Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 180: Actively stop broadcasting? ! (Five more!)

"Xiao Bai, can you accompany me to the extreme west?"

After half a day, Su Wanqing's mood finally recovered, holding Qin Xiaobai's dog face with both hands, and said with a pleading expression.


Qin Xiaobai couldn't figure it out, why did Su Wanqing come up with this idea suddenly. It stands to reason that she is not short of money, and there is absolutely no need to participate in this unknown adventure for the 500 million bonus.

"Xiao Bai, I don't believe that my father is gone, I'm going to find him..." After Su Wanqing said this, the tears in her eyes began to spin again involuntarily .

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai was a little surprised!

The last time she returned to the imperial capital, Mother Su mentioned that Su Wanqing's father went to the extreme west with the scientific expedition team. Now it seems that something is going on in the far west.

In ancient times, Hua Mulan joined the army for her father, and now Su Wanqing is looking for her father in the extreme west?


The land of the extreme west has always been mysterious and abnormal, and there is very little relevant information. Only some information on the periphery can be found on the Internet. According to the information on the Internet, it is very likely that there are unknown civilizations in the land of the extreme west. .

Dangerous and completely unpredictable.

Even if Qin Xiaobai is bound to the system, his strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, but he can't guarantee that in a mysterious place, he will protect Su Wanqing comprehensively.


He was really a little hesitant, he has already transmigrated into a husky, and he has to face such a lot of pressure in life, who is he to reason with?

Qin Xiaobai never thought about being a hero, let alone exploring unknown civilizations.

He just wants to quietly do the tasks released by the system, and then accumulate evolution points little by little, occasionally go to the live broadcast platform, pretend to be a good-looking female anchor or something.

Although he wanted to persuade Su Wanqing, he didn't know how to speak. Let her give up going to the extreme west to find the whereabouts of her biological father. It is estimated that she will have regrets and self-blame in her life...

Such a Su Wanqing is not what he wants to see.

Qin Xiaobai still likes the silly girl who smiled every day and was cute.

After pondering for a long time, Qin Xiaobai made a decision. He thought it was the right decision. No matter what, he was willing to accompany Su Wanqing.

It’s really dangerous until you encounter something, isn’t there a psychic talent skill, can you use it?

It's time to try it out!

Slowly backed away from Su Wanqing's arms, Qin Xiaobai nodded at her with a serious face.

After seeing his appearance, Su Wanqing's expression froze for a moment, then slowly asked, "Xiao Bai, can you understand what I said?"

Grass the grass!

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai hurriedly shook his head at her, if this silly girl knew that he could understand her, would that be okay?


Su Wanqing's little fist will definitely give her a bang!

"Xiao Bai, even though you are involved this time, I really can't bear it." Seeing Qin Xiaobai shaking her head, Su Wanqing sighed, and continued:

"I originally planned to give you away, but I can't bear to think about it. If you really encounter danger in the extreme west, don't worry about me, just run first..."

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai glared at her a few times with a pair of dog eyes, and one front paw was slightly raised, almost calling it directly on Su Wanqing's face.

What nonsense is this!

Although as a purebred husky, there is a trace of ancestral cowardly genes in its natural blood, but it is not too cowardly, even if her own woman is in danger, just run away?

Maybe other Erhas will do this, but Qin Xiaobai thinks that he is not so cowardly.

After making this decision, Su Wanqing simply packed her luggage, and then prepared to go to the live broadcast room to greet those fans and say goodbye by the way.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Su Wanqing appeared in the live broadcast room.

Even though she has recovered a lot and put on a light makeup on her face, some sharp-eyed fans still see some clues.

"Anchor, I don't seem to be in the right mood today, why do I feel like I cried..."

"I'm going, it seems like this is the case, wouldn't it be lovelorn?"

"Don't say it, eight million dog slaughter warriors, pick up the knives in your hands, and follow me to the magic capital to cut the dog emperor!"

"Brother, can you figure out the situation before you decide whether to kill the dog..."

"Who else could it be? It's definitely a dog king! Bah, I misread him. Sure enough, no rich man is a good thing!"

"Upstairs, you are a bit too much! I used to shout women's clothes every day and want to marry the dog emperor. If he really dumps the anchor, your chance should come..."

"What happened? Why can't I understand it? Have you discovered a new way to drive, wait for me, I'm going to get in the car..."


Looking at the barrages posted by fans in the live broadcast room, Su Wanqing was speechless for a while, not knowing how to explain to these lovely fans.

After being silent for a long time, Su Wanqing suddenly stood up, bowed deeply to the live broadcast camera, and said, "Sorry fans, I may not be able to continue the live broadcast for a while. …”

"Hold the grass! The anchor, are you really fake? Don't scare us, everyone is watching your live game for dinner, what will we do if you don't live broadcast?"

"The anchor must be joking? I'll give you a super rocket, please take back what you just said!"

"Anchor, if you don't broadcast live, I can lie in the coffin in peace in the future, and I don't have to take off my pants every day..."

"Big brother upstairs, you are too much! Shouldn't this be the time to come out and ask why? Why are you still thinking about taking off your pants?"

"Anchor, if you lose your love once, you won't stop broadcasting, right?"

Now, I'll reward you with the money you save!"

Su Wanqing shook her head helplessly, carefully glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and then said seriously:

"Sorry everyone, my father had an accident when he was doing research in the Far West! Now my mother is also ill because of this incident, so I plan to go to the Far West. land…"

After listening to Su Wanqing's explanation, the nervous fans in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief, and the screen was filled with barrage for a while.

"Anchor, I admire you for being a man! Not to mention, the two super rockets were saved by me eating instant noodles for a month, and I'll give you a reward!"

"Anchor, didn't Douyu have a wilderness challenge or held it in the extreme west?"

"Yes! Anchor, you don't have to stop broadcasting, even if you don't participate in the challenge, it's still okay to ask them to pick up a set of equipment, right?"

"Although it is said that the extreme west is dangerous, no one can tell exactly where the danger is. Come on anchor, I support you!"

"Anchor, please bring your husky this time. If he is there, there should be no big problem to protect your safety."

"That's right! Don't the anchors have a super invincible husky? Take it with you to the extreme west. It's probably another show about finding your father and traveling?"

"Come on, it's open! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks and guess whether there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Far West..."

"I'll go! Can you open this too? Won't your conscience hurt?"


Qin Xiaobai is staring at the barrage, but he thinks what these fans are saying makes sense. Even if he really wants to go to the extreme west, there is no need to stop the broadcast. In his capacity, it is still possible to go to the Douyu official and ask for a special set of live broadcast equipment...

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