Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 319: Ouhuang is online!

After hearing Su Wanqing's question, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but glared at her, thinking that Lao Tzu would still play flying chess, would you like to stay overnight?

"Xiao Bai, sister has something interesting here, how about we two live it?"

Seeing Qin Xiaobai, she didn't want to talk to her anymore, Su Wanqing took out a boxy box from the computer cabinet.

Three words are written on it: Ludo! !

Qin Xiaobai glanced at him and immediately stared at the dog.

This silly girl…

Isn't she afraid of being abused by herself?

To practice flying chess secretly...

"Xiao Bai, are you coming? This thing is called flying chess, but it's fun, it's a dice, no one rolls it in turn, if it turns to 6 o'clock, a plane can come out..."

Su Wanqing began to eloquently introduce the rules of flying chess.

The reason why Su Wanqing took out this thing to let her dog play with her was also a little careful. In the future, Qin Xiaobai, if he told her to play flying chess and not do serious things, let him Xiaobai plays with her...

The fans in the live broadcast room were immediately stunned when they saw Su Wanqing take out the flying chess.

"Anchor, you can't, right? You even let an Erha play flying chess with you. Can you let me come for such an exciting thing?"

"Cough cough, the anchor Erha is not suitable, let's randomly select a lucky audience in the live broadcast room..."


"I took off my pants, so you want to play flying chess with Erha?"

"Come on, let's open! This bet is bigger, a bottle of Coke and three packs of spicy bars, guess the anchor and her family Erha, who is more powerful in flying chess skills! "

"Brother Kaipan upstairs, you've been lucky recently, is it just so inflated? I bet the anchor's Erha to win!"

"The way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who does the heaven bypass? I'll also bet two to win!"




Qin Xiaobai recovered from the shock, stared at Su Wanqing for a long time, guessing in his heart, did this silly girl find something?

How to take out a game of flying chess? !

Su Wanqing saw that Qin Xiaobai remained silent for a long time, and couldn't help but urged:

"Xiao Bai, come on! Sister's chessboard has been laid, so let's go, you can't control the plane, just roll the dice, I'll help you go..."

Qin Xiaobai glanced at her expression, there seemed to be nothing unusual, he was slightly relieved, and then the dog grinned slightly and walked over.


"Xiao Bai, my sister won't take advantage of you, let you throw it first, hee hee!"

Su Wanqing rubbed Qin Xiaobai's head and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai certainly wouldn't be polite to her. He stretched out a front paw and randomly pulled the dice.

The dice wobbled on the chessboard for a while, then gradually stopped, and a white 6 o’clock landed on the top.

Su Wanqing: "…"

"Is it so lucky? Okay, this is your plane, come out first..." Su Wanqing stretched out her fair jade hand and took it out from the camp under Qin Xiaobai. into a plane, and went on to say:

"Okay, now it's my turn!"

After she finished speaking, she picked up the dice, put it between her hands, shook it a few times, and then threw it directly on the board.


An unremarkable roll of the dice is a point.

It still looks like an African...

"It's your turn, Xiaobai!" Su Wanqing sighed and said leisurely.

Qin Xiaobai stretched out his claws very casually and pulled the dice.

No surprise, another 6.

Seeing this 6 o'clock, Qin Xiaobai almost burst out laughing, is this Nima Laozi really the emperor of Europe?

Su Wanqing looked a little embarrassed after seeing this 6 o'clock, glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and murmured: "Xiao Bai, are you cheating? Come on, who gets this?"

She mumbled a few words, but she still reached out and took out the second plane from Qin Xiaobai's camp.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai planned to let the first plane out of the plane run six paces first, but Su Wanqing had already done so, he didn't say much, just let her go.

Su Wanqing's second dice roll was another mediocre number.


In five minutes.

Qin Xiaobai has three planes entering the base camp, and one more is about to arrive.

And Su Wanqing may be too dark!

Tossed 30 times, but I didn't get 6 o'clock once...

All the planes are still lying in the camp without moving once!

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai was about to win, Su Wanqing suddenly chuckled and said, "Xiaobai, stop playing, my sister is sleepy, and I have to go to bed after the broadcast..."


She stretched out her two front paws and pressed them on Su Wanqing's legs.

emmm...soft and bouncy!

The fans in the live broadcast room almost burst out laughing when they saw this funny scene.

"Fuck! Goddess, you have changed, you actually bullied the honest dog, and when you see you are about to lose, you want to run away..."

"By the way, is the anchor's Erha possessed by the European Emperor? This Nima has thrown 6 too many times, right?"

"Poor anchor, was she ruthlessly beaten by her family Erha?"

"Hey, Erha! Let's play games and play games. What do you mean by putting your two claws on the legs of my goddess? !"

"You guys talk, I'm going to take off my pants first!"

"Hey, is the guy who opened the sale still there? Get your stuff ready, and send it from the old place, remember to free shipping!"

"He ran away early, didn't you see that his head was black?"

"Anchor, if you don't win your family Erha today, you will be embarrassed to live broadcast in the future. I will play you a light BGM of the right way, you can do it!"


After losing a game, Su Wanqing looked up at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and suddenly felt a little scalp numb, although she knew that the fans were joking, but no matter what she played, she lost to herself dog.

This is too embarrassing, isn't it?

Are beautiful girls shameless?

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing raised a serious look on her face, and said to Qin Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, if you try again, my sister won't believe it, your luck is so good every time, you won't win today. You, sister is not sleeping..."

At three o'clock in the morning, Su Wanqing's eyelids began to fight, and her words became a little weak. She glanced at Qin Xiaobai's paw on her leg and begged: "Xiaobai, you are ruthless! Sister tomorrow There is still class, can I let my sister go to sleep? I can't bear it anymore..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

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