Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 278: Treasure map, I don't want it anymore... (One more!)

Considering the length of the live broadcast, Su Wanqing started the live broadcast with her mobile phone after returning home.

The content of the live broadcast is a little different from the past. It is not playing a game, but putting on a newly bought apron and starting to live broadcast cooking...

Because there is still a lot of time today, the fans in the live broadcast room are not as many as in the past, probably less than 100,000.

Su Wanqing fixed her phone in a corner of the kitchen, then smiled and greeted the fans:

"Good afternoon everyone, I played a lot of games last night, let's live a little different today, hee hee!"

Seeing Su Wanqing wearing an apron and appearing in the kitchen, the fans in the live broadcast room immediately became lively.

"Wow! The anchor started so early today?"

"I see the little cook again, take it off as a respect!"

"Waiting for the anchor's game to eat, I didn't expect her to start cooking..."

"Anchor, can I go to your house to lick the plate? After all, every time I lick the screen, my tongue doesn't feel..."

"Goddess, you are a good-looking anchor, how did you start to be a chef, are you planning to develop into food broadcasting?"

"Anchor, I doubt your family Erha, you can even cook, do you want to pull him into the kitchen to show off..."

"Anchor, let's finish eating, let your Erha start playing games! Well, he is much better than you!"

"The brother upstairs, you have spoken my heart. If the anchor wants to play games live in the future, let your family Erha come..."


Su Wanqing glanced at the barrage between cooking and suddenly couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Didn't this group of fans always say that they want to kill her Xiaobai?

Why are they all asking Xiaobai to play games now...

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai was lying on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed leisurely, waiting for Su Wanqing to cook.

At this moment, a cold and ethereal voice suddenly rang in my mind.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface in time to check."

"Any new missions?"

Qin Xiaobai murmured in his heart, then opened the attribute panel, and after seeing the task clearly, he felt a little bad.

The system brother has started again...

This Nima, in a few days, returned to the way it was before.

[Task 3: Host your tiger buds gold coins are about to go mouldy, if this goes on, your dog birth is over, and the gold coins in the account have not been used up, please log in to the tiger bud live broadcast immediately, hit Reward a female streamer with 100 treasure maps and ask her to do 1,000 sit-ups. Reward: Evolution point +1000, 4-star lottery +3. 】

After seeing the content of the task, Qin Xiaobai had a dark face and asked helplessly in his heart: "System brother, before you became a system, were you abandoned by a certain female anchor? Why do you always Such a bizarre task?"

A thousand sit-ups are definitely not something ordinary people can hold on to! Some people who don't exercise all the year round, let alone a thousand, five hundred can't do it...

If it weren't for the requirements of the live broadcast platform, Qin Xiaobai would definitely let Su Wanqing's silly girl do it. After all, such a beautiful girl, too tired to get out of bed, would definitely be very exciting...

But unfortunately, this quest is triggered on the Huya platform.

So, after Qin Xiaobai walked for a while, he decisively put on the black technology collar, and then clicked on the Huya live broadcast APP.

One hundred treasure maps are worth 500,000 yuan, which is definitely a lot of reward income for any anchor. Qin Xiaobai holds the idea that fat water will not flow to outsiders. .

I'm going to tip a few female anchors he knows.

Such as Lin Xiaoxiao or Tang Xiaorou.

After shopping for a while, I realized that Lin Xiaoxiao did not live broadcast, so Qin Xiaobai had to click into Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room.

Just to see what this daughter has been busy with recently.

Tang Xiaorou, who was communicating with fans, saw a punch and a squeak, entered the live broadcast room, and immediately stopped and said with a smile: "Dad... I haven't seen you for a long time, Why are you free to watch the live broadcast today?"

"Well! I have nothing to do today, so come and have a look!" Qin Xiaobai hesitated for a moment before typing.

After seeing Qin Xiaobaifa's barrage, Tang Xiaorou nodded, and then said with a smile, "Dad, how about I show you a live endorsement?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Is this silly daughter addicted to endorsement? Why every time I come to her live broadcast room, I have to take the initiative to mention the live broadcast endorsement...

"That... can you do sit-ups?" After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai asked with a barrage.

Tang Xiaorou: "???"

Tang Xiaorou took a close look at Qin Xiaobai's bullet screen, and after confirming that she was not mistaken, she faced the camera with some doubts and asked: "Dad, you mean you want to watch the live broadcast and do supine sit up?"

"Well, can I do it?" Qin Xiaobai replied.

"Can you do it! Dad wants to see it, let alone sit-ups, sit-ups and endorsements are also fine, but don't forget to give a reward, a treasure map has ten sit-ups , hee hee!..." Tang Xiaorou replied with a smile.

After Tang Xiaorou's words, the fans in the live broadcast room were angry!

"Anchor, you are getting more and more shameless! A treasure map is a sit-up? You can say it if you are so shameless..."

"Fuck! Is this female anchor crazy? How dare you speak..."

"I'm sore! Oh, I can do sit-ups too! Although I'm a man, if you like female anchors, I can wear women's clothes and give me a chance to experience the hidden treasure. The feeling of swiping the screen!"

"If I were the emperor, I would definitely kill this daughter, and dare to ask for a treasure map..."

"Huang Huang, come to my live broadcast room, I only need a treasure map, I can do all kinds of sit-ups fancy, please pay attention..."


Actually, Tang Xiaorou was just joking. Seeing the fans complaining on the screen, she immediately explained: "Dad... I'm joking, don't reward the treasure map, I'll do it now. …”

But before she could finish her words, she suddenly froze!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map X1 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map X10 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map X50 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map X100 in the live broadcast room!

Qin Xiaobai didn't care whether she was joking or not, anyway, the tiger bud gold coins in the account were of no use to him.

I don't care about giving this silly daughter a hundred treasure maps.

As long as he can complete the task, even if he is brushing a hundred, he will not care.

Tang Xiaorou stared at the screen with wide eyes. After a long time, her beautiful eyes blinked a few times and muttered, "Dad, I'm joking! I don't want the treasure map anymore... "

After hearing Tang Xiaorou's words, Qin Xiaobai grinned slightly, and then in her live broadcast room, typed and replied:

"It's not too late now! I've already finished brushing, here's a thousand sit-ups, I'll see you do..."

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