Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 221: It hit the muzzle again, this time it was completely cold! (one more)

"Longing" is a large-scale star variety show on Orange TV. It is very well-known throughout the empire. The fans in the live broadcast room heard that Su Wanqing was going to participate, and they were happy and suddenly worried for her stand up.

"Anchor, are you sure you want to bring your Erha with you?"

"Why do I have a bad premonition, that Erha will be beaten to death by the show team..."

"I seem to see the picture of the mushroom house being demolished!"

"You guys underestimate the anchor's Erha. I think the hills near the mushroom house will be demolished by it!"

"Come, come, it's open! A pack of spicy sticks, bet the anchor's Erha will tear down the house in the next few days!"

"After understanding Mr. Huang's cooking skills, I feel that if the anchor's Erha dares to show again, it will definitely be made into a whole dog feast!"


Qin Xiaobai glanced at the bullet screen on the screen, and was suddenly speechless. These audiences were worried that he would dismantle the program group...

Su Wanqing watched the bullet screen, touched Qin Xiaobai's dog's head a few times, and said to the camera with a smile: "My Xiaobai has been super good lately, and he will definitely not dismantle the props of the show group. , you worry too much!"

After she said what she said, the audience in the live broadcast room still didn't believe it, not because they suspected Su Wanqing was lying, but because they didn't believe Qin Xiaobai would be so honest.

After chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room for a while about the "Longing" program, Xiao Tuantuan suddenly came to the live broadcast room, gave her a super rocket, and then asked:

"Wan Qing, are you coming to play games? I'll wait for you..."

Seeing Xiao Tuantuan's online broadcast so early in the morning, I felt a little strange, so I couldn't help but ask: "Sister Tuanzi, why did the broadcast start so early today? Don't you have a double row with Chen Digou? "

"Don't ask, that dead straight man, scumbag, he's so mad at him, don't play with him anymore, Wanqing, let's go in a row..." Xiao Tuantuan seemed to have a problem with Chen Death The dog is very opinionated and can't be angry.

When she heard the words straight man and scumbag, Su Wanqing deeply sympathized with her, she could feel the despair in Xiao Tuantuan's heart.


Because Su Wanqing also has such a guy by her side.

"Sister Tuanzi, I can understand how you feel. Today, our sisters are in a double row, let those straight men die..." Su Wanqing comforted Xiao Tuantuan.

They seem to have found a common topic.

After listening to the accusations of the two, Qin Xiaobai felt a little hairy, so he simply slipped out of Su Wanqing's room and went back to his sofa to lie down.

Because he sleeps for a long time during the day, he is not sleepy now, so he put on a black technology collar and boarded the Huya live broadcast platform.

He originally planned to go to Yang Mengxin's live broadcast room to investigate what happened the day before yesterday and whether it had anything to do with her, but when he clicked into the live broadcast room, something unexpected happened to Qin Xiaobai.

In the middle of Yang Mengxin's live broadcast room, there is a row of striking red characters: The live broadcast content violates the rules and is being rectified within a time limit.

After seeing this string of words, Qin Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and silently clicked to exit.

This can be regarded as a retribution...

Qin Xiaobai wandered around for a while, and originally planned to quit, but a strange thing caught his attention.

Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room was ranked seventh in terms of popularity.

Look at the number of online viewers, there are hundreds of thousands!

This is obviously a problem...

With a hint of doubt, Qin Xiaobai clicked into Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room.

Soon, Qin Xiaobai saw a very familiar scene, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai finally remembered.

"This guy hasn't been banned yet..."

Qin Xiaobai muttered to himself while looking at the screen full of barrage.

The current situation is exactly the same as Li Xiaomeng's live broadcast room. The head of Huya, with a large number of fans, came to Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room to make rounds.

"Anchor, live endorsement? New here, you can't get up like this, do you want to join our big brother's harem group, we will give you gifts every day..."

"Hey! Seriously, this little loli looks delicious, big brother has a good eye!"

"Anchor, how do you think about it, do you want to join our elder brother's harem group?"

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law!"

"Today is an auspicious day, let's just get married..."


Since the last time, the head of Huya, was beaten by Qin Xiaobai in the Douyu Li Xiaomeng live broadcast room. The amount of the contract has also changed from five million a year to one million a year.

It can be said to be extremely miserable. Now I'm so poor that I can't even pay the mortgage.

But he also learned to be smart.

I didn't dare to go to other platforms, so I broadcast live rounds on Huya, and they chose the kind of anchors who just started broadcasting.

In this way, it can satisfy the group of wicked fans, and it will not provoke big people. It can be said to be extremely safe.

This is also officially the case. After more than a month of accumulation, although his fans have not recovered to the previous level, they are almost the same.

At this moment, Tang Xiaorou looked at the barrage on the screen and felt her scalp tingle.

It has only been more than a month since her live broadcast, except that she was rectified by Qin Xiaobai a few times before, she has never encountered any sinister things, so she is facing the situation of more than 100,000 people , was a little stunned.

Her popularity in the live broadcast room is not high, after all, not many people watch the live broadcast endorsement.

Some of the barrages supporting her were quickly overwhelmed by the dense barrage of fans of the head of Huya.

Tang Xiaorou's chubby little face showed a hint of helplessness, and said to the live broadcast camera: "Brother, don't bring people here to make trouble, I don't have a few people here, you do it like this , no one watched my live broadcast..."

"Isn't it alright if no one sees it? My brothers, who come to cheer you on every day, don't you have to worry about popularity? If they are in a good mood, they might even give you a reward! How about, consider joining my harem group?"

The head of Huya typed and asked.

When Tang Xiaorou saw the barrage, she was speechless, her chest heaving violently, her fleshy little face flushed with anger.

Just when Tang Xiaorou was about to collapse, she suddenly saw a colorful barrage appear on the screen.

"Someone came to your live broadcast room to make trouble?" Qin Xiaobai asked by typing.

When Tang Xiaorou saw this series of subtitles, her face suddenly became happy, and she quickly said to the camera: "Dad, why are you here? It's nothing major, don't worry about it..."

"I'm still stubborn. Forget it, I'll talk to Huya and see if I can block this garbage anchor! Send me a screenshot of the barrage..." Qin Xiaobai typed and said.

After his remarks, the head of Huya and his fans were directly bombarded, and they responded with bullet screens.

"Fuck! Where's the idiot, didn't you wake up yesterday?"

"Haha, are you living in a dream? Huya will seal our eldest brother's live broadcast room?"

"Come, come, let me see how this idiot made Huya block our big brother's live broadcast room..."

"Fuck, I've seen someone pretending to be forceful, but never seen such a crazy person. Think of yourself as the boss of Huya?"

"Grandson, if we don't close our eldest brother's live broadcast room today, you will live and chop JJ, dare you?"


Faced with the ridicule of the head of Huya, Qin Xiaobai did not intend to pay any attention to them, but directly contacted several people in the friend list.

Like Douyu, these people are also senior management of Huya.

Qin Xiaobai's account, but once recharged 2 billion gold coins, which is equivalent to 2 billion soft sister coins, such a Shenhao customer can even get the attention of the chairman of the group .

Therefore, after Qin Xiaobai sent a few screenshots to them, he demanded that the live broadcast room of Head Huya be closed immediately. These people didn't even hesitate at all, and asked them to do the same.

The 2 billion major customers, compared with an illegal anchor who relies on Huya for food, naturally do not have to consider what is more important.

As long as the management of Huya has no brains, they should do this.

Five minutes later, the head of Huya saw a black screen in his live broadcast room with a string of striking characters lit up in the middle, and the whole person collapsed!

Is it hitting the gun again?

"The content of the live broadcast is vulgar and affects the normal live broadcast of others. The live broadcast room will be permanently suspended!"

Looking at this eye-catching reminder, the head of Huya is almost crying, but this time it is completely cold...

In Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room, the fans of the head of Huya, who were making trouble, saw that the avatar of the big brother was directly black, and they were also immediately stunned!

Tang Xiaorou's few fans in her live broadcast room were secretly surprised when they saw this scene.

"Fuck! Blame the boss Niu X~ (broken sound!

"The emperor's method is similar to the dog emperor of Douyu..."

"I'm going, a million-fan-level anchor, just because of one sentence, was directly and permanently banned? Is it so ruthless..."

"Don't say anything, please take my knee!"

"Anchor, why don't you come out and show your admiration for your father?"

"Although the anchor is cute and cute, I think the emperor should like to watch it more. She recites Tang poetry and Song poetry all day and night? Hehe..."

"Yes, anchor! Five hundred Tang poems and three hundred Song poems, let's go..."

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