Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 323: Qin Xiaobai, stop! !

"Ah~ Xiaobai, I love you! ! "

After Su Wanqing woke up, she screamed and hugged Qin Xiaobai for a chaotic kiss, her excitement beyond words.

Qin Xiaobai pouted and let out a low growl.

"Ow~Ow..." (Wang Xingren's translation: Silly girl is too bad, my hair is almost lost by your kiss, so many people are watching in the live broadcast room! You This is hooliganism...)

Suddenly, Su Wanqing seemed to have thought of something, looked at Qin Xiaobai with a smile, and said, "Xiaobai, your luck is unbelievable, why don't we go buy a lottery tomorrow? , or how about a two-color ball?"

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

What is this silly girl thinking!

Qin Xiaobai was too lazy to claim the bonus for winning a few bets. Too many words would easily arouse suspicion.

Going to buy lottery tickets is a brain drain.

Such a stupid thing, he wouldn't do it anyway.

The fans in the live broadcast room were a little uneasy after seeing the scene just now and hearing Su Wanqing's question.

"Anchor, I charged a thousand just now, please ask your dog to draw a prize for me? I don't want the golden Martha, just come to a fan..."

"Anchor, I want to ask now, how much can you sell your Erha, I don't want anything else, just your Erha!"

"Fuck, the anchor, you let your dog smoke Martha for you, and you even plan to let him buy lottery tickets for you? It's so shameless... Please broadcast it tomorrow when you buy it. , I'm going to buy a few bets too!"

"Yes! Anchor, I don't want to work hard. When I buy a lottery ticket tomorrow, I will send the number in the live broadcast room and beg!"

"Stop talking, I have to take off my pants quickly, sell them, and collect money to buy lottery tickets."


At the same time, after charging 30,000 quick money, Cheng Xiaoguo still did not draw Martha, and finally decided to give up, and asked in the team voice: "Wan Qing, where are you? What's the situation? I don't smoke anymore, it's too pitiful, let's go slaughter the human and machine..."

"Sister Xiaoguo, my Xiaobai helped me draw ten limited..."

"Limited? What is the limitation? I also have a limited set of Berserk Bunny. It's super cute. When I die, you can lick it and wear it!" Cheng Xiaoguo asked in astonishment After saying a word, he didn't forget to show off what he had drawn.

"It's nothing, but Maserati still has some fashions. That wedding dress is so beautiful. Would you like one for you?"

Small fruit: "…"

After half a day, Cheng Xiaoguo had a stunned expression on her face, and she stammered for a long time before asking: " mean, did you get a Maserati?"

"Yes, both golden and pink..."Su Wanqing replied with a smile.

"How much did you draw?"

"Two hundred!"

Su Wanqing's drawing is a limit, but Su Wanqing still feels that two hundred yuan is a bit of a loss, and when she says this number, she still looks a little bit hurt.

Cheng Xiaoguo: "???"

Two hundred?

After hearing this answer, Cheng Xiaoguo was immediately stunned. She had drawn 30,000 yuan, but she had nothing. Su Wanqing had only drawn 200 yuan. How many Maseratis?

"Aren't you kidding me?" Cheng Xiaoguo asked in disbelief.

"Why are you lying, I'll send you a screenshot!"

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she sent the screenshot of the lottery draw to Cheng Xiaoguo.

After seeing the screenshot of this picture, Cheng Xiaoguo was silent, and after a long while, he said leisurely: "Boss Su, I don't want to work hard, this is a ghost scene. ?Take me to buy a lottery ticket tomorrow…”

On the first day that the chicken-eating mobile game was launched, not only Cheng Xiaoguo, but also many ordinary players, rushed thousands or even tens of thousands for a Maserati.

But not a single hair was seen.

Seeing Su Wanqing 200 fast and drawing three cars, can you not be envious and jealous?

"Sister Xiaoguo, it's not me who drew it, it's my Xiaobai! He just ordered ten random clicks, and now I suspect that he is Emperor Ou..." Su Wanqing heard Cheng Xiaoguo After the words, he explained with a smile.

Small fruit: "…"

The fans in her live broadcast room also sent out sympathetic barrages after hearing her conversation with Su Wanqing.

"Dog, accept your fate! The female anchor next door wrapped you up, it's not ashamed..."

"I guess the dog's mentality must be exploded now, 30,000 for a bunny, and 200 for others is a limit, this gap is too big, right?"

"Fuck! A well-known actress quit the show business because of the lottery collapse, and has since become obsessed with buying lottery tickets..."

"Brother upstairs, are you from the UC shock department? Why are these words so familiar..."

"It's over, I feel that the dog's eyes are wrong again, obviously he is greedy for the second ha of the anchor next door..."

"My God! Why did you say it, I can see it too!"

"Dog, wake up, people and dogs have different paths!"

Just as the fans in her live broadcast room were worried, Cheng Xiaoguo said something that made them vomit blood.

"Wanqing, give your family Erha to me? You can keep them for a few days, I'm not afraid of him tearing down the house..."

"Hee hee, Sister Xiaoguo, forget it! I'll give you a pink Maserati, and a few brighter fashions are fine, if it's Xiaobai, forget it!"

Su Wanqing finished speaking with a smile, looked at Qin Xiaobai who had already reached the door, and suddenly spoke again:

"Qin Xiaobai, stop!"

Qin Xiaobai, who originally planned to take advantage of this silly girl's excitement, slipped back to the sofa to sleep, was startled by her shout, and couldn't help but look back at her blankly .

After hearing this title, Qin Xiaobai's eyes suddenly showed a look of horror.


It was Qin Xiaobai, not Xiaobai! !

Seeing Qin Xiaobai's dazed and funny expression, Su Wanqing sighed and murmured: "I must be blocked! How could Xiaobai be him, the frog prince is just a call Just…”

It's just that her dog's behavior has become more and more strange recently, which indeed gave her an illusion.

Each game of flying chess is 6 points, exactly the same as Qin Xiaobai.

The precise placement of the chicken, the same birding scene.

And every time she stares at her, etc...

Believe in godlikeness too much.

She didn't know when she had the illusion that the two were a bit similar.

"It's alright, Xiaobai! Go back to bed early, and accompany me to school tomorrow, to the sports meeting..." Su Wanqing's eyes lit up slightly, looking at Qin Xiaobai and said with a smile.

Such subtle changes in eyes naturally could not escape Qin Xiaobai's observation. After walking out of the room, he jumped directly onto the sofa.

Qin Xiaobai became a little uneasy, he could feel that Su Wanqing seemed to notice something.

After pondering for a long time, the corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth raised slightly.

I thought, why bother?

If it doesn't work, I will just showdown...

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