Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 183: Strange giant fish bone (three more!)

"Miss Su, I'm really sorry, Douyu entrusted me to send you here, the rest of the itinerary is up to you, I wish you good luck..."

The middle-aged man waited until the helicopter landed, looked back at Su Wanqing, and said apologetically.

"It's alright, thank you, uncle!"

Su Wanqing glanced at him and replied gratefully. Then dragged the suitcase and took Qin Xiaobai down from the helicopter.

The middle-aged man nodded at her, without any thought of staying, he raised the helicopter again and disappeared above the snow-capped mountains.

After watching him leave, Su Wanqing put down the suitcase, glanced around, and said softly to Qin Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, we can only rely on the two of us! Sister will definitely protect Good to you!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't take her words to heart at all. He said the same thing before going to the deserted island last time. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid Su Wanqing would be the same as Liu Zhuangshi. The first day Can't stand it anymore.

The edge of the extreme west is a wasteland that cannot be seen at a glance, and the vegetation is not very lush. Far.

Under their feet is a piece of soft ground caused by melting snow, with seven or eight shallow or deep footprints leading to the distance.

"This should be what Dad and the others left..."

Su Wanqing squatted down to check the footprints, looked in the direction of the footprints, and muttered to herself.

After a while, Su Wanqing glanced at the suitcase beside her, and finally realized that she had made a serious mistake. With such a large suitcase, if she was not exhausted, she would leave in one day. Not too far.

No way!

In the end, Su Wanqing had to reluctantly leave behind, some insignificant things, only a few sets of clothes and some food. After looking up at the sky, he said to Qin Xiaobai who was beside him:

"Xiao Bai, let's go!"

Qin Xiaobai's eyes were drawn back from afar, and after glancing at Su Wanqing, he shook his head and followed her footsteps.

There was nothing special about the journey at the beginning of the period, but after walking for more than two hours, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing were both stunned by the sight in front of them.

Not far from them, there were several corpses scattered like fish bones.

If it were just a few ordinary fish bones, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing would not be so surprised, but these few fish bones are too... big!

Each one is at least three or four meters long, and the longest one can even reach more than five meters by visual inspection.

Qin Xiaobai walked in and took a look, and quickly confirmed that these fish bones were not ancient fossils.

The scene was captured on live broadcast and sparked a heated discussion among fans.

"Anchor, come closer, don't you find the fossils of ancient fish?"

"This completely subverts what I learned in biology class! Aren't fish supposed to live in water? How can they die in the wasteland?"

"Damn it! Such a big fish bone, this special sight is too scary? It seems to be longer than the three anchors combined..."

"Is this an ocean before?"

"Oh my god! Seeing such a big fish bone, I am sure now that there must be dinosaurs in the extreme west, the kind that are several hundred meters long..."

"I have heard of the giant jellyfish, which can reach three or four meters in size. Is this the skeleton of the jellyfish?"

"Why do I feel a little spooky and scary! With such a big fish bone, I guess I'm going to have nightmares at night..."

"Don't care what it is, you are not curious, why is it here? Where did it come from?"


To be honest, after seeing these huge fish bones, Su Wanqing was also surprised for a long time, and she couldn't understand why such fish bones appeared here.

This is not scientific!

Beside those few fish bones, after staying for a while, Su Wanqing took Qin Xiaobai on the road again.

At this time, it was at least thirty kilometers away from where Su Wanqing and the others set off. Except for the few fish bones found before, it seems that nothing special has been found.

The sky gradually darkened, and the footprints on the ground were already difficult to see due to the sky.

Su Wanqing had to stop temporarily and said to Qin Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, let's rest here tonight!"

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai naturally has no opinion. After such a long journey, he has long wanted to rest. Not because of tiredness, but because of laziness...

Su Wanqing put down the black backpack she was carrying, which contained the simple tent she bought in Tibetan City. Then she was nearby again, found some hay, spread it on the ground, and supported the simple tent on it.

Then Su Wanqing took out some of the dry food she was carrying and distributed it to Qin Xiaobai. When the fans in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they suddenly felt a little sad for her.

"Seeing the anchor drinking mineral water and eating biscuits, I suddenly feel a little sad!"

"Why should such a beautiful girl suffer this kind of crime? Come back and marry the dog emperor honestly, isn't it bad to be a rich wife?"

"It's like you can afford mineral water and biscuits. Are you too swollen? Has the soil been bad recently?"

"Hold the grass! That's what I said, trembling, I dare not say more!"

"This is not the point, okay? I want to know now, the anchor will not sleep here at night, right? It seems to be quite scary..."

"Fuck! Did something just... pass over the anchor's tent?"

"Fuck! It's not that I'm dazzled, did you find it too?"

"Fuck! It's true, I thought I was wrong!"

"What the **** did you see? I'm really confused! And I'm really panicked..."




"What are you talking about? What did you see just now?"

"Right? I'm also a little curious, I just drank water, did I miss something?"

"Anchor... run, there are ghosts!"

"And there seems to be more than one..."

"These things must be targeting the anchor!"

Su Wanqing was eating and communicating with the fans in the live broadcast room. After seeing the barrage behind, she thought they were joking.

But when she found Qin Xiaobai next to her and suddenly jumped out of the tent, she finally realized what might have happened. He quickly put down the biscuits and water in his hand, and followed him out...

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