Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 247: Don't say it, where's my knife? ! (One more!)

After Qin Xiaobai said those words, he really left Su Wanqing in the villa of Shanshui Real Estate.

Originally, he planned to let Su Wanqing accompany him to have dinner at a nearby restaurant, but considering that she was broadcasting live, he did not speak.

Su Wanqing stared blankly at the back of him leaving, her face confused.

"Is this really gone?"

After half a day, she muttered to herself, her fair face turned red with anger.

The fans in the live broadcast room also posted a barrage, feeling aggrieved for her.

"Fuck! Anchor, hurry up and green the dog emperor, straight men of steel don't deserve love, okay?"

"This Nima! I guess the anchor's face must be black now..."

"Anchor, it's a miracle that people like Dog Huang can live to this day without being beaten to death by the anchor."

"For people like Mao Huang, who can find such a beautiful girlfriend. Well, I admit, I forget..."

"Damn, I've smoked a pack of cigarettes, and I still haven't figured out why I'm so warm and always get a good card from women..."

"Because of handsomeness and money, if you want such a villa, you can find someone to clean it for you!"

"Anchor, go to Huya, the Emperor is also good, consider..."

"Anchor, go home and bring your Erha, and demolish the Gouhuang's villa!"

To be honest, Su Wanqing is indeed a little aggrieved now.

Who is this...

However, after thinking for a while, a faint smile appeared on her face, as if she suddenly wanted to understand something.

Qin Xiaobai, it should be good to train him.

At least you don't have to worry about him going out and messing with flowers. After all, with his character, he will definitely not take the initiative to hook up with other women.

And besides her, no one should be able to stand his character...

However, what Su Wanqing did not expect, Qin Xiaobai would not take the initiative to provoke other women, but with his looks and worth, can he guarantee that other women will not push him back?

After Qin Xiaobai came out of the villa, thinking of Su Wanqing's expression just now, the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a smile.

Su Wanqing's angry expression seems to be a little more interesting than when she laughs...

It looks so exciting!

Originally, Qin Xiaobai planned to drive to the Lanshan Hotel for dinner, but thinking that Su Wanqing was the same as him, he didn't have time to eat lunch, so he gave up the idea of ​​going to the Lanshan Hotel.

I ordered a few dishes directly at a nearby restaurant.

After eating, I glanced at the transformation time, there were still about 40 minutes, so I packed one.

The silly girl Su Wanqing worked for him all afternoon.

You can't let her go home empty stomach.

The most important thing is that Qin Xiaobai prefers to have some meat. If Su Wanqing loses weight, she may become the type of Xiaoguo...

If you really want that, the one who loses the most can be Qin Xiaobai!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai carried the packaged meals and returned to the Shanshui villa.

At this time.

Su Wanqing has almost cleaned up the upstairs, and is wiping the handrail of the stairs while broadcasting live.

I heard the sound of the door being pushed open and looked back.

"You...Aren't you gone? Why are you back..." Looking at Qin Xiaobai who walked in, Su Wanqing glared at him and asked angrily.

"I'm afraid you're hungry, come here today, and drive me back after dinner."

Qin Xiaobai put the packaged meal on the sofa in the living room, then glanced at her and said lightly.

At this moment, Su Wanqing was stunned.

Looking at Qin Xiaobai's good-looking face, he didn't know what to say for a while, and the previous anger disappeared instantly.

"What are you doing? Go wash your hands and eat!"

When Qin Xiaobai saw her expression, he rolled her eyes at her and shouted at her.

"Um...what are you talking so loudly for..."

Su Wanqing came back to her senses, put down the rag in her hand, muttered softly, and then walked into the bathroom.

The fans in the live broadcast room heard Qin Xiaobai's shouts and started to post barrage again, feeling aggrieved for Su Wanqing.

"I can't take it anymore! Don't stop me from any of you. Today I'm going to find the dog emperor desperately..."

"That's right, can't you speak well? Why are you yelling at my goddess!"

"Stop talking! I've kicked off the coffin board, and now I'm going to drag the dog back and nail it inside!"

"It's better to leave such a professional thing to our professional team, brothers play music..."

"I was like taking off my pants quietly, but today I was really **** off by the dog emperor, don't say it, where is my knife?!"

"Fuck, this is a public outrage, even Brother Pants can't stand it..."


Su Wanqing, who came out of the bathroom, seemed to have forgotten what she had done before, went to the sofa to cook, then glanced at the packaged food, brought it over quietly, and took a small bite.

After working all afternoon, she was indeed a little hungry.

After taking a few bites, Su Wanqing suddenly raised her head, looked at Qin Xiaobai, and asked, "Qin Xiaobai, are you free tomorrow?"


"That's it... I seem to have learned to cook recently, how about you try it?"

Speaking here, Su Wanqing's face suddenly turned red, and her voice was much lower.

"Not tomorrow, the work here is not finished yet!" Qin Xiaobai pondered for a while, glanced at the situation around him, and replied.

Su Wanqing: "…"

"Why don't you just bring some food when you come over tomorrow, and then you can burn it here when you're done?" Qin Xiaobai saw that she didn't speak, and after thinking for a while, he spoke. said.

Su Wanqing must have been poisoned by Qin Xiaobai, and there is no cure.

Faced with this rude request, a group of fans in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it any longer.

However, what surprised them was that after thinking about it for a while, Su Wanqing nodded slightly and agreed.

"Okay, after dinner, go back to rest early!" Qin Xiaobai said casually, and then turned to leave.

"Qin Xiaobai, will you go to school tomorrow?"

Seeing that he was leaving, Su Wanqing suddenly thought of something and asked.

"No! Please tomorrow morning, don't disturb me in bed again..."

Qin Xiaobai originally planned to complain a few more words, but immediately realized that he might have said something wrong, so he did not continue speaking, turned towards the door, and walked over.

Su Wanqing: "???"

Su Wanqing was full of confusion, looked at Qin Xiaobai's back, and recalled Qin Xiaobai's words just now.

But after thinking about it for a long time, she still didn't understand what the last sentence meant...

"I didn't call him in the morning to disturb him..."

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