Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 130: The beast-eared girl seems to be quite cute too... (Five!)

Qin Xiaobai looked at Su Wanqing, who had fallen into a coma, and couldn't help but start to struggle. At this moment, he really had a desperate idea...

In this situation, it is estimated that anyone can no longer hold it.

"Never mind, never mind! The cat-eared girl seems to be quite cute, and the wolf-eared girl probably won't be too bad..."

After more than two hours of ideological struggle, Qin Xiaobai finally overcame the fears and worries in his heart, and took out the image of a cat ear girl to comfort himself.

After placing Su Wanqing gently on the sofa and lying down, Qin Xiaobai stared at her delicate facial features, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Anyway, Su Wanqing should be his person sooner or later, she should not mind a little earlier...


"Ding dong! The system is friendly reminder, the remaining time for the host to transform is less than five minutes!"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Damn, so fast? shouldn't be...

When Qin Xiaobai heard the voice, his face darkened, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time, it was indeed eleven o'clock in the evening!

This nima…

Looking at Su Wanqing lying on the sofa, Qin Xiaobai suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying, and there are only five minutes left, what else can he do?

It's too late to take off my pants...

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai really wanted to slap himself a few times. He shouldn't have been tangled for so long at that time, and it would have been better to just turn off the lights...

But apparently it's too late to regret it!

After shaking his head helplessly, Qin Xiaobai picked up a blanket and put it on Su Wanqing.

Then walked into the bathroom and returned to the form of Erha.

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai did not leave the hotel directly, but lay on the big soft bed and began to check the property panel. The system showed that there were two remaining Two-star lottery can be used.

After pondering for a while, Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt that the lottery was more addictive than women. At least he saw these two lottery opportunities, and he would not hesitate to use it or not at all. It's over.

"System brother, come to two-star lottery twice!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the speed for spending a two-star lottery chance to get an experience card, which has been stored in the host system warehouse, please pay attention to the host to check it!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for spending a two-star lottery chance to get a useless agreement, which has been stored in the host system warehouse, please pay attention to check it!"

After hearing the system prompt, Qin Xiaobai didn't show much disappointment. He turned his attention to the system warehouse, and first glanced at the experience card.

I saw a line of small words written on the back. Remarks: This experience card is a one-time consumption item. After the host uses it, it can be transformed into a creature that Blue Star already has, which lasts for 24 hours, and has the creature. All properties! (After using the talent supernatural transformation, the experience card cannot be used within 24 hours)

It's just a little longer, and it's not really useful. But it's better than thank you for your patronage...

Qin Xiaobai shook his head, and then turned his attention to the agreement. What made him feel strange was that there was no small print on the back of the agreement, but for some reason, suddenly Make him feel familiar.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Qin Xiaobai still took it out of the system. After seeing the name of the file, he finally knew where this familiar feeling came from. .

This is an equity transfer agreement, almost identical to the ones he signed with Tang Jianjun.

Then Qin Xiaobai flipped through the agreement with some anticipation, and the contents directly shocked him to the point of stunned! The largest shareholder of Douyu, Goose Factory Investment, transferred 38% of Douyu's equity in its name at a price of 13 billion.

On this transfer agreement, all the procedures have been completed. Now Qin Xiaobai only needs to sign his extremely ordinary name on it, and the transfer agreement will take effect immediately.

The largest shareholder of Douyu will immediately become Qin Xiaobai!

"Fuck!" Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but blurt out a foul language after reading the agreement.

For this kind of thing, Qin Xiaobai has always refused to come. Anyway, as long as you sign your name, you can add another property, why not do it?

Just because of the current Erha form, Qin Xiaobai did not sign this agreement for the time being, but took it back directly to the system warehouse.

After doing all this, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Su Wanqing, who was sleeping on the sofa, then slipped out of the presidential suite and rushed towards the home.

Only, when he returned to the door, he realized that he had made a huge mistake. Yang Mengxin was not at home at all these days.

No one can open the door for him…

As an unpretentious dog, Qin Xiaobai felt a little uncomfortable even on the sofa at home, not to mention sleeping on the street or in the park.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiaobai decided to go to the Lanshan Hotel!

In the early morning of the next day, Su Wanqing finally sobered up from the wine. She was staring blankly at everything in front of her, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

Then she looked down at the sofa under her body, and immediately remembered what happened last night, a wry smile appeared on her face, and she muttered to herself: "This guy is again and again... let me sleep on the sofa..."

At this moment, a rhythmic grunting sound suddenly sounded, Su Wanqing just felt that this sound was very familiar and seemed to be heard often.

I couldn't help screaming: "Xiao Bai...why are you sleeping on someone's bed, hurry down..."

After shouting this, Su Wanqing suddenly became speechless! Why does she only fit on the sofa, but her dog can sleep on the bed...

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