Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 294: Deducted from your salary until it is paid off!

Shen Wenwen seemed to notice Qin Xiaobai's eyes and turned her body slightly, trying not to let him see the scars on her legs.

Qin Xiaobai sighed when he saw this.

I thought to myself, no wonder she was wearing long-sleeved clothes on such a hot day in class last time.

I don't want others to see the scars on her body...

After a while, Shen Wenwen cleaned the wound several times, stood up timidly, and said softly:

"I...I'll serve you food..."

When Qin Xiaobai heard this, he was speechless. He turned his head and gave her a blank look and said, "It's all like this, and I'll take you to the hospital!"

Low pitch, but irrefutable.

In fact, she is not that fragile, and the injuries on her body are heavier than today.

Shen Wenwen held the towel in her hand and clenched it lightly. After standing there for a while, she raised the back of her hand and wiped her eyes while Qin Xiaobai was not paying attention.

Qin Xiaobai was driving the car, Shen Wenwen sat quietly beside them, neither of them spoke a word along the way, the atmosphere was a little strange.

Twenty minutes later, the two came to the Affiliated Hospital for Surgery.

Qin Xiaobai helped her sign up, and then took her to the outpatient clinic. The doctor gave her a tetanus shot and then prescribed a few boxes of medicine.

I had done this, and they were all about to leave, but the doctor who looked at Shen Wenwen's wound suddenly said to Qin Xiaobai, "Young man, stay for a while!"

Qin Xiaobai heard the words, gave Shen Wenwen the medicine in his hand, and said, "Go to the corridor outside and wait for me!"

Shen Wenwen was actually very afraid of coming to the hospital. After hearing the doctor's words, she felt even more uneasy, but she finally walked out of the room and sat on the chair by the door, wondering if she had some terminal illness …

After seeing her leave, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the doctor in confusion and asked, "doctor, is there something wrong?"

After hearing his words, the doctor greeted Qin Xiaobai to sit down, then sighed and asked, "lady, do you know the scars on her body?"

Qin Xiaobai nodded and didn't answer.

"Young man, don't beat other girls in the future. Those scars caused by years and months can't be removed in a short time, or even forever..." The doctor glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and then road:

"The wound on her body is not a big problem, but the girl's mental scar may be a little more serious!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Originally, Qin Xiaobai was going to refute a few words, but let's forget it, thinking in my heart, does Lao Tzu really look like a bad person?

"Anything else?" Qin Xiaobai stood up from his seat, then glanced at the doctor and asked.

Seeing him shaking his head, Qin Xiaobai didn't ask any more questions, turned and left the office.

Shen Wenwen sat on a chair in the corridor, her face full of nervousness and anxiety. After seeing Qin Xiaobai come out, she asked softly, "I, am I... a terminal illness?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After hearing her words, Qin Xiaobai was speechless. After a long time, he glared at her and said, "Have you got water in your head? What are you thinking about?"

Being shocked by Qin Xiaobai's words, Shen Wenwen didn't dare to ask any more questions.

In the magic capital in mid-September, the autumn wind has already brought a hint of coolness. The leaves of the sycamore trees at the entrance of the hospital have begun to turn yellow, accompanied by rustling, and it seems that it will not be long before the off the tree trunk.

Shen Wenwen followed behind Qin Xiaobai, covering the hole in her trousers with one hand and holding the towel from the Wandering Villa in the other, walking a bit funny.

Qin Xiaobai's pace was very fast. When he came to the hospital door, he found that Shen Wenwen had been pulled down by a long distance.

turning back and standing there, looking at her appearance, she suddenly felt a little want to laugh, but in the end she held it back, sighed helplessly, and said to her:

"Get in the car and take you to buy a pair of pants! You know how to go to school, I'm afraid you will be laughed at..."

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Shen Wenwen's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and came to Qin Xiaobai's side, and replied softly: "I'll just go back and sew..."

Qin Xiaobai glanced at her in astonishment, what age is this, do you still need this?

And the pair of jeans she was wearing was slightly whitish, and she even sewed some wool!

So Qin Xiaobai had to yell at her again: "It's not for you, the money will be deducted from your salary, starting this month, until it is paid off!"


After half a day, Shen Wenwen raised her head and glanced at Qin Xiaobai, oh well. Then he limped into the passenger seat.

Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt like a scumbag. The feeling Shen Wenwen gave him was not as strong as Su Wanqing's, but it was indeed different from other women.

I can't talk about liking, I just feel that being with Shen Wenwen can calm his impetuous heart.

It's not because of Shen Wenwen's beauty, Yang Mengxin, Li Xiaomeng, Tang Xiaorou and even Lin Xiaoxiao, these women are also very beautiful, but Qin Xiaobai has never felt this way towards them.

Of course, beauty may be a factor.

After all, with a woman who is a brother from all over the world, Qin Xiaobai doesn't want to calm down, maybe he still wants to beat someone, such as Cheng Xiaoguo...

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai also walked into the car.

Qin Xiaobai took her to the Xicheng Tianhe Shopping Center and bought a new set of clothes.

Although in Qin Xiaobai's view, it doesn't seem to be very valuable.

But for Shen Wenwen, the price is terrifyingly high. After seeing Qin Xiaobai packing, she began to calculate in her heart that it would take several years of work to pay off the debt...

"Are you hungry? Would you like to eat here before going back?"

After coming out of the clothing store, Qin Xiaobai looked back at her and asked tentatively.

Shen Wenwen raised her head, a little hesitant to say anything, but she quickly lowered her head and replied: "The mountain, the villa is ready..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Never mind!

Waste shameful...

Qin Xiaobai persuaded himself like this, and then took Shen Wenwen back to the wandering villa.

The construction team led by Peng Dewang was already finishing the finishing work. When they saw Qin Xiaobai and Shen Wenwen coming back, they immediately smiled and said:

"Mr. Qin, the work here has been completed, I will take them back to Tianhe Commercial Center later, and the roof is about to be capped there..."

Qin Xiaobai nodded and replied, "Go!"

Then took Shen Wenwen and walked back to the kitchen.

The food placed there had been cold for a long time, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Shen Wenwen, and was a little unbearable, so she asked her to work again, so he walked into the kitchen by himself .

Prepare to heat up those four dishes, and then take a bite...

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