Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 219: Doesn't look like a good guy! (Four more!)

Of course, Qin Xiaobai was just curious about the girl called Shen Wenwen around him, and had no special thoughts.

But he still can't figure it out, why does no one have any idea about her for such a beautiful girl?

I stared at her for a long time and saw that she kept her head down, nervous and at a loss, Qin Xiaobai wanted to laugh. Blood earned, basically no loss indefinitely!

At this time, Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt a burst of icy gaze, and out of the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of Su Wanqing, staring at him righteously.

After sticking out her tongue to her, Qin Xiaobai ignored her.

I planned to continue sleeping, but found that I was not sleepy at all.

So, I lay down on the table and began to study the vague handwriting left by the ancients.

On a good desk, a variety of handwriting was used to write down various small characters.

"Cheng Lina, I like you!"

"Whether you are by my side or in the sky, thinking of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable!"

"Every memory will grow old, but I hope you in the memory will always be well!"

"Civil Engineering Department Zhang Lei is here!"

“For a child, call 1583231XXXX!”

“We are looking for campus agents, please call 1812323XXXX for details!”


When Qin Xiaobai saw the handwriting left by these predecessors, he almost laughed out a pig.

The first few articles are quite normal. They should be left by some young literary and artistic young people.


This is too much!

Jingle Bell…

I don't know how long it took, and the bell finally rang. Qin Xiaobai admired himself very much, and he didn't sleep for ninety minutes.

The classroom soon became noisy and noisy, and many people packed up and prepared to leave the classroom.

Su Wanqing's movements belonged to the kind of dawdling, Qin Xiaobai glanced at her, and sat silently waiting for her in the seat.

Soon, the people in the classroom are almost gone.

After this time, Jiang Xue suddenly walked up to Su Wanqing and whispered to her: "Wanqing, your long vacation school has been approved, you must pay attention to safety outside and protect yourself."

"Thank you auntie!"

Su Wanqing said with some surprise.

"Don't thank me, by the way, why did you get so close to Qin Xiaobai? Stay away from him in the future, you don't look like a good person!" Jiang Xue glanced at Qin Xiaobai Bai, then reminded Su Wanqing.

"Pfft...he is indeed not a good person, but a scumbag!" Su Wanqing suddenly couldn't help laughing, then glanced at Qin Xiaobai and whispered.

Although Qin Xiaobai is at a distance from them, his hearing is much stronger than that of ordinary humans, so the conversation between the two can be heard clearly.

It was fine at the beginning, but I was speechless at the end.

How can these two women see that he is not a good man?

"That... classmate, can I trouble you to let me go?"

At this time, beside Qin Xiaobai, he thought of a mosquito-like voice.


Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glanced and found that Shen Wenwen was still blocked by him, so he stood up and picked up the mobile phone she put on the textbook.

Grabbed her hand, unlocked it with her fingerprint, and then added her own WeChat.

Shen Wenwen was frightened by him, and stared at Qin Xiaobai for a while, without making any move of refusal.

"This is my WeChat!"

After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he returned the phone to her, and then made way.

Shen Wenwen took over the mobile phone, picked up the mobile phone, lowered her head and blushed, and quickly left the classroom, no different from a cat running for her life.

"Don't I look like a good person?" Qin Xiaobai muttered to himself and said something.

At this time, Su Wanqing and Jiang Xue also finished talking, but she didn't care about Jiang Xue's reminder at all, turned around and came to Qin Xiaobai, and asked him: "Qin Xiaobai, can you leave? Walk?"


Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing also left the classroom.

When the two were about to reach the school gate, Su Wanqing took the lead and said, "That... Qin Xiaobai, I may not come to school for a while!"


Qin Xiaobai nodded and answered, he had heard the news just now.

"Aren't you asking me what to do?" Su Wanqing looked at her angrily and asked.

"What are you asking, don't you just go to a..."

Qin Xiaobai was halfway through speaking, but he suddenly stood up, cursed inwardly, and then glanced at Su Wanqing nervously.

"How did you know that I was going to participate in "Longing"?" Su Wanqing suddenly felt a little strange, but soon she seemed to think of something, and asked with a smile: "It must be Sister Xiaoguo who told you Right? Are you secretly playing games behind my back?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

However, if Su Wanqing thinks this way, it will save him the trouble of explaining.

A lot of words will be lost...

If it goes on like this, sooner or later, one day, this silly girl has to be caught by something!

" By the way, I'm the Shen Wenwen next to me today, do you know her?" In order to prevent Su Wanqing from asking anything, Qin Xiaobai had to change the subject and asked about something that was not very relevant.

"Why do you remember asking her?" Su Wanqing gave Qin Xiaobai a vigilant look and asked.

"Nothing, I just think that girl seems a little different..."

"Do you like her?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Qin Xiaobai is really speechless, a woman's intuition is really terrible...

"Sister, what do you think? I just met her for the first time today, and I didn't say a word, how can I like her? "Qin Xiaobai gave her a blank look, explained.

" That's true, I don't know much about Shen Wenwen." Su Wanqing thought for a while, then said:

"But I heard people say before, she seems to be miserable, she is the only one left in the family, and her personality is a bit autistic, anyway, she is not very gregarious..."

Qin Xiaobai nodded and did not continue to ask. For some reason, he suddenly felt a trace of sympathy for this girl named Shen Wenwen.

After Qin Xiaobai crossed into this world, he was almost a person.

However, he is a little better than Shen Wenwen, and at least there is Su Wanqing by his side.

"Qin Xiaobai, are you coming to study at night?" Su Wanqing suddenly glanced at Qin Xiaobai and asked.


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