Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 326: I'll take you there at night, the knife skills are very fast!

The brief opening ceremony was quickly over.

Black Charcoal was originally standing on the side eating meat buns, leisurely looking at the crowd full of playgrounds. Suddenly, its eyes stopped at a certain corner, and then there was a chill in its eyes.

Yes, the person it looked at was Jiang Xue.

The woman who destroyed it.

The torment of the black carbon for this almost made it collapse directly.

At this moment, seeing this woman, Hei Tan did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards Jiang Xue.

Of course I don't want to recognize the master, but I want to destroy her...

Su Wanqing noticed that something was wrong, looked at Xiaobai who was running towards Jiang Xue, and whispered: "Xiaobai, don't make trouble! The opening ceremony is now being held..."

However, Qin Xiaobai, who was disguised with black charcoal, didn't think about Su Wanqing's words at all, and threw Jiang Xue directly.

"Hey, hey, Xiaobai! You're crazy, let it go, stop making trouble!" Su Wanqing was startled, and ran over to pull it away.

Actually, the black charcoal didn't bite Jiang Xue, just tore her skirt to pieces.

The always cold Jiang Xue, after exclaiming, covered the torn place with her hand, and then said angrily to Su Wanqing:

" Wanqing, your Xiaobai may be the same as the black charcoal at that time. In this case, there is no hesitation. I will take you to that pet hospital later. Their doctor's knife skills are very fast. of…"

Qin Xiaobai's face turned green after hearing this!

Then glared at Hei Tan and yelled at it: "Xiao Hei, did you do this on purpose?"

"Ouch~~" (Wang Xingren translation: Brother, listen to my explanation, I was just a little excited at the time, I didn’t hold back too much, I definitely didn’t want to frame you! Hey, let alone you are not Is there such a liquid...)

Su Wanqing and Jiang Xue on the side, after hearing Qin Xiaobai call the Erha in front of him "Little Hei", the two women looked at each other blankly, thinking at the same time, this guy is Not black and white blind?

Such a white Erha, calling someone a little black...

After the black charcoal subsided, when Qin Xiaobai looked back at Shen Wenwen, she had disappeared.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai actually wanted to look for it, but in the end he held back, after all, Su Wanqing was still with him!

"Brother, the 4X100-meter relay race is going to be held later, how about we go get ready?" At this time, Lin Tao walked over and asked Qin Xiaobai.

But Qin Xiaobai, who was in a fidgety mood, had no desire to compete at all. After looking at him, he asked: "If I don't make it, can you qualify for the finals?"

"There is definitely no problem with qualifying for the finals. Big brother wants to preserve his strength and make a blockbuster?"

Qin Xiaobai nodded with a wry smile, and didn't answer him any more, he just didn't want to compete...

It has nothing to do with the preservation of strength.

" Qin Xiaobai, will you help me get the selfie stick later? I have a game later, and I promised to broadcast it to the fans in the live broadcast room yesterday..." Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai and said softly asked.

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her and asked, "You want to live broadcast this too?"

"Yes, the duration of the live broadcast, this month is about to end, and I have participated in the longing for a while. My live broadcast time is not long enough, or I will deduct a lot of money next month..."

Su Wanqing sighed helplessly, looking at Qin Xiaobai with a pleading look on her face.

"Forget it, I've served you! Go live, I won't show my face."

Qin Xiaobai originally planned to make her cry, but after listening to Su Wanqing's explanation, she still held back.

Su Wanqing is now a big anchor and an adult. Since she signed a contract with Douyu and stipulated the duration of the live broadcast, if it can't be completed, Qin Xiaobai really has no face to go to Liang Chenghai to help She intercedes.

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai agreed, Su Wanqing immediately used her mobile phone to board the live broadcast room.

Before the broadcast last night, I mentioned to the fans in the live broadcast room that the school's Autumn Games will be broadcast live today, so even if it is only nine in the morning, there are two fans waiting in the live broadcast room. More than 100,000 people.

As soon as Su Wanqing appeared on the camera, the fans in the live broadcast room became lively.

"It's a long life! I've been following the anchor for so long, but I don't even know she's a student of Magic Capital University. Isn't it said that good-looking girls are all scumbags?"

"Hey, you may not understand upstairs, the anchor goes to Magic University, it should not be based on talent, but appearance..."

"Anchor, will you be your next project? What kind of project is walking?"

"Fuck! There are so many girls and thieves in the university, I knew that I was also admitted to a university..."

"Brother upstairs, you can't take the university entrance exam until after high school. After nine years of compulsory education, don't you go to move bricks? How do you go to university in junior high school?"

"Stop talking, it's time to lick the screen! I'm going to take off my pants..."

"Come, come, it's open! Bet on a pack of hot sticks, guess what the anchor will get, and those guys diving in the live broadcast room, you owe me Hongtashan and Coke , spicy strips, when can I return it?"

"Fuck! Brother Kaipan, have you been so tough lately? The tone of your speech is different..."

"My host didn't start broadcasting, and I borrowed a live room to sell goods. You shouldn't mind, right? We sell crocodile leather shoes, pure artificially cultivated crocodile skin, and also sell the same European emperor Husky as the host's home... "

"Is this a liar? Where is the anchor's husky for sale? Can I report it all?"


Because it is a rear camera, Qin Xiaobai is holding a selfie stick, Su Wanqing did not see these barrages, but greeted fans as always:

"Hi, good morning everyone! Today is the first day of our school sports meeting. The anchor will have an event, women's 5000m walk, walk, let's go sign in now..."

After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she gestured to Qin Xiaobai, then turned and walked towards the sign-in stage.

On the way there, Su Wanqing explained the concept of race walking to the fans in the live broadcast room.


Just, Qin Xiaobai couldn't understand, what is the meaning of this kind of movement...

After Su Wanqing checked in, she went to the preparation area.

And Qin Xiaobai was bored with his selfie phone, wandering around, trying to find Shen Wenwen. Those fans in the live broadcast room almost vomited when they looked at the upside-down and swaying footage in the camera.

Fortunately, the camera quickly stabilized, because Su Wanqing's match had already started with a gunshot...

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