Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 153: This guy is so humble! (Three shifts!)

According to the location sent by Su Wanqing, Qin Xiaobai quickly found a restaurant. There were not too many diners, only about five or six tables.

As soon as Qin Xiaobai set foot in the restaurant, Su Wanqing found him and immediately waved at him and shouted, "Qin Xiaobai, we are here!"

Mother Su, who had her back to the door, turned her head to look at the door after seeing her daughter's actions.

Just a glance, Su Mu was stunned!

Shang Mo is like jade, and his son is unparalleled.

These two poems should be customized for this young man.

At this moment, for Mother Su, who has watched soap operas in the country for more than ten years, the long-legged Oppa and the fresh meat of the star must all be eclipsed in front of this person.

In the whole restaurant, those ordinary diners have been automatically blocked...

After half a day, Mother Su asked in disbelief, "Girl, is this the future son-in-law you said?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

When she heard the name of her mother, and Qin Xiaobai who came slowly, her face instantly blushed, and she said softly: "Mom, please don't talk nonsense! We still It's not that far..."

"What's not to that point, the legal age for marriage in the empire is eighteen years old, and you are already twenty..." Mother Su glared at her immediately, and continued:

"Look at Xiaoxi, he's the same age as you! Also, I'm very satisfied with this guy, and I'm going to get married tomorrow!"

Su Wanqing: "???"

After hearing her mother's words, Su Wanqing almost spit old blood on her face, which is too casual...

I just saw Qin Xiaobai, and I didn't even say hello, so I asked myself to marry him? Although Su Wanqing is still quite happy in her heart, she can't be so hasty...

Su Wanqing's mother-daughter chat, Qin Xiaobai naturally heard the content of the chat, and his walking pace slowed down a bit. …

This is too scary, right?

Qin Xiaobai was completely unprepared, how could the mother and daughter be involved in the matter of getting married?

However, the door is only five or six meters away from the table where Su Wanqing's mother and daughter are sitting, even though Qin Xiaobai is walking very slowly.

But after a few breaths, they came to the two of them.

"Mom, let me introduce you! This is the one I met in the magic capital...boyfriend, Qin Xiaobai!" Su Wanqing blushed and became a little hot, and at the end she was almost incomprehensible What are you talking about.

At this time, Qin Xiaobai felt a sense of relief, even though this was the first time he saw Su Wanqing Su's mother after his journey.

But because of the memories that were merged before, she is not unfamiliar with Su mother, and she has a general understanding of her temperament, so there is no such tension.

"Hello Auntie, I'm Qin Xiaobai!"

Mother Su looked up and down, then smiled and said, "Okay, the guy is very good, I'm very satisfied, when are you going to get the certificate?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

But soon, Mother Su seemed to think of a question, and asked Su Wanqing in a low voice, "Girl, this boy is good in everything, just his name sounds a bit like our family. The little white?"


Su Wanqing really didn't know how to continue, so she glanced at her mother resentfully, and after shouting, she turned to Qin Xiaobai and said:

"Qin Xiaobai, have you eaten yet? I don't know whether the food in the imperial capital suits your taste."

"I ate it before I came here, you can eat it!" Qin Xiaobai replied with a faint smile.


Before he came, he ate all the meals made by Su's mother alone. Although he consumed some calories when the house was demolished later, he was not hungry.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai was naturally impolite and sat beside Su Wanqing.

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai had done it, Mother Su thought for a while, and then asked with a smile: "By the way, Xiaobai, what do you do? What else do you have at home? people?"

Although I am very satisfied with Qin Xiaobai, the future son-in-law, there is no harm in knowing more about the situation.

As for the question raised by Mother Su, Qin Xiaobai thought about it for a while, and then calmly replied: "There is no one at home, I am the only one. I don't usually have much work, I just spend a little bit of time. It's just business..."

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's answer, Su Wanqing was stunned! It turns out that people have such a poor background, and they have to resist everything in the world at a young age.

But soon, Su Wanqing seemed to realize that something was wrong. Was that guy just talking about a little business?

A person with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars is actually saying that he has a small business...

This is a bit too modest!

In the next period of time, Qin Xiaobai answered all kinds of strange questions from Su's mother, and for a time almost made him want to slip away directly...

Fortunately, this dinner didn't last long, and at about 1:30, it was already coming to an end.

"Qin Xiaobai, if you have nothing to do, come to my house to play for a while..." Su Wanqing, who had not spoken much, suddenly opened her mouth to invite.

It's just Su Wanqing's mother and daughter, she didn't notice at all, Qin Xiaobai's handsome face was suddenly invisible, and there was a flash of embarrassment.

If these two opened the door and found their home, only the walls and ceiling were demolished, would they think that a burglar had entered and then called the police directly?

However, Qin Xiaobai was relieved of this problem soon. After seeing that scene, they should have thought of that Erha for the first time, and should not suspect him. That's right...

Follow the past to see the expressions of their mother and daughter, it seems to be a very exciting thing!

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