Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 363: Your boyfriend is very nice!

Dawn slowly opened, and it was another colorful morning, slowly descending into the world with freshness.

The smell of disinfectant water unique to the hospital seems to have dissipated a lot with the arrival of the first rays of sunlight. After Shen Wenwen rested all night, a blush finally recovered on her pretty face.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, and suddenly her eyes moved a few times.

The expression on her face was strange and suspicious.

Sitting on the bench and sleeping soundly on the hospital bed is no longer Qin Xiaobai.

It is!

One two ha…

"Little, little white?"

Shen Wenwen gently stretched out a hand and touched Erha Qin Xiaobai who was sleeping, full of doubts. She couldn't understand why the Erha of Su Wanqing's family suddenly appeared beside her.

Awakened by her shouting, Qin Xiaobai stretched out his paw in dissatisfaction and pushed her hand away.


After hearing the familiar whimper, Qin Xiaobai suddenly raised his head, stared at Shen Wenwen in a stunned manner, and then glanced at his paws, his heart suddenly horrified.

This Nima is dying! !

Looking at Qin Xiaobai's funny expression, Shen Wenwen couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled lightly, then asked lightly: "Xiaobai, why are you here? Where is he? ?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Scarce, too **** careless!

After his transformation time reached sixteen hours, Qin Xiaobai has not encountered the problem of insufficient transformation time for a long time.

His transformation time has been activated since noon yesterday. Originally, he came to twelve o'clock and re-enabled his skills, and nothing happened, but he was so careless that he forgot...

Mainly at that time, the situation of Shen Wenwen and her sister really made him a little worried, and when the system brother reminded him, he was in a deep sleep, and he didn't know much at all!

However, Shen Wenwen's reaction made Qin Xiaobai heave a sigh of relief temporarily. She should not have seen the process of his transformation from human to Erha.

Then Qin Xiaobai raised his head, looked around for a while, and sighed inwardly: "Fortunately! There is no camera in this room..."

In this way, you don't have to worry about exposure.

Otherwise, the headline of tomorrow's headlines must be: Shock! A man was in the hospital late at night and turned into an Erha.

There will also be a video of changing from a human to a two-ha…

The degree of shock, you don’t have to think about it, you know that it will directly shock the entire Blue Star!

Qin Xiaobai raised her head and glanced at Shen Wenwen, in order to prevent her from seeing something, she didn't plan to stay any longer, she ran directly to the door, and when she went out, she met a nurse who pushed a cart in.

" Is that Erha from your family? Pets are not allowed in the hospital, so don't let him come over tomorrow..." The little nurse glanced at Shen Wenwen, and then continued: "Come on, I'll give you an examination* *body!"

"Nurse, my sister..."

"She is not in danger for the time being, but the failure of the operation has a great impact on her. I suggest you take her to the Imperial Capital Hospital, where the medical level is higher."

After the nurse finished speaking, she glanced at Shen Wenwen, and she was full of admiration for this weak girl.

After Shen Wenwen heard the nurse's words, the worried look on her face was temporarily relieved.

" By the way, was that your boyfriend last night? He's a good person, and he paid a million hospital fees for your sister. If you have time, let him take your sister to the Take a look at the imperial capital…”

When the little nurse mentioned Qin Xiaobai, there seemed to be a hint of envy in her eyes.

Good-looking, rich, and considerate, this is the dream of 900 million girls!

After hearing the nurse's words, Shen Wenwen's face suddenly turned red and she stammered: " not my...boyfriend!"

After saying this, she felt a little lost in her heart.

Actually, Shen Wenwen also really wanted this to be true, so she could shyly answer "Thank you!".

But she really can't lie, so she can't deceive herself.

After Qin Xiaobai left the hospital, he immediately found a secluded place, looked around for a long time, and then returned to his human form, and then muttered with some dissatisfaction on his face:

"System brother, can't you make your voice louder when you remind me? It almost happened..."

Qin Xiaobai didn't say anything, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the system brother became angry: "Host, are you a pig? It's all out, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Being speechless by a few words from the system brother, Qin Xiaobai also knew in his heart that this matter could not be blamed on the system brother, so he said helplessly:

"Forget it, I forgive you this time! Give me a few pills to cure the disease, make up for my loss, and this matter is over, how about it?"

System brother: "…"

At this moment, the system brother is really speechless.

It doesn't know at all that it will put up such a shameless host for Mao.

"Do you think this system is an alchemy furnace? You ask for elixir at any time..." The system brother replied helplessly.

In response, Qin Xiaobai pouted, realizing that it would be useless to talk to the system brother, so he gave up the idea.

Glancing around, then immediately walked over.

There is a shop that sells breakfast.

Qin Xiaobai is fine by himself, after all, Su Wanqing, that stupid girl, often doesn't give him breakfast.

But thinking that Shen Wenwen had not eaten since last night, and had drawn 700cc of blood, she was weak, so she planned to buy her a breakfast to take home.

By the way, explain why Mao Erha will lie on her bed.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai had already figured out an excuse, and then he said that Erha brought it by himself, he went down to buy breakfast, and asked Erha to help take care of her.

When Qin Xiaobai returned to the hospital bed again, Shen Wenwen was already leaning against the pillow and sitting on the bed, her face recovered a little.

Seeing him walk in, Shen Wenwen remembered what happened last night, her face was a little hot, she didn't know where to put her hands, and after a moment of indulgence, she said softly to Qin Xiaobai :"Thank you…"

"Eat breakfast, your sister is fine!"

Qin Xiaobai handed her breakfast and said.

To be honest, Qin Xiaobai felt very complicated after seeing her appearance, feeling distressed and guilty.

Such a good girl can only live for two to three years, but the initiator of this matter is him Qin...

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Shen Wenwen nodded lightly, stretched out her hand to take the breakfast he handed over, then seemed to remember something, lowered her head and said:

" The nurse said, you helped... I paid the hospital fee, I will find a way to pay it back to you... "

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