Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 194: giant! (Four more!)

When Qin Xiaobai rushed inside, Su Wanqing was already paralyzed on the ground, and the live broadcast equipment she was holding also fell to the ground, and seven or eight corpses were lying messily in front of her.

Without exception, they were all wearing blue-grey uniforms, exactly the same as the one Su Wanqing picked up at the door.

The death of these people is extremely tragic.

Most of the flesh and blood on her body seems to have been eaten by some animal. Beside the corpse, there were several guns scattered, and a lot of shell casings had been piled up on the ground.


Before these people died, they should have been attacked, and then they took out the guys to resist, but it seemed to have no effect. Apart from them, nothing else was left.

Qin Xiaobai walked up to Su Wanqing and confirmed that she was just frightened and not attacked, and her dangling heart was temporarily relieved.

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai's eyes turned straight ahead, and the thing that appeared in his field of vision made Qin Xiaobai stunned.

"This thing..."

Although Qin Xiaobai can only see one side of the thing in front of him, it suddenly gives him a very familiar feeling. It seems to be seen somewhere.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Xiaobai finally knew where this familiar illusion came from.

It's the drawing!

Qin Xiaobai had a two-star lottery before and got a stack of ordinary drawings. The things depicted in it were exactly the behemoth in front of him.

According to the drawings, the full name of this big guy should be called the second-level interstellar battleship. It has a flying speed far exceeding the speed of light, and is equipped with various powerful energy cannons.

With full firepower, it can even destroy an asteroid.

At that time, after Qin Xiaobai saw the blueprint, he thought that Brother System was joking. With Bluestar's technological level, it was impossible to build such a terrifying thing.

What's more, some materials are not only unheard of in Blue Star, but also unheard of on Earth in previous lives.

Though Qin Xiaobai was shocked at that time, he still kept the blueprint in the system warehouse, and he had no idea of ​​building it.

I didn’t expect that in the extreme west, there would be a complete second-level interstellar battleship…

Is it possible that Su Wanqing's father's scientific research team came for this interstellar battleship?

In fact, Qin Xiaobai's guess is close to the truth.

Although the Far West is known as a forbidden area for human life, the Blue Star countries have never given up their exploration here.

But the results are the same, all come and go. Most of them were destroyed by unknown creatures when they reached the outside of the Tiankeng.

Although there are not many people who can go here, there are thousands, and the bones at the door can explain everything.


Just as Qin Xiaobai fell into deep thought, the terrifying screams he heard outside the door suddenly rang again, and judging from the hearing, these things seemed to be not far from them place.

Qin Xiaobai's heart suddenly became vigilant, moved a few steps, and walked behind Su Wanqing.

Immediately in front of them, two purple lanterns the size of grinding discs suddenly lit up, and then the number became larger and larger.





The more Qin Xiaobai looked, the colder his back became and his scalp began to tingle. As they got closer, all the hairs on Qin Xiaobai's body stood up in an instant.

Where is this lantern, but a pair of huge eyes glowing with purple awns!


The eyes...

In addition, those terrifying screams came from the mouths of these guys.

This kind of creature has never been encountered by Qin Xiaobai, and even in the mythological novels of the previous life, there is no alien beast whose appearance is similar to these guys.

In addition, their bodies are flat and long, with a tail that is several meters long, and they have four legs.

Seriously, if it's just him, he'd definitely run away! My head is watted, so I will go all out with these guys!

But not now...

There is also a silly girl with a pale face.

What surprised Qin Xiaobai was that after those terrifying creatures found them, they all stopped when they approached about ten meters.

Not attacking them, just staring at them both with wide eyes curiously.

Time seems to suddenly stand still!

The surroundings were terrifyingly quiet, Qin Xiaobai could even hear Su Wanqing's breathing, and when he turned to look at her, kissing Xiaobai was immediately speechless.

This silly girl must have been extremely frightened and fainted...

In this situation, I can't even tell her to run away!

Suddenly, one of the giant beasts in front of them stretched out their front claws, aiming at Qin Xiaobai and the others.

"Damn it!"

Qin Xiaobai scolded in his heart, activated his shapeshifting skills, and then hugged Su Wanqing directly, dodging to the side.

The beasts seemed to be enraged when they missed.

The IQ of these giant beasts does not seem to be simple. In order to prevent them from escaping, they surrounded them directly, and the door behind them was blocked by several giant beasts.

It's too late to run...


His target was the second-class interstellar battleship, and there was an open hatch at the door.

If you can rush in, with the huge size of those giant beasts, there must be no way to take them...

At least temporarily safe!

Under the blessing of silent stealth and night bonus skills, Qin Xiaobai's figure is like a ghost, dodging left and right to avoid those who refused to accept it.

Good luck!

Although the attack power of those giant beasts is powerful, their speed seems to be a little slower than Qin Xiaobai, but it allows him to safely rush into the hatch.


Qin Xiaobai put down Su Wanqing, who was in a coma. In order to prevent her from waking up suddenly, she did not dare to continue to maintain the state of transformation, and returned to Erha's appearance.

Outside the cabin, the unwilling purple-eyed behemoth roared angrily, constantly hitting the appearance of the interstellar battleship.

Muffled muffled noises.




Just as Qin Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, a blue-gray figure appeared in the cabin...

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