Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 296: What? Is it going to rain?

"System brother, come out, let's talk about life!"

Qin Xiaobai looked at the silver safe placed in front of him, about one meter high, and said with a gloomy expression.

"Host, when it comes to life matters, you should go to Su Wanqing, this system belongs to the kind that does not sell herself!" The system brother replied indifferently.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

"Then what do you mean by giving a safe? And no password..." After researching for a long time, Qin Xiaobai asked helplessly again.

Here, Qin Xiaobai seemed to suddenly understand the intention of the system brother, and then asked: "Okay, you cunning old thief, are you going to cheat me for a four-star lottery next time, and then Give me a password?"

System brother: "…"

It seemed that Qin Xiaobai had exposed the trick in person, so he chose to play dead and didn't answer Qin Xiaobai's words.

Seeing that the system brother didn't answer any more, Qin Xiaobai scolded for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

Afterwards, he directly activated the innate supernatural power of the Wind Blade, and cut the safe alive.

"Host, can we be more civilized? After the violent demolition, let's do less..."

"Hey, I'm only Erha, isn't it normal to dismantle things? Besides, if I guessed correctly, that safe is useless for birds, the real thing is that document, right? "

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the empty safe, lay a document, grinned, and then said in his heart:

"Dude, is your IQ down again? You are too young to play tricks in front of me kissing someone..."

System brother: "…"

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai pulled out the document from inside, flipped through it for a while, and was speechless.

It was so mysterious, I thought it was a secret document...

It is only 55% of the shares of Huya Live Broadcasting Platform!

It doesn't seem like a big deal?

Qin Xiaobai is not too interested in controlling a live broadcast platform.

But since the lottery has been drawn, Qin Xiaobai will not be polite. After all, owning more than 50% of a company's shares means controlling a company.

Take Douyu as an example, he still has 37% of the shares left. Although he has a lot of power to speak, he can't do what he says.

But it's different now. With 55% of Huya's equity, Qin Xiaobai makes some decisions. He only needs to speak, and he doesn't need to discuss with anyone.

At the same time, Huya's executives also learned the news.

As the CEO, Tong Guan contacted Qin Xiaobai immediately, but Qin Xiaobai, who was already in Erha form, naturally couldn't answer his call.

After being busy for a long time, Qin Xiaobai also felt a little tired and jumped on the big bed. He originally planned to sleep for a while, but he couldn't sleep for some reason.

So she put on the black technology collar, ready to continue to see Su Wanqing.

Maybe she felt the voice of the audience. Director Fang gave Su Wanqing a lot of shots in the evening, but most of them were in the kitchen, busy cooking.

Su Wanqing, who is proficient in home cooking, is quite handy at cooking.

The audience in the live broadcast room also gave high praise to Su Wanqing's performance.

"It's over, I have completely forgotten about my sister, this anchor makes me feel in love..."

"Upstairs, why aren't you a woman's ID? Thinking about it is very scary..."

" After waiting for a day, Fang Dao finally found out in his conscience, let me take off my pants first and come back!"

" I accidentally licked the screen just now, and Te Niang's electricity leaked..."

"Every time I cook, it's the highlight of my goddess..."

"I don't know why, I still miss her Erha!"

" Come to the live broadcast room of the goddess tomorrow afternoon, her family Erha will definitely be there, and recently her family Erha has developed new skills, which can play various games, especially chicken..."

"Fuck! Is it so slippery? It's true..."

"Don't make a fuss, there are so many things you haven't seen."

Qin Xiaobai watched and felt a little tired, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

As for Su Wanqing, after her busy work, she ate a delicious meal and then started the night chat in the mushroom house.

When Teacher He asked her what she was doing recently, Su Wanqing remembered the plan to save stray animals, so she turned to the camera and called on everyone to cherish animals.

In addition, he also mentioned the Wandering Villa, which immediately won praise from the audience.

Xiao Huang was just as miserable as before.

The night talk was over, everyone was ready to go to sleep, Su Wanqing took back the mobile phone from the director team and sent Qin Xiaobai a video call.

But she was disappointed again, Qin Xiaobai didn't answer.

When she was about to hand the phone back with a trace of disappointment on her face, the screen of the phone suddenly lit up, and then she glanced at it and immediately connected with joy.

"I don't sleep at night, what's the matter?" Qin Xiaobai walked to the balcony in a daze, dialed a video back to her, and asked.

"Wait for a while, it's a little inconvenient to speak..."

Su Wanqing glanced at the staff around, then walked towards an unoccupied corner.

Qin Xiaobai looked at her and suddenly became speechless.

This silly girl won't go to the show next time, she has to be sneaky to send a video, as if there is something that can't be seen.

"Qin Xiaobai! Is my Xiaobai okay?"

Su Wanqing came to a street lamp installed by the program team and asked.

" I fell asleep on the sofa, I had a good night's sleep, and I didn't miss you at all..." Qin Xiaobai glanced at her and said half-jokingly.

Actually, he is just stubborn. Su Wanqing is not around, he is really not used to it, it feels like he is missing something.

"Heh! This scumbag, I knew he would forget me, and I must beat it when I go back." Su Wanqing pouted and said angrily to the phone.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Has this silly girl learned from herself, how can she beat people at every turn?

Is the image of a beautiful girl pretending to be a tigress?

No way…

Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt a little scared, looked at Su Wanqing for a while, thinking in his heart.

" Qin Xiaobai, what are you thinking about? What happened to the Wandering Villa? "Su Wanqing saw that Qin Xiaobai didn't speak for a long time, so she couldn't help but find a topic and asked .

"The work of the villa is almost finished, you can almost start when you come back." Qin Xiaobai thought for a while, and then said:

"Maybe there will be more stray animals in the future. I recruited an employee in advance. She used to work there and is also from our school."

"Who is it? Do I know him?" Su Wanqing blinked a few times with her beautiful eyes, and she was suddenly interested and asked with a smile.

Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to hide anything, anyway, Su Wanqing also invested in this villa, and she must have a share, so she told her about Shen Wenwen.

"It's her..."

Su Wanqing was stunned for a while after hearing this, and then said leisurely, "Qin Xiaobai, you are not allowed to bully her, Shen Wenwen is actually quite pitiful..."

"What am I bullying her for?"

When Qin Xiaobai said this, he was actually a little guilty, but he recovered quickly and said to the phone: "Go back to sleep quickly, no mosquitoes bit you?"

"I miss you Qin Xiaobai..."

Su Wanqing suddenly said such a sentence, which made Qin Xiaobai stunned. After a long time, he asked leisurely: "What? It's going to rain? Then you don't hurry back to sleep ?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing suddenly wanted to stomp.

I finally mustered up my courage and said a love story, this guy doesn't know if he really didn't hear it clearly, or if it was deliberately pretending...

It's going to rain!

Forty degrees tomorrow, you bastard…

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