: "Don't worry, this time it's not for several years, or Go do something, come with me if you want, and make up for your honeymoon!"


Hearing this, Su Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense mind relaxed.

It turned out to be just to do things, not to disappear!

However, Su Wanqing still had some doubts about Qin Xiaobai's going to the south, looked up at him, hesitated for a moment, still couldn't hold back, and asked softly, "Husband, you What are you going to do in the southern country? Our family has no business there?!"

"Have you lost your memory? Wasn't the island that I gave you the shares of Blue Cave and bought from our family?"

Qin Xiaobai shook his head speechlessly.

"Eh, I forgot if you didn't tell me, it seems that this is the case!"

After Qin Xiaobai's reminder, Su Wanqing finally remembered this matter.

In the beginning, when she sold the shares of Landong to Ma Hua, she was reluctant to mention it, but in order to complete the things Qin Xiaobai explained before leaving, she finally did it.

However, although the island was bought, there has been no time to visit it for so many years.

It should still be deserted, right?

Is this a honeymoon in the past, why does it feel a bit like survival on a desert island!

"Qin Xiaobai, can you take us to play? I've been suffocating at home for the past few years, I'm very good, I won't disturb you two to show affection, I'll give you dog food I can endure it!"

The little girl looked at the camera with a smile and asked.

"I want to go too, how about we start a live broadcast at that time. It has been many years since no one has broadcasted the desert island to survive. I feel like we can make it again!" Tuanzi said here , has already begun to dance.

"Yes, right, think about how well we cooperated in the exile land? Besides, we have also invested and are the owners of the island, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Let's go with a yarn!

However, Qin Xiaobai can understand their mood at the moment, 80% of them are too bored at home and want to go out to breathe, by the way, they are doing a live broadcast or something.

Although there are several women around him, it seems to be a bit of a hindrance, but fortunately he has nothing serious to do. When they are bored, forcing them to play flying chess a few times with them seems to be a good choice.

Thinking of this, the corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth could not help grinning.

But soon, he suddenly thought of an important matter, frowned slightly, looked at Su Wanqing, and asked worriedly: "Daughter-in-law, let's all go, little one. What about the fish?"

Now that I have a son, it is obviously unrealistic to want to go on a trip.

"How long are we going?"

Su Wanqing looked up at Qin Xiaobai, and then asked.

"At most half a month!"

Qin Xiaobai answered affirmatively, this time, it is mainly to complete a mission, to inspect the island by the way, and then study how to develop it, but it will not take too long.

"That's not a problem, Xiaoyu is just on summer vacation. Two days ago, his grandparents were still talking about him every day!" Su Wanqing showed a sweet smile on her face, looking at Qin Xiaobai continued:

"It's right, you're back, don't you, let's go home to see our parents, and let them take care of the little fish by the way, how about it?"

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai nodded.

Xiaoyu is taken care of by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he has nothing to worry about.


He has been missing for ten years. Since he is back, he should go see their second old man.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai said to Su Wanqing, "That's alright, I'll pick up Xiaoyu now, and return to the imperial capital in the evening, let's talk for a while!"

After he finished speaking, Qin Xiaobai got up and left the kitchen.


When Qin Xiaobai just walked out of the kitchen door, a black figure quietly came behind him.

At first, Qin Xiaobai thought he had encountered an assassin again.

But after seeing that it was black charcoal, she glared at it speechlessly, and asked angrily: "Black charcoal, can you please stop being so sneaky, right? Are you eavesdropping on my chat with my daughter-in-law?"

Black Charcoal: "…"

"Meow..." (Meow Xingren translation: Boss, I don't carry this pot, I really don't! I just...) Hei Tan shook his head helplessly and glanced at Qin Xiaobai, Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly stopped.

Actually, judging from Hei Tan's words and deeds, Qin Xiaobai already understood what he wanted to express.

He glanced at Hei Tan, then sighed and asked, "Hei Tan, I'm sorry! I didn't expect to be away for ten years, eh... Is your relationship with Jiang Xue okay? "

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