Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 233: So angry! The suspected car has no basis... (Three shifts!)

"Lao He, Peng Peng, Wanqing, and you guys, don't clean up, hurry into the house and take a look..." After seeing the busy people, Mr. Huang pointed with a smile Pointing to the inside of the small building, he reminded.

Afterwards, several people followed Fang Dao and walked into the wooden building.


After the picture in front of them came into view, everyone took a breath at the same time, and their mentality collapsed...

The horror is not enough to describe the scene that several people saw.

It was like a catastrophe.

The pots and pans were scattered on the ground, and the tables, chairs and benches fell apart.

The most extreme thing is that only half of the stairs leading to the second floor are left in the air, and the doors of the rooms downstairs have been demolished several times…

Fans of the live broadcast room, following the camera, after seeing this scene, they forgot to post the barrage for a while, and after a long time, the live broadcast room appeared densely packed with subtitles.

"Fuck! What happened? Did a thief come in?"

"Obviously not, it should be those two Shiba Inu who were wildly beastly and demolished the house..."

"Brother, I suspect that you are insulting my IQ! Can the stairs and doors be removed by Shiba Inu?"

"Is it so good? Don't you see the underwear in the yard outside?"

"This picture is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

"It's definitely not the Shiba Inu, it's the anchor's Erha. Mom, he's starting to show..."

"Obviously it's not good? Although I also have this idea, but the anchor's Erha has been breaking corn in the corn field for an afternoon..."


At this moment, no one was more panicked than Su Wanqing. Judging from the method of committing the crime, it was clear that her family's Xiaobai did it. It was exactly the same as when her parents' house was demolished at that time.

When everyone was not paying attention, Su Wanqing squatted down gently and whispered into Qin Xiaobai's ear: "Xiaobai, are you daring, it's okay to say it, sister won't what about you..."

As soon as Qin Xiaobai heard Su Wanqing's tone, he felt a chill in his crotch, and he said that he wouldn't do anything to himself after all?

Who would believe it!


When one sees it, one knows that he must have suffered a great grievance.

Su Wanqing was speechless when she saw it, it was clearly Xiaobai who did it, and she pretended to be ignorant, wronged and hurt...

"In my opinion, this shouldn't be done by Xiao H and Xiao O. Their abilities are limited. To say that this Erha demolished the home is somewhat possible!"

Mr. Huang touched his chin, glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and said with a serious expression.

"I'm going! No wonder everyone calls Mr. Huang the old fox. It's really obvious at a glance..." Qin Xiaobai was shocked when he heard this, and sighed.

But even if he deduces it, so what?

Is there any evidence?

Su Wanqing was thinking about whether to stand up, admit it directly, apologize to everyone, and compensate for the loss.

Suddenly seeing Yang Xiaoyue come out, he said:

"Mr. Huang, this is what you wish for Xiaobai from Wanqing's house, obviously everyone has seen that it was Xiao H and Xiao O who did it. Xiaobai was in the ground in the afternoon, help us Harvest corn!"

"That's right, I can testify!"

Meng Xiaoqi and Wu Xiaoyi also echoed.

"Mr. Huang, you may have guessed wrong this time. I also saw Xiaobai from Wanqing's house in the afternoon, breaking corn in the cornfield. If you don't believe me, ask Lao Fang."

Mr. He also stood up and made a relief.

Although Dao Fang was also a little skeptical, after hearing Mr. He's words, he remembered that Erha was transporting corn back and forth during the afternoon shooting. This is something he saw with his own eyes...

Therefore, the husky of Su Wanqing's family has no time and is unlikely to commit crimes in the mushroom house.

So I had to open my mouth to defend Erha, saying: "Old Huang, I think you are really blaming Wanqing Xiaobai, he was under my eyelids in the afternoon, it really couldn't be him. made…"

"I'm just guessing, it doesn't mean that it must be Xiaobai!" Teacher Huang smiled awkwardly, and then continued to Peng Peng:

"Peng Peng, hurry up and lock up Xiao H and Xiao O, otherwise we will make a big mess again later. Don't rest for the rest, let's clean up..."

The house demolition incident was indeed as Qin Xiaobai had imagined. Although some people suspected him, he was unable to find any evidence and there was no way. In the end, Xiao H perfectly took the blame .

After hearing everyone's reaction, Su Wanqing was full of contradictions, hesitating whether to stand up and say that her family Xiaobai did this.

After hesitating for a long time, she still held back. After Xiao H and Xiao O were scolded by everyone, they did not receive any major punishment.

Only since then their freedom has been restricted and they have been kept in cages.

Secondly, things developed to this point, even if she stood up and said it was Xiaobai, no one would believe her...

So, she could only follow behind everyone, desperately helping to clean up, to express her guilt, and occasionally raised her head and glared at Qin Xiaobai.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai didn't care at all, but instead showed a funny expression.

Although the yearning program group did not pursue this matter, but the fans in the live broadcast room began to be possessed by Conan one after another, and began to post a barrage, discussing the culprit.

"Based on my more than ten years of experience in handling cases, if it wasn't for this Erha, I would have run 3,000 kilometers on live broadcast..."

"Say me too! Do you have any evidence? Brother..."

"What evidence do you need? Don't the stairs and the doors still explain the problem? Do you want a DNA test and fingerprint comparison?"

"Brother, you think too much, the dog has a fingerprint of wool?"

"So angry! It's obviously that Erha who did it, but there is no evidence, Xiao H and Xiao O took the blame for him!"

"According to my family's Erha's experience of demolishing the house, this is indeed Erha's doing, but unfortunately I can't find any evidence, I can only blame the anchor's Erha for being too smart, not like This one in my family is caught every time!"

"Stop talking about this, thinking that these beauties are going to sleep on the floor tonight, I kind of want to take off my pants!"


At this time, Qin Xiaobai opened his attribute panel with a serious face, ready to start an exciting ten consecutive lottery draws.

This is the ten Samsung lottery chances he has saved with great difficulty, and he is looking forward to what he can draw...

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