Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 243: Will you suddenly remember one day... (two more!)

Reward: Evolution point +1000, Samsung lottery times +4. 】

Qin Xiaobai rubbed his eyes and studied it carefully.


That's right.

It's just cleaning once, then giving 1,000 evolution points, and then 4 times of lottery.

At one point, Qin Xiaobai felt that the system brother might have drank too much fake wine at dinner, causing his brain to be a little confused.

The evolution point of the reward has an extra zero.

Faced with this kind of task of sending warmth, Qin Xiaobai was a little rejected at first.


Who do you look down on…

"System brother, please send more missions like this in the future, especially difficult and rewarding missions, hehe!"

In the end, Qin Xiaobai smiled and accepted such a task calmly.

But don't say it, it's not because the system brother reminded him, he really forgot that he still has such a villa...

It's just a tiring job like cleaning, Qin Xiaobai will definitely not do it himself, and it is most suitable to leave it to Su Wanqing, who is a bit clean.


Such a beautiful girl, cleaning to the point of collapse, should be very exciting, right?

Qin Xiaobai thought of this, and the dog's mouth grinned unconsciously.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Qin Xiaobai was woken up by an alarm bell.

Since there were four classes this morning, Su Wanqing played games too late last night, she was worried that she would not be able to get up, so she set an alarm clock.

Qin Xiaobai shook his head helplessly when he saw Su Wanqing walking into the bathroom like a dead body.

What time did this silly girl play last night, is she not afraid of sudden death?

Fortunately, after she finished grooming, she regained the vitality of a beautiful girl, and Qin Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaobai, my sister has four classes in the morning, you stay at home and don't go out, there may be guests at noon, and I will cook something for you at that time. My sister is especially good at cooking now... "

Before leaving, Su Wanqing came to Qin Xiaobai, touched his head, and explained.

As for the guest Su Wanqing said, Qin Xiaobai guessed for a long time, and didn't know who it would be, so he didn't think about it further, blindfolded, and continued to sleep.

Going to class so early will kill him?

Besides, he has been on leave for several days anyway, so it's not a big problem if he doesn't go.

After half an hour, Su Wanqing walked into the classroom, and after looking around, she suddenly felt a little lost.

Qin Xiaobai's familiar voice and shadow, but did not see it.

At first, she thought Qin Xiaobai would be late, but what she didn't expect was that he didn't show up for four classes in the morning.

In the whole morning, Su Wanqing became a little restless in class. I kept thinking about where Qin Xiaobai went...

After she finally got through to the noon get out of class, she immediately picked up the phone and called Qin Xiaobai.

Qin Xiaobai, who was sleeping at home, remembered the phone in the system warehouse. After hesitating for a while, he turned into a human and answered the phone.

"Hey, Qin Xiaobai, why didn't you come to class for a day? Did something happen?"

On the phone, Su Wanqing's voice was a little worried and asked with concern.

Qin Xiaobai naturally couldn't tell her that she slept at home all morning, originally intended to find a reason to prevaricate, but if she wanted to ask Su Wanqing to help with the cleaning, her tone became more polite , replied:

"I have something to do in the morning, I'm asking for leave! By the way, are you free in the afternoon? Do me a favor..."

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's answer, Su Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Tell me, I just missed class this afternoon."

"I seem to remember that I have a house that I haven't lived in for a long time. I might need to clean it up, so I want to ask you a favor." Qin Xiaobai replied.

You seem to remember a house?

Listen to what people say?

This guy doesn't have too many houses, and suddenly he thinks that there is a set somewhere...

Although there were many doubts in her heart, Su Wanqing couldn't help it and replied, "Okay, I see, no problem!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Isn’t this silly girl too simple to agree to?

"Okay then, I'll wait for you at the gate of your community, and go to the Lanshan Hotel for dinner at noon..."

After Qin Xiaobai said this, he hung up the phone and walked towards the gate of the community.

Su Wanqing on the other side of the phone suddenly looked a little disappointed. She originally planned to invite Qin Xiaobai to the rented house for dinner at noon, and show her cooking skills by the way...

A few minutes later, Su Wanqing was at the gate of the community and saw Qin Xiaobai's handsome face, the loss in her heart was swept away, and she walked towards him with joy.

"It's so early!" Su Wanqing greeted with a smile and asked.

"It's getting late, let's go..."

Qin Xiaobai didn't intend to waste time and said directly.

After hearing what he said, Su Wanqing nodded, hummed softly, then followed behind him and walked to the side of the road.

After half a day, Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai with some doubts, her beautiful eyes blinked a few times, and asked in a daze: "That...are we waiting for others here?"

Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at her, or because Su Wanqing promised to help him clean up the house, he really wanted to punch her directly.

"Waiting for a taxi, are you planning to walk there?" Qin Xiaobai asked angrily.

Su Wanqing: "???"

Although she was frightened by Qin Xiaobai's tone, she pointed to a Cullinan not far away and asked, "Is that your car? The license plate number seems to be yours. ah..."

Actually, the car had been parked there for a long time, and Su Wanqing could see it every time she went to school.

Although she also doubted why Qin Xiaobai parked her car downstairs in her community, now that she thinks about it, she understands a little bit.

This guy can forget he owns a house.

It doesn't seem strange to forget a car...

"Hey! Qin Xiaobai, you say that you have a memory, do you suddenly remember that you were married and not only had a daughter-in-law, but also several children?" Su Wanqing thought After a while, he looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked with a smile.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

"I didn't bring a key, where should you have a key? Go back and get it..." Qin Xiaobai glared at her, then said to Su Wanqing.

"Okay, do you want to wait for me for a while, or go to my house?" After walking for a while, Su Wanqing looked back at Qin Xiaobai and asked.


Qin Xiaobai decisively refused, he just got down from the top and ran up again, isn't he sick?

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