Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 116: Don't talk about life and then sign a contract? (One more!)

The episode in the bank did not affect Qin Xiaobai's mood. After the money was transferred, he was going to go to Shanshui Real Estate. Since he took over, he has not had time to go.

Su Wanqing, who was sleeping, was awakened by the alert sound of the mobile phone message, picked up the phone in a daze, and after seeing the transfer message, she suddenly became sleepless!

"He...he really transferred a billion to me..." Taking a look at the mobile phone transfer information, Su Wanqing muttered to herself with a blank face.

One billion soft sister coins, this is an astronomical number for ordinary people, and ordinary people may not be able to save a million in their entire life.

Su Wanqing had seen 10 million because of Qin Xiaobai's previous reward, but this billion really scared her!

Then Su Wanqing thought about it and called Qin Xiaobai to ask about it.

The phone was quickly connected, and there was Qin Xiaobai's voice that she loved and hated.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Qin Xiaobai asked.

"You really gave me a billion?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you when I say hundreds of millions of cooperation projects?" Qin Xiaobai asked helplessly.

"Brother, this is one billion, not ten yuan, is it so casual? Are you not afraid that I will take this money to the world directly?" Su Wanqing said a little angrily.

"I dare to call you, I'm not afraid of you running away with money, and I don't care about one billion, okay? What else do I need to ask, if not, I'll hang up The phone is over, and the phone bill is expensive..."

Su Wanqing: "…"

Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, waited for a few seconds, saw that Su Wanqing did not answer, and hung up the phone.

After hearing a beeping sound, Su Wanqing was completely speechless!

Is this guy speaking human?

Billions are ignored, but there is distressed telephone bills...

Su Wanqing couldn't understand Qin Xiaobai's mysterious operation at all, but when she thought of promising Qin Xiaobai, she quickly got up and cleaned up.

Buying land is not the same as buying a house. Su Wanqing didn't know how to do it, so she had to ask the land management department in the south of the city.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai walked towards Shanshui Real Estate while checking his property panel. There have been a lot of things happening recently, and he hasn't visited for a few days.

The task interface has been refreshed with a new task, but this task made Qin Xiaobai speechless, and the system brother's warm-hearted started again...

[Task: Host, you don't plan to live in the presidential suite of the Arashiyama Hotel all your life, right? It's time to consider owning a luxurious property, and ask the host to buy a property with a value of no less than 50 million. Reward: Evolution point +50, 2-star lottery times +1. 】

For this task, Qin Xiaobai is really powerless to complain, Su Wanqing has already bought a house, can't that stupid girl be her own?

What's more, the Presidential Suite of the Lanshan Hotel is also good...

However, for the evolution point and the number of lottery draws, Qin Xiaobai thought about it and decided to complete this task. Anyway, this task is not difficult.

It is said that it is to buy, but it does not say that it must be bought. Wouldn’t it be enough to go to Shanshui Real Estate to make a set? Qin Xiaobai shook his head, and suddenly felt a little worried about the IQ of the system brother...

Shanshui Real Estate was originally a real estate company under the name of Tang Jianjun. Unlike other real estate companies, Shanshui Real Estate does not sell ordinary commercial houses, but only builds and sells villas.

The location is close to the river and backed by the mountains, and the magic capital is very scenic. It occupies seven points here. Therefore, the price of villas here is not affordable for ordinary people. The minimum price starts at 70,000 yuan.

After finding a hidden place to complete the transformation, Qin Xiaobai walked into the sales department of Shanshui Real Estate.

Soon there was a saleswoman in professional clothes who approached Qin Xiaobai enthusiastically. After looking at it for a while, a professional smile appeared on her face and she asked:

"Hello, sir! Welcome to Shanshui, may I have an appointment with a sales manager?"

"No!" Qin Xiaobai replied casually.

"So, please, please, let me introduce you the apartment type and price first, and then I will show you the room, how about it?" The saleswoman asked with a hint of surprise on her face. road.

"Don't be so troublesome, just show me the room!"

In terms of price, Qin Xiaobai doesn't care at all, okay? Even if you sell one million and one flat, will you still ask him for money?

The saleswoman was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Xiaobai with a strange look. Isn't this person teasing her? Come to buy a villa without asking the price or looking at the floor plan, just want to see the house?

This is the first time I have encountered such a wonderful customer.

Strange is strange, but since the client has made a request, she will naturally not have any dissatisfaction. After all, Shanshui Real Estate's attitude towards sales is still relatively strict, and it is absolutely not allowed to appear and despise customers situation arises.

Under her leadership, Qin Xiaobai saw four or five villas. After listening to the introduction, they were not satisfied, not because of the type of apartment, but because the price did not meet the system Brother's request.

"Don't you have a more expensive villa? Don't show me this kind of 20 to 30 million, just go directly to the more than 50 million..."

After half a day, Qin Xiaobai said helplessly.

At first, Qin Xiaobai, the real saleswoman, was deliberately teasing her, but after hearing what he said, she finally understood that this person really disliked the low price...

"There are some! We also have several large-sized units, the price is more than 50 million. If you want to see it, sir, I can take you there for as long as you want!"

The saleswoman smiled and inadvertently threw a wink at Qin Xiaobai.

After seeing her expression, Qin Xiaobai almost vomited, this Nima was looking at a house, and your expression towards me, are you greedy for Qin's body?

In the end, Qin Xiaobai took a fancy to a set of super-large apartments with an area of ​​nearly 1,300 square meters. According to the price of 71,000 square meters, it was enough for the task requirements issued by the system brother.

"Okay, that's it!" Qin Xiaobai said lightly.

"Ah! Sir, have you really decided to have it?" The saleswoman asked with a excited expression and some incredulousness.

This villa has been placed here for more than a year, because the price is too expensive, and no one has given it for a long time. If it is sold from her, the improvement will be a very impressive figure.

Therefore, there is no reason to be rude about Qin Xiaobai's attitude.

"Yes, go back and go through the formalities..." Qin Xiaobai replied casually.

"That...Aren't you going to watch it for a while? It's still early..." The saleswoman's face was a little red, looking at Qin Xiaobai and asked shyly.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

"I'm in a hurry, let's do serious things quickly!" Qin Xiaobai glanced at her and urged.

The face of the saleswoman turned even more rosy when she heard the words of serious matters, and some did not dare to look up at Qin Xiaobai's face, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, let's go back and sign the contract first. Seriously... Can we find a place to talk about it at night?"

"Isn't the serious thing just signing a contract? Don't I understand it differently than you understand?"

Qin Xiaobai looked at her strangely and couldn't help asking.

"Ah? You mean to sign the contract with the sales department instead of going to the hotel to talk about life, and then signing it?"

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai was completely speechless, but he also understood what the saleswoman meant...

It's a pity that her beauty is much worse than Su Wanqing, Qin Xiaobai has no interest in her...

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