Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 382: The black hand behind!

The current situation is a bit complicated, and Qin Xiaobai is not sure whether it was done by someone or by another live broadcast platform.

But Qin Xiaobai is actually more inclined to move secretly on other platforms.

After all, once Tiger Sprout and Douyu merge, it will have the biggest impact on other small live broadcast platforms.

Most of the high-quality anchors and traffic will be monopolized by the new platform Tiger Fish.

They must be having a tough time.

Therefore, it is not impossible to deliberately bring a wave of rhythm before the merger of the two.

Of course, there is another possibility that someone can't get along with Su Wanqing, just want to target and disgust her.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai stood up silently, glanced at Su Wanqing, and said, "Don't broadcast the live broadcast for now, go shopping at the villa to relax, I'll do something, immediately just come back..."

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai's face was a little gloomy, Su Wanqing wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, nodded obediently, and watched him leave the gate of the Wandering Villa.

After Qin Xiaobai left the villa, he drove the sports car directly to the suite of the Lanshan Hotel.

Afterwards, a WeChat group was established, and both Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng were brought in.

Started a video conference.

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng saw Qin Xiaobai appear in the camera with a gloomy face, they did not dare to speak, and waited quietly for Qin Xiaobai to speak.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the expressions of the two of them, and didn't have the heart to beat around the bush, he said directly:

"You two, I'm looking for you today, I want you to make a difference. Fans in the face value area are arguing. I suspect that someone is setting the rhythm! Is there any way to find out what's behind it? people?"

Liang Chenghai was the first to answer after listening to it: "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult to do. We can only use the most stupid method to check the IP address of the spokesperson, but the barrage of the king's patrolling mountain has already been released today. There are hundreds of thousands of records, and it will take a while to check…”

"What Mr. Liang said is indeed a solution, but if Mr. Qin provides a few lists that can be used, it may be faster to find them!" After thinking for a while, Xu Feng added.

After listening to the speeches of the two, Qin Xiaobai's face softened a little and asked, "Mr. Liang, how long does it take for you to arrange an investigation?"

"If all the technicians are arranged in the past, the results will probably come out tonight!" Liang Chenghai replied.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of barrages in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, it is not to check hundreds of thousands of IPs. Many of them are posted by the same person Yes, all the actual workloads are not unimaginably large.

"Okay, you can arrange for people to go to work." Qin Xiaobai nodded, and then added:

"Pay attention to a few anchors who have had a festival with Dawang Xunshan, that is, the ones I beat, as well as the previous guilds, and the focus is also different!"

"Okay! I'll make arrangements first..."

"Go, pay attention to communicate with President Xu in time!"

Liang Chenghai nodded and then exited the video conference.

"Mr. Xu, the workload on your side may be larger. After all, there are three major anchors' live broadcast rooms to check, thank you!" Qin Xiaobai glanced at Xu Feng who stayed behind, After hesitating for a moment, he said lightly:

"Focus on a few people in Menghua Pavilion, as well as the head of Huya, and... Yang Mengxin's live broadcast room!"

Actually, Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to mention Yang Mengxin's name, because he never believed that Yang Mengxin would do such a thing...

Xu Feng nodded and said, "Then... President Qin, I'm going to work first!"


After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaobai also hung up the video call, walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, glanced at the scenery outside the window, and said to himself:

"If it's a platform, then you don't want to do it. If you don't dig out all your anchors, I will write the name of someone Qin in reverse..."

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to go back to the Wandering Villa directly, just in the suite, waiting for the results of the two of them.

This matter seems to be stuck in his throat with a fishbone. If it is not resolved, he always feels a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, he is also thinking about this issue. This parallel world is really nonsense. Many things do not require real-name system.

Registering a live account, you don't even need a mobile phone number. If it's the same as Earth, it won't be so troublesome to check.

When this matter is over, Qin Xiaobai still intends to mention the real-name system to their two general managers.

About three in the afternoon, Su Wanqing became a little worried when she saw that Qin Xiaobai had not come back.

After all, when Qin Xiaobai left, he said he would be back soon.

Thinking of this, she took out her mobile phone and called Qin Xiaobai.

Qin Xiaobai, who was waiting for news at the hotel, heard the ringing of the mobile phone, and quickly picked up the phone. When he saw that it was Su Wanqing calling, he shook his head and connected the call.

"Qin Xiaobai, where are you? Is there anything?" Su Wanqing asked nervously.

"It's okay!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai continued: "Don't worry, I'm in the magic capital, I didn't go anywhere else, I'll pick you up at night..."

After Su Wanqing heard his words, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Well! Then I will wait for you at the villa!"

Qin Xiaobai hung up the phone and was just about to put down the phone, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, almost at the same time, sent him a message.

The content of the information is similar.

" President Qin, the matter has been found out, there are two anchors in the platform with the rhythm of the face value area, there are two in total, the Qijianwu live broadcast platform and Yang Mengxin, the first few IPs with rhythm , are located in the headquarters of Qijianwu office building and the apartment rented by Yang Mengxin, and the anchor has contacts with the high-rise of Qijianwu."

Seven Houses is an old-fashioned live broadcast website. This platform is very interesting, with all the good-looking anchors, and the content is very simple.

But it is just like this, which has also won the hearts of many otaku.

It is also a clear stream in the live broadcast industry.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Xiaobai thought that they might be afraid. After the merger of Tiger Sprout and Douyu, the appearance area is too strong, which will make them unable to get along, so they secretly engage in some Small actions.

However, Qin Xiaobai didn't expect that Yang Mengxin was really involved in this matter.

This woman is really hopeless!

Doing this will not do her any good at all, but will increase Qin Xiaobai's disgust for her, which has already wiped out the last trace of sympathy for her...

In fact, what Qin Xiaobai didn't know was that once a woman turned black, she would be more ruthless than a man.

They only want to achieve their goals, they will not consider any consequences at all!

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