Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 191: Anchor, run... (One more!)

Waking up in the morning, Su Wanqing found that Qin Xiaobai's claws were still on her body, she couldn't help but fondly patted his head, and said softly, "Xiaobai, you are so sweet. All right…"

These words definitely came from her heart. After Qin Xiaobai's massage, the pain in her body that night finally dissipated, and the new day was full of vitality.

Because Su Wanqing forgot to turn off the device last night, the fans in the live broadcast room early in the morning heard her words from the tent, and many people were bored. Fans began to talk again .

"Anchor, it's great that you survived another day!"

"Has the topic of yesterday passed? What happened to the host, I'm still curious..."

"What can happen to one person and one dog? Can you beasts be normal?"

"I'm finally entering the forest of horrors today. I'm really looking forward to what I can encounter in it. I hope the anchor is still alive!"

"Don't worry, with that Erha, the anchor can't cool!"


After a while, Su Wanqing came out of the tent, and after tidying up her messy hair, she began to pack her belongings.

"Xiao Bai, I can only eat compressed biscuits today, we must find the traces of father and the others as soon as possible..." After finishing the things, Su Wanqing took out a biscuit from her backpack and handed it to Qin Xiao Bai, and then said.

For these compressed biscuits, Qin Xiaobai just glanced at them and didn't plan to eat them. It's dry, it really makes him unable to get the slightest appetite.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai is going to hunt some small animals in the next forest, and then let Su Wanqing roast them before eating.

"Xiao Bai, if you don't want to eat it, then I'll put it away..." Seeing Qin Xiaobai's indifference to these cookies, Su Wanqing shook her head helplessly, then walked to the periphery of the forest, carefully Check it out.

It didn't take long for her to discover some clues. The surrounding vegetation has been chopped down with knives, forming a narrow "road".

It should be his father's expedition team that passed by and stayed.

Su Wanqing is not stupid, she is still a student at school, but she does not know too much about some things in society, and she does not seem so smooth.

Therefore, in Qin Xiaobai's view, she is always a little silly. In fact, Su Wanqing's mind is much more delicate than Qin Xiaobai's, which can be seen from her being able to discover this path.

After Su Wanqing discovered this road, she took Qin Xiaobai along the road and walked into the forest.

Their progress is boring and tedious.

However, including Su Wanqing, Qin Xiaobai and the hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, their minds were all tense at the same time.

The lush foliage blocks the sunlight, and the forest looks a little gloomy and scary. The sounds of unknown birds and beasts that come from time to time will frighten the fans and Su Wanqing in the live broadcast room.

Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai followed that road again and continued to move forward for a few kilometers.


The next scene in front of them made them stunned.

As far as the field of vision can see, the entire forest trees were chopped off.

"This... how could this be!"

Su Wanqing looked at the scene in front of her and was surprised that she didn't know what to say.

Qin Xiaobai took a few steps forward, came to the root of a tree, carefully observed it, and suddenly he was full of doubts.

The fractures of these numbers are abnormally smooth, as if they were cut directly by someone with a knife.

But soon, Qin Xiaobai rejected the idea.

What's more, there are not only one or two trees here, he roughly estimated that there must be at least a thousand, or even more, which is simply not what human beings can do.

This bizarre scene also aroused enthusiastic discussion among fans of Su Wanqing's live broadcast room.

"I'm going, shouldn't I be bald and chased by Xiong Da Xiong Er? You came here to chop down trees?"

"How come this scene is a bit like the scene of the Tunguska explosion? It is said that a large virgin forest was destroyed during the exploration at that time..."

"Can the explosion leave such a flat fracture? Brother, it was burned..."

"This can't help but remind me of the Changbai Mountain UFO incident. The pictures circulating on the Internet at that time are exactly the same as the situation here..."

"Fuck! You say that, it's really possible. At that time, the picture was wildly circulated on the Internet for a while, but then I don't know what happened, and I can't find it again..."

"Anchor, run! There may be aliens ahead of you..."

"I'll go, the anchor will not be captured by the aliens and become Mrs. Yazhai?"

"Are you kidding me? Also aliens, wouldn't it be too nonsense?"


Su Wanqing frowned slightly, glanced at Qin Xiaobai, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Xiaobai, let's move on..."

No way, when we got here, all the clues left by the scientific expedition team have been completely broken.

Su Wanqing didn't dare to judge at this time whether her decision was correct, but there was no other way at the moment. A dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor...

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai has no opinion, he has already come here, and he will give up halfway when he goes back.

What's more, she won't be reconciled if she doesn't accompany the silly girl Su Wanqing.

After Su Wanqing chose the direction, she resolutely took Qin Xiaobai and continued to walk forward.

Because there were no trees and vines blocking them, their next journey was much easier.

But the smoother it went, the more uneasy Qin Xiaobai felt.

Following Su Wanqing all the way, Qin Xiaobai was already careful in his heart, and no wind blowing grass in the vicinity escaped his eyes.


Su Wanqing stopped, stared at a group of apprentices in front of her, and exclaimed: "Xiao Bai, come here quickly and see what's over there..."

Qin Xiaobai looked in the direction she was pointing, and suddenly she felt a chill behind her, and all the goose bumps appeared on her body...

In front of Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai, several huge pits appeared, like footprints left by some animals.

It's just that each one is a little bigger than Su Wanqing's body length.


These footprints seem to have just been left. The reason why I feel so sure is because the soil around the pit is full of moisture.

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