Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 316: It's all up to you tonight!

Qin Xiaobai was sitting on the steps outside, chatting with Heitan. After Shen Wenwen dealt with the scar on her arm, she returned to his side.

Seeing Qin Xiaobai chatting with a cat, she couldn't help but want to laugh, thinking that this person is really interesting, she can chat with a cat so much...

"Does it still hurt?"

Qin Xiaobai actually found out that she was here long ago, but she felt a little uncomfortable and didn't know what to say, so she remained silent until now.

Hearing this, Shen Wenwen shook her head obediently, then found a seat beside Qin Xiaobai and sat down.

"Qin, Qin Xiaobai, why didn't you speak?"

Shen Wenwen felt that Qin Xiaobai's actions were not quite right, so she tilted her head, glanced at Qin Xiaobai's profile, and asked lightly.

"Nothing, I have to go back..."

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the sky, finished speaking, and stood up.

Shen Wenwen is now getting along with Qin Xiaobai and is no longer as shy as before. Of course, the premise is that Qin Xiaobai doesn't yell at her or face her with a straight face.

When she heard that Qin Xiaobai was leaving, she planned to keep her, but after thinking about it, she didn't speak, and nodded lightly.

After leaving the Wandering Villa, Qin Xiaobai returned to his Erha form and ran back all the way.

When I was passing by the intersection, I saw the traffic police dealing with the accident. I thought it was just an ordinary traffic accident, so I didn't pay attention.

About ten minutes later, he arrived at Su Wanqing's rented house, and reluctantly began to open the door.

Fortunately, Su Wanqing just dropped into a box and was chatting with fans, and she could hear Qin Xiaobai slamming the door.

After opening the door, Su Wanqing leaned against the door and stared at him, asking:

"Xiao Bai, where did you go to fool around? Did you go to the villa to find Shen Wenwen? Is my sister not as good-looking as her?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Did this silly girl find something?

How to ask such a highly targeted question...

Qin Xiaobai froze in place, thinking about what Su Wanqing said, looking very funny.

"Pfft... Forget it, I know to pretend to be innocent every day, accompany my sister to the live broadcast, don't you know how to play games? The rest of the day is left to you..."

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she walked into the room with Qin Xiaobai in her arms, and put Qin Xiaobai directly on the gaming chair: "The chair is for you, I'll cheer you on later, look. You performed..."

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw this, they almost burst out laughing, and they laughed at the barrage.

"Hahaha... The anchor's mentality has collapsed. Sure enough, playing games depends on talent. Like the anchor, no matter how much you play, there will be no progress..."

"Boundless anchors disappeared online, forcing Erha to sell cute live broadcasts!"

"Anchor, you should have brought your Erha here? After all, this is an Erha who has eaten chicken..."

"Hey, I want to know what kind of expressions the other three dishes will look like if they know that their level is actually similar to an Erha..."

"It's time for the Erha show, I'll take off my pants and get ready!"

"Come, come, it's open! Bet a pack of spicy sticks, the anchor's Erha, and it will become a box in a few minutes!"

"Fuck you, upstairs, you recently returned to your business in Huya? Is there another spicy stick?"

"Selling crocodile leather shoes, purely artificial...Sorry, I went to the wrong studio..."


Qin Xiaobai glanced at the bullet screen, and realized that the three dishes and one soup had started again. Some time ago, Cheng Xiaoguo and Dian Xiaomei were busy and didn't play together very much. Got it all together.

"Wan Qing, get ready!" In the voice team, Little Sister Dian urged.

Such a complicated operation, Su Wanqing thought Qin Xiaobai would definitely not, so she clicked OK for Qin Xiaobai, and then took a few steps back.

Qin Xiaobai glanced back at Su Wanqing, and muttered in his heart: "Silly girl, you won't be serious, will you? If I play this game, you will be ruined..."

After all, her level is not comparable to Qin Xiaobai.

Just as Qin Xiaobai was thinking about these things, the game had already started.

"Wanqing, Tuanzi, and Duan Xiaomei, this will make us jump to the airport, and we will become boxes wherever we jump, and my mother will fight with them..." In the team's voice, Cheng Xiaoguo was angrily said.

Cheng Xiaoguo was busy filming these days, so she finally finished work early today and ran to play games without telling the assistant. Who knows that after playing for two hours, none of them survived ten minutes...

The fans in Cheng Xiaoguo's live broadcast room couldn't laugh when they heard that the word "old lady" came out.

"It seems that the dog is being forced, it looks so distressed! The dog please hang up..."

"I feel like the dog is about to collapse! I can't accept my wife, and I talk about the word "old lady" every day, why don't you stop playing? Isn't it good to fight the landlord?"

"The dog is not bad, the female anchor Su Wanqing next door has collapsed, and now her family Erha is arranged!"

"Pfft...isn't it? Are you trying to laugh at me? I have to take a look..."

"No need to go, she really let her family play!"

"Fuck! Stop the dog, stop playing! The teammates are undercover, no wonder you make a box every time!"

"I feel like the dog has been tricked! It must have been that Erha who dragged the dog down just now, so he would put it into a box..."

" Originally I was going to come over and take off my pants, but seeing that you are slandering Erha, I still explain to him, that Erha has eaten chicken, there is a video at night, you can check it out !"


While there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, the plane had already taken off, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the route, and the starting point was the airport.

So, this is bound to be an extraordinary game.

When Qin Xiaobai was skydiving, he found that there were at least forty players around, and they landed together...

"Slip away! Hurry up everyone, there are too many people here, I can't beat it!" Xiao Tuantuan glanced at the sky, and his scalp suddenly became numb, shouting in the voice of the team.

"Duanzi, you're too cowardly, aren't you? Didn't you say steel guns?" asked the little girl.

"I'm not cowardly, look where Sister Guo went? She went to the beach to play wild..." Xiao Tuantuan replied helplessly.

Among the four, only Qin Xiaobai landed at the airport.

He didn't plan to seize the roof of Building C, but landed directly on the tower, where the view is good and the resources are very rich.

Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai's precise landing, her face became a little surprised, and she muttered to herself: "Xiaobai, are you lucky? It seems that this tower can't fall directly. what…"

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