Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 136: Want to have some fun? (One more!)

Convenience store.

I found what I was looking for on a shelf at the counter.

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call to Su Wanqing, mainly to talk about the fast land sale. Of course, it is also to complete the task by the way.

After a while, the phone was connected, Qin Xiaobai said directly, "I'll come to the Lanshan Hotel later, I have something to talk to you about!"

"Ah~ is there something urgent?" Su Wanqing's sleepy voice came from the phone.

"Hey, you can come, I have a very exciting thing, I can only ask you to do it..." Qin Xiaobai said with a smile.

Over the phone, Su Wanqing was rubbing her long fluffy hair. After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, her face suddenly turned red for some reason. After struggling for a long time, she replied: " Oh!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Xiaobai remembered what happened last time, and the system suddenly prompted that the remaining time for transforming was insufficient, so this time, in order to save the transforming time, he did not dare to continue to travel in human form .

Directly restored the Erha form, and rushed towards the Arashiyama Hotel.

Linjia Village in the south of the city is still a long way from the Lanshan Hotel, but Qin Xiaobai is not worried that Su Wanqing will arrive early.

With that silly girl's habit of going out, she has to spend at least an hour at home.

Things are indeed as Qin Xiaobai expected.

At about eleven o'clock in the morning, Su Wanqing rang the doorbell of the suite.

At this time, Qin Xiaobai turned on his transformation, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, came to the door of the room and opened the door.

Su Wanqing saw Qin Xiaobai with a wicked smile, after being stunned for a moment, she lowered her head and said, "By the way, thank you for the past few days! I wanted to talk to you last night. You said it, but you went offline directly."

"Don't talk about that, do you want to play something special..." Qin Xiaobai reached out and pulled her in, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, looking directly into her eyes, he asked.

Because the two were very close, the atmosphere quickly became charming, Su Wanqing lowered her head and did not dare to look at Qin Xiaobai's heart-warming face.

" are you doing?"

Su Wanqing's tone of voice became a little stuttered because of nervousness, and her delicate face was red and hot.

When Qin Xiaobai saw his appearance, he suddenly felt a little funny in his heart. From the pocket of his jacket, he took out a delicate white box and continued:

"Don't stand in a daze at the door? Come and sit at the table here and play Ludo with me for an hour!"

Su Wanqing: "???"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and glanced suspiciously. I saw Qin Xiaobai slowly took out a flying chess board from the box, and then held four dice in his hand.

Su Wanqing almost froze when she saw his actions...

So, the very exciting thing this guy said was to play flying chess with him?


What the hell...

When Qin Xiaobai saw Su Wanqing's expression of wanting to hit someone, he was speechless for a while, and he was helpless too, all of this was the fault of the system's brother!

Well, I released a wonderful task, asking a female anchor to play flying chess with him for an hour...

For fifty evolution points and a two-star lottery, Qin Xiaobai had to call Su Wanqing and come over to accompany him to complete this task.

In the end, at Qin Xiaobai's strong request, Su Wanqing agreed to play with him for an hour, but she was on the verge of collapse during the whole process.

Qin Xiaobai's flying chess skills are simply invincible or extremely lucky. Almost every time she has not gotten out of a plane, Qin Xiaobai has already completed it all!

"Let's stop playing, okay? I'm about to vomit..." Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai helplessly, and asked softly.

However, before Qin Xiaobai could answer, her phone suddenly rang.

Qin Xiaobai smiled and said, "answer the phone first, let's continue playing!"

Su Wanqing: "…"

Afterwards, Su Wanqing took out her mobile phone and glanced at the caller number. It was an unfamiliar number in the magic capital. After hesitating for a few seconds, she still chose to answer.

"Hey, is this Miss Su Wanqingsu?" On the phone, came a low and deep voice from a strange man.

"It's me, who?" Su Wanqing asked without wrinkling slightly.

"Hello Miss Su, I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm the owner of Ye's private kitchen, my name is Ye Zhixiong, I'm calling you today, I want to talk to you about the area of ​​Linjia Village matter!"

On the phone, Ye Zhixiong said politely.

Hearing that the other party was here to ask about the Linjia Village, Su Wanqing couldn't help but look at Qin Xiaobai beside her, as if waiting for his instructions.

Qin Xiaobai heard the chat between the two of them clearly, lowered his head to Su Wanqing's ear, and said softly, "If he wants to buy land, tell him to sell it, but there is no call on the phone. Easy to negotiate the price!”

Su Wanqing's face showed a trace of confusion, but she nodded, and then said to the phone: "Do you want to talk about that land?"

"Yes, yes! Miss Su, I heard that you bought the entire commercial area in Linjia Village. Do you think you can sell some to me?"

Ye Zhixiong didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated his purpose.

"It turns out that you are planning to buy land. Then you can come to the Lanshan Hotel later. I happen to be here to deal with things. It is not convenient to talk about the price on the phone!" Su Wanqing followed Qin Xiaobai's instructions. explanation, replied.

"That's great, we'll be there soon, let's meet and talk..."

After Ye Zhixiong hung up the phone, he happily smiled at the three around him: "Let's go, let's go to the Lanshan Hotel now, Miss Su promised to talk to us!"

"Lao Ye, will this go too smoothly? I always feel that my eyelids are twitching..."

After hearing Ye Zhixiong's words, several people hesitated for a while, and all nodded!

After hanging up the phone, Su Wanqing suddenly remembered this man named Ye Zhixiong, glanced at Qin Xiaobai strangely, and asked, "Didn't you drive this man out of Tianhe? Why did you sell the land of Linjia Village to him?"

Su Wanqing has also seen some reports from mobile phone news about the development of Nanlinjia Village in the Magic Capital City.

"If I don't sell it to them, how can I have the money to build a new Tianhe?" Qin Xiaobai smiled and didn't explain much to Su Wanqing.

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