Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 409: If you have a baby in the future, will it be worth it?

As an anchor, Tang Xiaorou naturally cannot miss such a grand day. Originally, she planned to see if she could make it to the list, but after seeing the list, she was speechless.

It's all gods fighting, so a mortal anchor like her, don't even think about it?

But soon, she discovered that the number one among these gods was her long-lost father...


Yes, it's been separated for many years!

One punch and one bang is weird, since the last time I ate, I have never been to her live broadcast room, and I have not responded to her WeChat and phone calls.

She didn't have any extravagant hopes, one punch and one pummeling monster could help her make the list, but simply wanted to see, this female anchor who made her father reward so much money, in the end what it looks like.

Originally, she just planned to enter the live broadcast room of Dawang Xunshan, but those fans in her live broadcast room are all asking to have a PK with Dawang Xunshan, otherwise they will unfollow...

Tang Xiaorou also knew it was a joke, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that there was no big problem, so she sent Lian Mai PK's invitation in a fever.

In fact, she was very flustered.

After Su Wanqing appeared in Lianmai's camera, Tang Xiaorou was immediately stunned when she saw her stunning face.

Too much!

It's too much, because Mao is also a girl, can this king patrol the mountains look so good?

No matter what aspect of appearance, figure, and temperament, Tang Xiaorou feels that she has been crushed...

Su Wanqing glanced at Tang Xiaorou, but she felt that this girl, with a chubby face and a trace of baby fat, was very cute.

" know Qin Xiaobai?"

Su Wanqing remembered the words of the fans in the live broadcast room before, hesitated for a moment, and asked to the camera.

"He...he's my dad..."

Tang Xiaorou blushed and seemed very nervous, stammering her answer.

Su Wanqing: "???"

After hearing Tang Xiaorou's words, Su Wanqing almost collapsed on the spot, and her face turned green...

At first, she thought the fans were just joking!

After all, Qin Xiaobai seems to be a little younger than her, why did a daughter so big suddenly appear?

Although Lian Mai's anchor looks small and exquisite, like a little loli, but judging from her dress, she must be an adult...

Fans in the live broadcast room, after hearing the conversation between the two, also used the barrage to ridicule.

"Fuck! It's over, the anchor must be green, the dog emperor's daughter is already so old..."

"I guess the goddess's current mentality must be broken, and she has become a stepmother inexplicably. Who the **** can stand it?"

"I don't want to comment on other things, the dog emperor's daughter is so cute, I have to take off my pants once to show respect..."

"Anchor, I just want to know, are you panicking now? Are you afraid?"

"The mother-in-law is here, please accept my son-in-law!"

"Shut up, isn't this the time to sympathize with the anchor? You **** have actually attracted the attention of the dog queen? Don't say it, the mother-in-law is on top, please accept the little son-in-law Bye!"

" The goddess is definitely out of the game, the daughter of the dog emperor, of course she can't miss it if she is so cute? Count me in..."


Qin Xiaobai, who was about to leave, caught a glimpse of the content on the barrage in the live broadcast room out of the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help crying and laughing instantly. Do these fans think it's not big enough to watch the fun?

Su Wanqing is also speechless, and her mentality is not far from collapse.

" That... mother, I came here to see, don't get me wrong, my father gave me some money before, so that I can continue to complete my studies proudly, it's not the fans who say like..."

At this time, Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room also exploded, so she had no choice but to explain to the camera.

"So that's it..."

After hearing Tang Xiaorou's explanation, Su Wanqing finally recovered and breathed a sigh of relief. If Qin Xiaobai really has such an old daughter, how should she face him in the future?

"That... mother, let me recite a few poems for you, the first time I saw you just now, I was almost shocked!" Tang Xiaorou had a faint smile on her face, and then said to said into the camera.

Su Wanqing: "…"

Although I don't understand why this little loli has to be written by poetry, Su Wanqing didn't intend to stop her, and after returning a smile, she said, "That's fine..."

Tang Xiaorou saw this, Shui Ling's big eyes rolled around, and then facing the camera, she opened her mouth to recite: "Qianqiu has no beauty, she is a beautiful woman.

The hibiscus is not as good as the beauty makeup, the water temple wind comes with the pearl and green fragrance!

Pretty like a peach in three springs, pure like a chrysanthemum in nine autumns!

The waist of the palace is slender, and the age is just as old. Just being provoked by the romantic, and together with the Yang double bun. Beginning to learn strict makeup, such as sketching like a cut body, timid and shy and affectionate. What a charming move.


Tang Xiaorou almost put all the words and phrases in Tang poetry and Song poetry that can express the beauty of women, and praised Su Wanqing...

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai really wanted to punch her on the spot.

This little loli is so good at licking, right?

This silly girl Su Wanqing is really okay, but in front of hundreds of thousands of fans, you hold her so much, what if she swells in the future?

Even Su Wanqing herself became a little embarrassed after hearing these words, and said to the camera: " are exaggerating, I'm really not as good as you said. …”

Actually, Su Wanqing was quite happy in her heart, after all, when the beautiful girl heard others compliment her beauty, she would secretly be happy.

Then Su Wanqing got up and hugged Qin Xiaobai, who was about to slip away, rubbed his head, and muttered softly:

"Xiaobai, is my sister really that good? But, Qin Xiaobai, why can't you find out? Honestly, he is murdering me..."

At this moment Qin Xiaobai gave her a dissatisfied glance, and shouted at her: "Ow!" (Wang Xingren translation: Do I have it? No...)

"Xiao Bai, are you yelling at me too?"

Su Wanqing patted him lightly and muttered.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

She said these words in a very soft voice, and the fans in the live broadcast room did not hear them, otherwise they would probably go crazy with laughter.

After complaining a few words, Su Wanqing raised her head and glanced at the screen, thinking in her heart, since it's PK, can't you just follow along? So he said to Tang Xiaorou:

"How about we play a game with Mike?"

"Ah? I...I don't know..." Tang Xiaorou replied embarrassedly after hearing Su Wanqing's words.


In addition to live endorsement, she seems to have no talent...

"It's alright! Your next Jedi survival, my sister will lead you to open the black, but it's easy!" Su Wanqing smiled and said to the camera.

Qin Xiaobai was speechless when he heard her words!

If you have a baby in the future, will you still have it?

Su Wanqing, this silly girl, doesn’t she want to tell her child every day: What homework to write? Mom will take you to fight the Jedi to survive, but it's fun...

Tang Xiaorou thought about it for a while, and seemed to be very interested in Su Wanqing's proposal, she said to the screen: ", wait for me for a while, I'll download the game..."

The fans in the live broadcast room had almost the same reaction as Qin Xiaobai after hearing the conversation between the two.

"It's over, the little loli was here to recognize her relatives, but she was taken to play games..."

"It's not time for dinner yet! Anchor, can you play games later? Just while you are playing games, eat as much as you can!"

"The first day the anchor took the bad boy..."

"No, goddess, are you really sure you want to bring your daughter to play games? Are you sure you can bring it?"

"Pfft...hahaha, anchor, don't tease me! Do you want to teach this little loli how to fall into a box in a fancy way?"

"Are you serious, anchor? I didn't even understand it, so I started to lead people to hack..."

"Stop talking, that bowl of rice is ready to eat!"

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