Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 266: That's just an excuse! (one more)

It turns out that sitting with handsome or beautiful people is all about attending class.

Even the good student Su Wanqing is the same.

When looking up at the podium, the corner of the eye can't help but fall on Qin Xiaobai's face, there is still mind, listen to a greasy uncle, talk over there The history of financial development…

Qin Xiaobai slept as always. When changing postures, he accidentally glanced at Su Wanqing who was about to drool, couldn't help but glared at her and said, "The drool dripped onto the table... "


After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing's expression was as if she was caught on the spot, extremely embarrassed.

In a panic, he raised the back of his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth.

At this time, she realized that it was Qin Xiaobai who was deliberately teasing her, so she didn't drool at all, okay?

Then her eyes fell on Qin Xiaobai's empty wrist, she felt a little disappointed, poked him with her fingers, and asked, "Qin Xiaobai, the one I gave you Where's the red rope? Why don't you wear it..."


The sleepy Qin Xiaobai, who knew what she was asking, answered impatiently.

"You lost it?"

Su Wanqing looked at him blankly, her face a little ugly, and she asked after a long time.

The red rope is actually not valuable, and the material is very ordinary, but for Su Wanqing, the meaning is a bit special.

When she was planning to ask something, she suddenly discovered that the situation in the class became a little weird.

The teacher who was eloquent at first suddenly stopped and looked right at where they were.

The other students in the class also looked at them in unison...

"Two beautiful classmates, please take into account the feelings of other single students and my single teacher?" The middle-aged teacher stared at them and continued:

"You two go out, you have failed this class!"

After Su Wanqing heard this, her face suddenly turned red, it was too embarrassing!

She used to be a good student who was highly praised by teachers, but now she is going to be kicked out of the class.

Qin Xiaobai also noticed something was wrong, raised his head and looked around blankly, and then his eyes fell on Su Wanqing's side.

She blushed and whispered a few words.

Qin Xiaobai almost punched this silly **** the spot...

However, since the teacher refused to let them go to class, Qin Xiaobai was quite happy. After standing up, he walked out the door generously.

Seeing this, Su Wanqing, who was behind her, blushed, packed her things, and ran out after him.

The male students in the class who were going to watch jokes immediately started talking.

"Alas...the class has fallen, so what's so good about Qin Xiaobai besides being handsome?"

"It must be Qin Xiaobai next to him. It's all his fault for deliberately seducing our class!"

"The old man seems to be sleeping, it really has nothing to do with him this time..."

"This guy really has a set, hasn't he been here for a few days? He kidnapped our class, and how will we live in the future..."



Of course, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing, who had already left the classroom, naturally couldn't hear these discussions.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" After walking behind Qin Xiaobai for a while, Su Wanqing timidly apologized.

Qin Xiaobai turned her head and glared at her. He didn't care about being kicked out of the class. The point was that this silly girl made him sleep, which made him a little unacceptable.

"If you make me sleep again in the future, believe it or not I will make you cry?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

Seeing Su Wanqing's pitiful look, Qin Xiaobai was a little worried that she had not beaten her, so he scared her to tears, so he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, you Didn't we say we were going to see the boss who brought the goods today?"

After Qin Xiaobai's reminder, Su Wanqing suddenly remembered this matter and said quickly: "Well, I almost forgot about this matter, let's go now..."

“Where to meet?”

"Let's take a look, he seems to have sent me a message." Su Wanqing picked up the phone, glanced at it, and then continued: "It was said to be in Box 9 of the Rainbow Magic Bar... "

Rainbow Bar?

When Qin Xiaobai heard about this place, he felt a little incredible. Is there something wrong with this person's brain?

Isn't the bar the place to watch football?

However, he remembered that he was on Earth in his previous life, and most of the business seemed to be negotiated at the wine table, so he had no doubts, glanced at Su Wanqing, and said, "Okay, Let's go now..."

After finishing speaking, the two took a taxi at the entrance of the school and headed for the Rainbow Magic Bar.

At this time, there were not many people in the bar.

Because Qin Xiaobai came only yesterday and ordered something very special, the bartender at the bar was very impressed with him. Seeing the two approaching, he asked with a smile, "Brother, do you still want 82-year-old Wangzai milk today?"

Qin Xiaobai: "...not today, where is your No. 9 box?"

"The easternmost room on the second floor has already been booked." The bartender smiled and replied.

Qin Xiaobai nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and walked over to the second floor of the Qing Dynasty with Su Wan.

At this moment, in Box No. 9 on the second floor, two well-dressed middle-aged men are sitting, sipping the wine in their hands and talking.

"Brother, if you want to eat crayfish, you don't need to come to Magic City from Hangzhou, right?"

The person who spoke was named Xiao Han, who was Qinghe's bodyguard. He followed him this morning from Hangdu to Modu.

I thought there was something big, but after getting off the plane, Qinghe asked him to buy a few crayfish, and then meet at the Rainbow Magic Bar...

"What do you know!"

Qing He smiled, put down the wine in his hand, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then said: "How can I see that female anchor without this crayfish? That's just an excuse... "

"She's not like everyone else, I've been watching her live for a long time!"

Qing He smiled, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Combined with his handsome face, it is definitely enough to make many ignorant girls go crazy.

While the two were talking, the door of the box was gently pushed open from the outside, and then a young man and a woman walked in calmly.

It is Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai...

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