Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 290: It ended with a trace of regret!

Half an hour after Qin Xiaobai finished the phone call, Peng Dewang, general manager of Shanshui Real Estate, rushed to the site with a construction team of more than a dozen people.

"President Qin! There are 14 people in total, all of them are elites who jumped over, with a complete range of jobs, please instruct!" Peng Dewang walked over to Qin Xiaobai and said respectfully.

Seeing Manager Peng's big fanfare, Qin Xiaobai was speechless!

After half a day, Qin Xiaobai said with a bit of laughter: "Manager Peng, don't bother, I just want you to find someone to help build 500 kennels..."

Peng Dewang heard the words, a lot of question marks appeared in his head, he glanced at Qin Xiaobai blankly, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"President Qin, you want 500 kennels???"


Qin Xiaobai smiled and replied.

Peng Dewang: “…”

Although I feel a little strange in my heart, Qin Xiaobai is his boss after all. Since he has received a positive answer, he can't ask any more questions.

In his heart, Qin Xiaobai is a myth. No matter what he does, he must have his purpose.

But clearly this time he was wrong. Qin Xiaobai really just wanted to build 500 kennels and had no other calculations.

After Qin Xiaobai explained what happened here, he picked up his mobile phone to call Su Wanqing and asked her where she had gone.

At this moment, he suddenly saw an unread message in the WeChat of his mobile phone.

It was sent by Shen Wenwen, saying that there was a whole day of class today, and I couldn't come to help.

Qin Xiaobai didn't pay much attention to this, and replied "Academic is important".

Just as she was about to call Su Wanqing, she saw her walking over with a smile, so she asked, "Is there anything in the afternoon?"

"No more! On the way here, didn't the class finish..." Su Wanqing replied.

Qin Xiaobai nodded, then said, "That's good, in the afternoon, you can just supervise the work here!"

"What about you?" Su Wanqing gave him a strange look and asked indifferently.

"I have something to do, so I'll go back first!"

Su Wanqing: "…"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing felt a little disappointed. She originally thought that she could spend a good afternoon with Qin Xiaobai here!

This guy is going to slip away...

However, thinking that Qin Xiaobai said he had something to do, he didn't complain, he said "oh" angrily, and then watched him leave.

Qin Xiaobai didn't mean to keep her here, but when he left, Xiao Huang was taken downstairs by him. At this point, if he doesn't go back, he will definitely be hungry. dropped.

Therefore, I have no choice but to go back and buy something to eat.

Su Wanqing was on the live broadcast just now. Although she did not point the camera at Qin Xiaobai, the fans in the live broadcast room could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly, and they all sent a barrage to replace Qin Xiaobai. Su Wanqing became angry.

"Fuck! Who is this? You left our goddess here alone and slipped away?"

"I smoked three packs of cigarettes, and I can't figure out why the anchor likes such a straight man..."

"Anchor, I suggest you beat the dog emperor, such a man can't be beaten..."

"Oh, the anchor told you earlier, don't talk to the dog emperor about the hundreds of millions of projects, now that the project is negotiated, he will start to become scum..."

"Upstairs, you have said this hundreds of times. If you don't honor it, we will go to your grave to dance!"


Su Wanqing just smiled when she saw these barrages on the screen, there was no turbulence in her heart, she was used to it, okay?

On the way back, Qin Xiaobai ate something for himself in the food street near Modu University City, and then asked for two chicken legs, ready to bring back to Xiao Huang.

After returning to the Jianan community, Qin Xiaobai returned to his Erha form again, then took the bag with chicken legs in his mouth and walked to the reclining chair.

What made him speechless was that Xiao Huang was still standing by the reclining chair and did not leave.

"Xiao Huang, these two drumsticks for you..."

Qin Xiaobai shook his head, feeling a little helpless for Xiao Huang's sincerity.

Xiao Huang smelled the fragrance and swallowed a few saliva, but still asked, "Brother Xiaobai, have you eaten it? I only need one..."

"I've eaten it all for you!"

Qin Xiaobai put the bag in front of it and said lightly.

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Xiao Huang didn't show any more politeness, he was really hungry, picked up a chicken leg, turned around and started to eat.

Qin Xiaobai's dog mouth raised a radian, jumped on the reclining chair, and then put on the black technology collar, ready to go to the live broadcast platform to hang out for a while, watch the live broadcast of the hornworm, and pass the boredom time.

But when he opened the Huya live broadcast platform, he saw a giant poster showing a lonely back, carrying a silver arrow crossbow.

Goodbye, LPL006!


Isn't this Uzi?

Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt a little surprised, that genius ADC, is he going to retire?

After clicking into the live broadcast room, I didn't see Uzi himself live broadcast. There were some scenes of memories playing in the live broadcast room. Even if he did not start the broadcast, the number of people watching online exceeded one million.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is full of some fans sending words of retention.

"Uzi, we were wrong, we won't spray you again, please put on your shirt and fight for a year! Even if you still fail to win the championship..."

"Uzi, please fight for a year! I will never spam you again..."

"There are fewer and fewer familiar faces, and now even Uzi is going to retire. Sister's youth is over!"

"Suddenly I seem to be crying, my youth is over!"

"Uh... I seem to have sprayed him back then, but now it's still a little uncomfortable to see him really leaving!"

"Will Uzi fight for another year? Even if you miss the cannon car, I won't spray you... woo woo!"

"Goodbye LPL006..."


Qin Xiaobai also remembered some things when he saw these barrages. He was a VN who watched Uzi's video. Of course, when he was watching the game, Qin Xiaobai seemed to have sprayed him too. …

But these are over, and the journey of a genius ADC came to an end with a trace of regret.

Life is like this, there are always some shortcomings, and it will appear real.

Qin Xiaobai shook his head, and after a few words of emotion, he rewarded a thousand treasure maps in Uzi's live broadcast room, and then directly exited the Huya live broadcast platform...

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