Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 149: Two reels, can you buy me a car? (Four more!)

"Mother Wanqing, your family Wanqing won't be kidnapped in college..." Miss Lin said halfway, and suddenly realized that she might have said something wrong, and quickly changed her words:

"Wanqing mother, don't worry about it! I'm not saying Wanqing is like this, but today's college students, especially those who want Wanqing to be so smart, can easily get lost... "

Su's mother's lungs were about to explode on the spot after hearing this. Isn't what Sister Lin said, her daughter might be used for money?

Just when Mother Su was about to have a seizure, Su Wanqing took Qin Xiaobai and walked to her: "Mom, Aunt Lin, what did you not talk about?"

"Wanqing, when did you buy the car, why didn't you tell Mom about it?" Su's mother was a little angry because of what she said just now, and her tone was a little harsh.

"Mom! Who said I bought a car, this is a friend's, I helped him drive to the imperial capital..." Su Wanqing gave her mother a strange look, and then explained.

I heard that it was Su Wanqing's friend's car, Sister Lin smiled and said, "Wanqing, your friend must be rich, so I'll lend you such a good car? Yes? Didn't you do...boyfriend?"

Su Wanqing didn't hear what she meant. After thinking for a while, she replied, "It should be considered rich, anyway, I didn't ask."

Sister Lin's gossip has come up, and she continued to ask: "When will you bring your boyfriend back, let your Auntie Lin take a look, and help you grow your eyes by the way, haha..."

After hearing the words of boyfriend, Su Wanqing's face blushed a little, but remembering that she and Qin Xiaobai have developed to that point, it's not too much to call her boyfriend, right?

"Well, wait for him to come in a few days, Aunt Lin, just come and have a look!" Su Wanqing replied with a smile.

In her opinion, Qin Xiaobai's guy definitely belongs to the one who earns a lot of face by taking it out. Of course, the premise is that he is a straight man on the spot.

"Let's go, Auntie Lin is free to come and sit at home!"

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she took her mother's arm and led Qin Xiaobai to the vegetable market at the entrance of the community.

After they left, Sister Lin looked back at her daughter and son-in-law, pointed to the car that was parked by Su Wanqing, and asked, "I don't seem to have seen that car much before. "My son-in-law is not as expensive as your car, right?"

The young man behind him almost vomited blood after listening to it. Sister Lin and her daughter do not know Cullinan who is the best match. Of course he will not fail to recognize him.

Sighed and said, "Mom, you are joking! That car has two front wheels, so you can buy a car like mine..."

"Isn't it?" Sister Lin was taken aback and asked again, "Isn't your car more than 300,000 yuan? Could it be that Wanqing girl drives hundreds of cars? ?"

"That's right, the car she drives should be the top-end Cullinan, produced by Rolls-Royce, and the price on the road is about five million!"

The young man replied with some envy.

"I'm darling, I guessed right, this girl Wanqing must have been packaged by someone. Young people can't afford a car worth more than five million yuan..."

Sister Lin sighed, her tone a little sour.

After crossing the road, Mother Su remembered what her daughter said before, she couldn't help it, and asked, "Damn girl, are you really talking about a boyfriend?"

"Is that so..." Su Wanqing replied with a smile.

"What is it? Look at Xiaoxi, he is the same age as you, right? My boyfriend has changed seven or eight, and now he has a handsome guy who drives a Cadillac!"

Mother Su glared at her daughter, then asked, "bring my son-in-law home tomorrow so we can meet."

Su Wanqing: "…"

She can be considered to have convinced her own mother, why did she call her son-in-law...

Qin Xiaobai on the side, after hearing this, his heart suddenly became a little hairy, this mother and daughter are really enough, one called her boyfriend, the other even called her son-in-law...

After a while, the corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth suddenly grinned backwards slightly. If these two women knew, the boyfriend and son-in-law they were talking about were actually the second ha of their family.

It is estimated that the expression should be very exciting...

In fact, Qin Xiaobai has no interest in grocery shopping. He originally planned to hang out for a while, but Su Wanqing dragged him in.

"Daughter, why did Xiaobai grow so big? It's several times bigger than the last time I came back, right?" At this time, Mother Su saw Qin Xiaobai and asked in surprise.

"This guy may eat it now. Mom, you need to buy more food. He is very picky now.

"Meals and dishes?"

Mother Su glanced at Qin Xiaobai, then said, "Then you shouldn't be poor? Are your living expenses enough for him?"

"Of course it's not enough! But I've made a lot of money from live streaming recently, and many fans like our Xiaobai! The money they give is enough for Xiaobai to eat and drink..."

Su Wanqing explained.

Su Wanqing just casually mentioned about the live broadcast. People of Su mother's age don't know too much, so she didn't ask much. I thought my daughter was doing some part-time jobs or something!

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