Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 261: I'm so pretty, of course it's a boy! (Five more!)

Su Wanqing hung up the phone and glanced at the contents of the bag, feeling a little apprehensive, but the expression on her face became extremely expectant.

Last night, I accompanied Xiao Tuantuan and Cheng Xiaoguo to train and prepare for the battle.

When Qin Xiaobai was mentioned, the three of them unanimously decided to let Qin Xiaobai go out in women's clothing and take them to the anchor competition.

And a very tacky name, called Green Leaf Safflower!

Qin Xiaobai left the Rainbow Magic Bar and was about to drive to the Lanshan Hotel, wait for Su Wanqing, and see if there was a chance to pounce on her.


When he just opened the car door and was about to go up, a reminder from the system brother suddenly came in his mind.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface to check it in time!"

After sitting in the cab, Qin Xiaobai lay on the steering wheel, opened the properties panel, and took a look at the task interface.

Suddenly, his whole person became bad!

With a dark face, he asked cursingly, "Brother System, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"Host, it's not!"

"Do you feel ashamed, so your tone of voice has become the same as a certain treasure's customer service?" Qin Xiaobai roared, wanting to beat the system brother to death now.

System: "Is the reward not high for this task?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

[Mission: Ask the host to complete a women's clothing boss, and live out the country, successfully deceived all the audience and made them stunned. Reward: Make up for the next evolution, all the remaining evolution points required, and the number of Samsung draws +3. 】

At first, Qin Xiaobai really felt that the reward seemed to be quite high, and it seemed very attractive to supplement the evolution points required for evolution.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be a trick...

"Brother System, can you tell the truth if you are so cute, can't you remember, how many evolution points are left before you can evolve?" Qin Xiaobai pouted, coldly asked.

"Host, are you wronging this system? Don't talk anymore, let's go!"

After hearing what the system brother said, Qin Xiaobai confirmed his thoughts. The system brother is either bad at math or forgot the tasks previously released, how many evolution points are there in total.

So, he took another look at the properties panel.

Sure enough, I saw the evolution point item, and it was written in big characters "It's almost there"...

Qin Xiaobai couldn't help crying and laughing for a moment, and he didn't know if the system had forgotten it, or if he didn't learn mathematics well in elementary school, he couldn't even know basic addition.

After half a day, Qin Xiaobai sighed and suggested in his heart:

"System brother, don't surf the Internet if you have nothing to do! If you have time, go to DingTalk and take some online classes. You can't even know mathematics in elementary school. I'm afraid no one will dare to ask for this system except me... "

But obviously, the system brother may feel a little ashamed and dare not come out to talk.

Qin Xiaobai drove to the Lanshan Hotel. Half an hour later, Su Wanqing opened the door of the presidential suite with a smile.

Put your hands behind your back and take a brisk and agile step before coming to Qin Xiaobai.

"Qin Xiaobai, why don't you go to class today?"

"I have something to do today, let's go tomorrow..." Qin Xiaobai replied after thinking for a while.

"That...I have something to worry about, can you help me pay attention"

Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai expectantly, looking very much like a little daughter-in-law discussing matters with her husband.

"What about live streaming?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at her and asked.

"You know what happened last night?"

Su Wanqing looked at him in surprise and asked, but she was muttering in her heart, wasn't this guy online last night? How would you know!

"Uh...listen to what other people have to say in the live broadcast room!"

Qin Xiaobai realized that he almost made a blunder again, and quickly found an interface to fool him.

After Su Wanqing heard Qin Xiaobai's words, she didn't think about it, and then asked:

"Then...then what should I do? The fans in the live broadcast room asked me to help them taste it, as if they all wanted to buy it!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai replied:

"There is actually no problem with live streaming, but it's better to let that Qinghe come over with his products, let's taste it first, and if it's good, try to get a low price and give it to fans It's good for them to be a benefit..."

"Well! Just do as you say, I told that person tonight..."

Su Wanqing nodded immediately after hearing Qin Xiaobai's words.

She didn't think much about bringing goods to make money, she just wanted to give some benefits to the lovely fans in the live broadcast room, try to use a lower price, let them eat delicious food crayfish.

Afterwards, she remembered Cheng Xiaoguo's proposal last night, she couldn't help pressing the bag she was carrying, looked at Qin Xiaobai for a long time, but still did not dare to speak.

Qin Xiaobai saw her expression a little weird, glared at her, and asked, "Am I so good-looking? Even blinking..."

"Ah~ no, no no no, you are beautiful..."

My heart was a little nervous. After being asked by Qin Xiaobai, Su Wanqing immediately became a little overwhelmed, and her speech became a little incoherent.

"What are you doing! Are you looking for a hammer?"

When Qin Xiaobai looked at her like that, she knew that Su Wanqing had a ghost in her heart and was going to call her out.

"! Sister Xiaoguo, Xiao Tuantuan, and I... all want to see you play it in reverse, just like... wearing women's clothes."

When Qin Xiaobai was frightened, Su Wanqing immediately told the truth.

Qin Xiaobai looked at her and was a little amused. What were these three women thinking about all day long?

I want to kiss someone in women's clothes...

Originally Qin Xiaobai really planned to make her cry, but when he thought of the system brother's task, he immediately changed his attention, after hesitating for a while, he said to Su Wanqing: Well? Don't you want me to wear women's clothes, do you expect me to be a man to do my own makeup?"

Su Wanqing: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, she couldn't believe her ears.


Steel straight man Qin Xiaobai wants women's clothes...

However, after taking a look at Qin Xiaobai, Su Wanqing suddenly let go and replied with a smile, "Okay, I'll dress you up..."

After saying these words, she took out the prepared wig, Hanfu and cosmetics from her bag.

After half an hour, Su Wanqing looked at the slender lady in Hanfu in front of her, she was stunned!

She couldn't believe it herself.

This beautiful woman in front of her is actually Qin Xiaobai pretending to be...

In addition to being a pair of A's, it's perfect.

The appearance seems to be much higher than hers, it is simply a trouble for walking!

"Qin Xiaobai, can you show your face in my live broadcast room? The fans in my live broadcast room seem to see your women's clothes..." After a long time, Su Wanqing asked with a smile.

Qin Xiaobai thought for a while and replied, "I will give half of the live broadcast gift at night!"

Su Wanqing: "…"

This guy Qin Xiaobai is so rich, he is still thinking about her live broadcast income. However, after thinking for a few seconds, Su Wanqing agreed immediately.

After negotiating, the two entered the game room.

After Su Wanqing boarded the live broadcast room, Qin Xiaobai left the country alone.

The fans who stayed in the live broadcast room immediately became a little excited when they saw that a stunning beauty appeared instead of the Su Wanqing they were familiar with.

"Fuck! Who is this lady in Hanfu? Did I enter the wrong studio..."

"I'm going, this lady in Hanfu is so beautiful, it's even more beautiful than the goddess, isn't it?"

"If there is a level of beauty, this lady in Hanfu is undoubtedly full!"

"What else is there to say, hurry up and get down to business, I'm going to start licking the screen!"

"Stop talking, I've taken off my pants several times..."

"Miss, hurry up and say something, may I ask if you are the sister or sister of the goddess?"

"Yes, Miss! You said something? Why is there no movement?"


Looking at the screen full of barrages, Qin Xiaobai smiled and said slowly: "I'm so good-looking, of course it's a boy! What are you thinking!"

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