Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 254: You actually shot Lao Tzu with a needle? (Three shifts!)

Inhumane, horrific!

When Su Wanqing heard Qin Xiaobai say she could go to bed, she almost cried...

She is just an ordinary person. She drank again last night, and her physical fitness is much worse than Qin Xiaobai.

A light dark circle appeared around the eye rim.

She originally planned to go back to school, but was scared by Qin Xiaobai that she might die suddenly, so she gave up the idea and fell asleep shortly after lying in bed.

Qin Xiaobai smiled and shook his head, but he was not sleepy.

Considering that there will be two Samsung lottery draws after the task is completed, I don't plan to keep it.

"System brother, lottery, twice!"

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for spending a Samsung lottery to get a trivial research manual, which has been stored in the system warehouse, please pay attention to the host."

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for spending a Samsung lottery to get a mysterious fragment, which has been stored in the system warehouse, please pay attention to the host."


System: ”…”

After being silent for a while, Qin Xiaobai didn't hear the reply from the system's brother, and he didn't plan to entangle with it. He focused all his attention on the thick manual.

Taking it out, Qin Xiaobai glanced at it and was a little shocked.

Volume 1: Research results and applications of four-wheel independent suspension shock absorption technology.

Volume II: Research results and applications of quad turbo boosting technology.

Volume 3: Research results and applications of stepless transmission technology.

Volume 4: Research direction and feasibility analysis report of graphene ultra-long battery life.

The manual consists of four volumes, almost all of which are related to automobiles.

What surprised Qin Xiaobai was that this research manual was printed in 9030...

Having the experience of those two ordinary photos, Qin Xiaobai no longer doubted whether the date was printed wrong.

These technologies should be born in ten years.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface to check in time!"

Sure enough, after Qin Xiaobai finished asking, he heard the system's brother's prompt.

Qin Xiaobai shook his head helplessly and began to check the task interface.

[Task 2: Ask the host to buy Changhe Motors. Reward: Evolution point +2000, Samsung lottery times +3. 】

For this task, Qin Xiaobai has no way to refuse, the reward of evolution points is as high as 2000 points.

With these two thousand evolution points, then adding those accumulated before, it is not far from the next evolution.

Acquiring Changhe Motors is likely to continue to lose money, but Qin Xiaobai can't care so much.

Isn't there a research manual now?


But this manual is useless?

The key is that he doesn't know people who understand cars...

At this moment, the system brother suddenly reminded him that the remaining transformation time was less than five minutes. After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai could only walk into the bathroom and temporarily returned to his Erha form.

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai was stunned…


How can this be?

Will the human form be injured, will it also affect the husky form?

Qin Xiaobai looked at the swollen face like a pig's head, and couldn't help but have a wry smile in his heart.

Although Su Wanqing beat him angrily last night, she didn't use much force and caused no harm.

Then he came across the chair in order to find the dice...

"With that silly girl's IQ, she shouldn't be able to find out!" Qin Xiaobai underestimated a sentence in his heart, and then left the Lanshan Hotel directly.

No way!

Therefore, you must flee the scene.

Half an hour later, Qin Xiaobai was walking back to Jianan Community.

There are not many pedestrians on the road, only a few.

Soon, a black motorcycle appeared in his field of vision, with two people sitting on it. Because they were wearing helmets, they could not distinguish between men and women.

The two were staring at him.

At first, Qin Xiaobai didn't care about the two of them, but when the motorcycle passed by him, the speed suddenly slowed down a lot.


Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt his body, as if he was stabbed by something, he bared his teeth and roared in pain.

Looking back.

On the back seat of the motorcycle around him, a man with a helmet was holding an air gun in his hand, and the black muzzle was aimed at him.

"Brother, this Erha doesn't seem to have any reaction, do you want to shoot again?"

The man in the back seat was a little surprised when he saw Qin Xiaobai's movement for a long time, and couldn't help but ask in a loud voice.

When Qin Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became angry!


I was walking well, but you shot me with an air gun?

Isn’t this courting death?

Immediately, he rushed in front of the two in a few steps, jumped up and slapped it down with both claws.

Qin Xiaobai didn't want to kill people in the street, so the force of the shots was well controlled, but they just passed out.

Then I felt a little unhappy in my heart, I went down with a few claws and dismantled their motorcycles!

Then he shook his body and shook off the anesthetic needle shot on him.

Couldn't even penetrate his fur.

After a while, I heard someone shouting from behind: "Come on, it's these two guys who stole pets from our community, come here, beat them first, and then Call the police!"

The man's shout soon attracted a lot of onlookers.

Some people who lost their pets nearby all vented their anger on these two.

The two wearing helmets were beaten to the death, and the mourning continued for more than an hour before someone called the police.

Qin Xiaobai returned to the reclining chair in the community and scolded for a long time before falling asleep.

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