Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 421: Um! I really paid for the phone bill...

Not long after, Chu Yunlan carried the vegetable basket and walked in front of the two with a smile, ignoring the existence of Qin Xiaobai, and smiled at Su Wanqing: "Daughter-in-law, what is your name? on?"

Su Wanqing was unambiguous and answered directly: "Auntie, my name is Su Wanqing, you can just call me Wanqing!"

"Hmm! It's a good name, it sounds a little taller than my Xiaobai's name, don't be stunned, go home and talk..." After speaking, she saw Su Wanqing holding a large While Qin Xiaobai was empty-handed, Chu Yunlan's face turned black, kicked her son, and said angrily:

"Are you disabled? Let a girl take so many things and be lazy there?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Seriously, if this person wasn't his mother, Qin Xiaobai would have given her a punch.

No way, this woman is someone Qin Xiaobai can't afford to offend.

"Auntie, it's alright! I can move it..." Su Wanqing quickly explained to Qin Xiaobai, but in fact she really wanted to laugh. This guy Qin Xiaobai usually yells at her fiercely, but in front of her mother, he can't be cowardly...

"What are you doing standing there? Hurry up and bring it!"

Qin Xiaobai was a little helpless, gave Su Wanqing a blank look, and then took the thing in her hand.

"Son, your father used this tone to speak to me, and he was in the hospital for a week!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

At this moment, he finally understood why his father always said that his mother was a tigress, which was too scary...

Su Wanqing couldn't help but laughed softly. For some reason, she felt very amused when she saw Qin Xiaobai like this.


The two followed behind Chu Yunlan and went upstairs.

By this time, Su Wanqing felt less nervous, and chatted with Qin Xiaobai's mother all the way.

After entering, although Qin Xiaobai did not see his father, he still shouted to the inside: "Dad, your son is back!"

"Bastard boy, what else is there to kiss my son?"

After a while, there was a burst of laughter and scolding in the room, and then a middle-aged man who was similar to Qin Xiaobai walked to the door, it was Qin Xiaobai's father Qin Dabao.

It's just that when he saw Su Wanqing standing next to his son, his face was slightly stunned: "This girl is..."

"Hello uncle! My name is Su Wanqing, you can just call me Wanqing..." Su Wanqing politely smiled at Qin Dabao and answered.

Mom said impatiently.

Then the three entered the house. Qin Xiaobai's parents went into the kitchen and started to get busy.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai's eyes suddenly saw a middle-aged aunt in the living room, but he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember the name for a while.

"Xiao Bai! I haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and he looks a lot more handsome!"

The middle-aged aunt showed a look of admiration and praised.

After hearing her words, Qin Xiaobai suddenly remembered, isn't this the aunt who introduced her to her during Chinese New Year?

"Hey! Who is this little girl?"

Aunt Wang's eyes suddenly saw the girl standing beside Qin Xiaobai, her face changed a few times, and she couldn't help but ask.

Su Wanqing originally intended to answer her question, but was stopped by Qin Xiaobai, so Su Wanqing had to smile at her as a greeting.

"Bring her back to see her parents, by the way, Aunt Wang, do you have anything to talk to my parents about?" Qin Xiaobai smiled, glanced at her, and asked.

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Aunt Wang's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

He looked at Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing, and glanced back and forth. I couldn't help but secretly sighed in my heart: "Fuck, it's a **** match...


Although Qin Xiaobai has a straight personality, her appearance is a perfect score. Although Su Wanqing is not a perfect score, she has almost ninety-nine points.

But in terms of appearance, these two are indeed a good match.

When she was playing mahjong this morning, she heard that Chu Yunlan's payment had received 100,000 RMB, which instantly made her mind active again.

One hundred thousand is not a lot in China, but it is a lot!

The fact that Qin Xiaobai can transfer 100,000 yuan to his mother is quite remarkable. After all, most of the young people in this era are moonlight. As young as he is, he has a deposit of 100,000 yuan, at least the kind with a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan.

A quality stock like Qin Xiaobai, naturally Aunt Wang wants to introduce it to her relatives, but the only suitable girl is the youngest daughter of the Tang family.

So I decided to come over and say hello.

But after seeing Su Wanqing, Aunt Wang immediately gave up the idea.

Forcibly speaking, that's hitting her in the face!

"'s nothing to do, just come and sit, I don't know Xiaobai, you're coming back today. I still have something to do, so I won't delay your family reunion..."

Aunt Wang smiled awkwardly, then got up and left the house.

The old lady Qin Xiaobai planned to keep her for lunch, but she couldn't keep it...

When Su Wanqing saw Qin Xiaobai's parents, she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

I planned to go into the kitchen to help, after all, she still has a bit of confidence in her cooking skills, so this is the first time she comes to the door, she can also leave a little bit for future parents-in-law impression.

But when she just walked into the kitchen and said her plan, Qin Xiaobai's parents rejected her.

According to Qin Xiaobai's mother, she only needs to eat some fruit and snacks, chat with Qin Xiaobai, and watch TV.

Before eating, Qin Xiaobai's mother mysteriously gave Su Wanqing two red envelopes.

Other worlds don’t have the habit of giving red envelopes, so after Su Wanqing took it over, she asked Qin Xiaobai softly with some doubts: “What is this…?”

Qin Xiaobai took a look at the red envelope and was speechless!

Each red envelope is a neat 10,000 RMB, which is more than the New Year's money he has grown up to, combined!


At this time, Qin Xiaobai finally confirmed one thing, and he really paid for the call...

"This thing is called a red envelope, and the stuff inside is the currency of our side. Generally, when a girl comes to the door, the man's parents will give it if they think the girl is good!"

Since Su Wanqing asked, Qin Xiaobai had no choice but to explain.

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's explanation, Su Wanqing carefully put away the two red envelopes with joy in her heart.

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