Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 292: Come on, let Erha go online!

The next morning, Su Wanqing and Jiang Xue said hello, and then sent Qin Xiaobai and Xiao Huang to the presidential suite of the Lanshan Hotel.

"Xiao Bai, stay here for the past two days, don't make trouble, don't tear down the house, and take care of Xiao Huang, don't bully him."

Su Wanqing touched Qin Xiaobai's dog's head, explained a few words, then dragged the suitcase and left the room.

Qin Xiaobai watched Su Wanqing leave, then walked to the game room.

The last time the transformation was seen by Black Charcoal, it was directly frightened. Therefore, he did not want to change shape in front of Xiao Huang.

After returning to her adult form, Qin Xiaobai came to the open-air balcony, just in time to see Su Wanqing dragging her suitcase and getting on the car arranged by the crew.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai took out his mobile phone, clicked on Su Wanqing's WeChat, and sent her a message: Stupid woman take care of yourself, there are many mosquitoes in the mountains in autumn, come back and let me see I was bitten by a mosquito and cried, believe it or not...

As soon as the news was sent out, Qin Xiaobai felt a little inappropriate and kept beating her up and crying. Would this silly girl think she has violent tendencies?

After hesitating for a second, he clicked withdraw.

So, when Su Wanqing took out her phone, she didn't find any text, only the reminder that the other party had withdrawn a message.

After a while, Su Wanqing showed a faint smirk on her face, and sent Qin Xiaobai a message back:

"I saw the message you just withdrew..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

I don't know why at that time, Qin Xiaobai would have an inexplicable feeling of nervousness. As an old fritters who have traveled through, he has not felt this way for a long time.

You can even lie on Su Wanqing's lap without any disturbance in her heart. Now, I don't know how this happened.

After half a day, Qin Xiaobai reluctantly replied: "I didn't say I wanted to beat you up, but I was going to remind you to take care of yourself..."

Su Wanqing was stunned when she saw the reply sent by Qin Xiaobai.

Actually, she didn't see Qin Xiaobai's retracted information at all, she just wanted to bluff Qin Xiaobai.

I didn't expect him to recruit directly.

Glancing at the changing scenery outside the window, Su Wanqing had two shallow pear eddies on both sides of her cheeks, and then muttered to herself, "That guy actually started caring about people! "

Fair and slender fingers, moved a few times on the screen, and returned a message to Qin Xiaobai: "Got it..."

Qin Xiaobai saw the car that yearned for the crew and disappeared from sight before turning around and returning to the room.

Xiao Huang was startled when he saw Qin Xiaobai in human form.

However, after seeing his appearance clearly, the nervousness recovered a little. The man in front of him was one of the people who saved it with Su Wanqing that day.

"Let's go Xiao Huang, I'll take you to see your new home in the future..." Qin Xiaobai shouted at it.

He knew that Xiao Huang could understand, the meaning in his words, after all, when he was in Erha form, he could also understand human language.

Xiao Huang sat on the spot, after thinking for a while, he wagged his tail at Qin Xiaobai, then followed him and walked out of the room.

About forty minutes later, Qin Xiaobai brought Xiao Huang to the Wandering Villa.

The construction team brought in by Peng Dewang is worthy of being an elite. After just one day and one night of continuous construction, the renovation of the villa is almost complete.

Five hundred kennels, most of which have already been built.

"Xiao Huang, play around first, don't leave this villa, I'll meet a friend in front!" Qin Xiaobai glanced down at Xiao Huang, and after saying a word, he moved forward gone.

In a place not far away, Shen Wenwen was watching everything that happened in front of her anxiously.

She didn't come to work yesterday because there were classes all day.

When I came here today, I was stunned when I saw everything in front of me.

But with her character, she would only stand by and watch silently, and she also wanted to send Qin Xiaobai a WeChat to ask what happened, but in the end she didn't dare to send it.

"What time did you come?"

Qin Xiaobai took a few steps closer, looked at her and asked.

"Eight, it's coming at eight..." Seeing Qin Xiaobai looking at her all the time, Shen Wenwen immediately lowered her head, a pair of hands that had nowhere to rest, she had to clench and release.

"Is there a word cannibalism written on my face? Why are you so afraid of me?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at him in an immeasurable way, and asked angrily.

Shen Wenwen didn't dare to look up at him, she wanted to answer no, but she didn't dare to speak, she could only stand there, looking a little overwhelmed.

"Forget it!"

Qin Xiaobai sighed, and understood her difficulties in her heart, so she didn't force her to answer any more questions, and then suddenly remembered that Su Wanqing was in a hurry in the morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast.

He said to Shen Wenwen: "I didn't eat in the morning, go to the kitchen to make me something to eat, no noodles..."

Then turned around and went to the construction side, ready to ask about the progress.

Seeing him turn around, Shen Wenwen silently walked towards the kitchen where she stayed.

After Su Wanqing returned yesterday, Peng Dewang oversaw the work all night. He was so sleepy in the morning that he fell asleep on a dismantled wooden board next to the construction site.

When Qin Xiaobai walked to his side, he opened his eyes in a daze, then stood up quickly and smiled at Qin Xiaobai: "Mr. Qin, good morning! Hold back, sleep for a while..."

"I didn't make you work so hard!"

Although Qin Xiaobai really wanted to quickly complete the system task, he didn't want to squeeze the labor force.

"Mr. Qin, these are another batch of workers. They must not be able to bear it for 24 hours in a row." Peng Dewang seemed to see something and quickly explained.

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai nodded and asked, "When will it be completed?"

"If there are only 500 kennels, it can be over this afternoon!" Peng Dewang answered with promise.

Qin Xiaobai was quite satisfied with this speed, then glanced at Peng Dewang and said, "Manager Peng, after the matter is over, I will give these workers from Shanshui Real Estate's account, no One thousand yuan bonus!"

"Okay, then I will thank President Qin for them!" Peng Dewang responded with a smile.

"Take a rest, you don't have to fight like this as a general manager, and it won't be a big deal..." Qin Xiaobai said with a smile, then turned and left the construction site.

This little bit of Shen Wenwen's meal was not ready, Qin Xiaobai had to take out his mobile phone, open Douyu live broadcast, and prepare to go to the live broadcast room, take a look at Su Wanqing's silly girl, he doesn't know what he is How is the performance.

It's just that after he entered the live broadcast room, when he saw the screen full of barrage, the corners of his mouth could not help but cocked slightly, and sighed: "Sure enough, I am the protagonist..."

"Fuck! Where's Erha? Goddess, where's your Erha? I just came to see that Erha..."

" Seriously, last time I watched that Erha, I fell in love with it inexplicably. I've been looking forward to this show since yesterday, and you don't even have Erha's footage?"

"Millions of people are looking forward to it, waiting for Erha to go online..."

"Director Fang, your chicken legs are gone!"

"I don't care, I can't see Erha appear today, refund my membership fee of 9 yuan to me..."

"I don't care, if you don't get Erha back, we won't watch this episode!"

" It is estimated that Fang Dao is worried that the mushroom house that has just been repaired will be demolished by the Erha, so he did not dare to come to him..."

"Without Erha's yearning, nothing to watch, I don't even want to take off my pants!"

"Fuck, my dear, so the other person who takes off your pants is the second of the goddess' family?"


Qin Xiaobai's performance last time has indeed won the love of many pet fans. Therefore, after the show started, Qin Xiaobai was not seen, and these people were a little disappointed.

The most direct impact is definitely the reduction in viewership and the number of people watching the live broadcast.

When this information was fed back to the program team, Director Fang's face turned dark...

In the gap between filming, I found a job to call Su Wanqing last night, and scolded: "Who told you to call Su Wanqing and tell her not to bring that Erha?"

The staff looked up at Director Fang, with a confused expression on his face. After a long time, he replied in a daze: "Director Fang, didn't you arrange it?"

Director Fang: "…"

Actually, Fang Dao was just trying to find a way to go down the stairs. He didn't expect such serious consequences.

After half a day, he walked up to Su Wanqing and said a little embarrassedly: "Wanqing, next time, please bring your Xiaobai..."

Su Wanqing glanced at him, and nodded slightly after a while.

Although she agreed, it doesn't mean that she has to bring Xiaobai over. First of all, he must be willing, right?

What's more, it's you who will be brought, and you who will not be brought...


Whoever hears this may be a little unhappy, and Su Wanqing is no exception.

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