Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 430: Reappearing lilac pattern

Su Wanqing experienced the feeling that Qin Xiaobai belongs to her completely during the few days of the trip to the earth.

Just like other ordinary couples in Magic University, they eat, go shopping, and travel.

Simple and unpretentious.

Maybe this is how life should be.

The only thing that makes Su Wanqing speechless is that Qin Xiaobai was almost tossed to death these days...

I even doubt whether he is a human being, and his energy is too strong!

Even when they were leaving, Qin Xiaobai's old lady, out of nowhere, took out an emerald jade bracelet, saying it was a family heirloom from her ancestors, and gave it to Su Wanqing.

Of course, Qin Xiaobai would definitely not believe this.

His former home was only 70 or 80 square meters in total. I don’t know how many times I have turned it over since I was a child. There is a ghost’s heirloom.

Mostly it was his wife who bought it temporarily from that jade shop.

In this regard, he is not a little bit broken, anyway, as long as Su Wanqing is a fool, it will be fine, just be happy...

During the period, Qin Xiaobai asked the system brother to exchange 200 million soft sister coins, stored it in his bank card, and then secretly handed it to his father.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Xiaobai didn't tell his father how much money was in it.

According to Qin Xiaobai's estimation, this money should be enough for his parents to retire.


Actually, Qin Xiaobai is quite willing to live such a monotonous life, but unfortunately there is no way.

Although Su Wanqing still has two days of vacation, but there is no way, Qin Xiaobai's seven-day temporary residence permit has expired.

He only has four hours left...

"Qin Xiaobai, are we back to the magic capital?"

After coming down from Huangshan Mountain, Su Wanqing still lingered a little, looked at Qin Xiaobai affectionately, and asked.


Su Wanqing: "…"

Just as there was a trace of anger on her face, and when she was about to beat Qin Xiaobai, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her neck, and then she lost consciousness.


Qin Xiaobai fainted her again...

However, at the moment when Su Wanqing collapsed in Qin Xiaobai's arms, the lavender pattern on her forehead suddenly lit up again.

This pattern appeared once when she escaped from the extreme west.

Qin Xiaobai also saw it.

But it was a blurry mass, and I couldn't tell what it was.

This time, it is much clearer. Qin Xiaobai's eyes have been staring at the pattern. Although he still can't tell what it is, he can already see a general outline. .

What the **** is this shit?

Qin Xiaobai muttered silently, and then when he was about to reach out to touch it, the pattern disappeared inexplicably.

"Brother System? Did you see that thing just now?" Qin Xiaobai couldn't guess it himself, so he had to ask Brother System for help.

"Host, didn't you make me pretend to be dead these days? I can see a ghost..."

Soon, the dissatisfied voice of the system brother rang in his mind.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


In order to prevent the system brother from doing bad things, Qin Xiaobai suddenly jumped out and gave him the task of flying chess, and asked the system brother to simply pretend to be dead these days. don't bother him...

Therefore, it is forgivable that it did not see the scene just now.

"There is a lavender pattern on her forehead, the kind that glows, like an animal pattern..." Qin Xiaobai had no choice but to follow the scene he saw just now, according to The memory described it to the system brother in detail...

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's description, the system brother was silent for a while, and then answered very seriously: "Host, I seem to know what it is..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and tell me, or we will die!"

"According to the experience of this system, the host you saw just now, isn't it some kind of sticker? Put it on a certain position on the body, and then tear it apart, there will be a sudden, the sun It glows when you look at it, not only animal patterns, but also plants, and even the patterns of ghosts and ghosts..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

What a sticker!

Seeing that the system brother couldn't say anything, Qin Xiaobai could only temporarily give up the plan to ask, picked up Su Wanqing, and walked into the car.

Then I found a remote corner of the parking lot and activated the Myriad Realm Gate skill.

Blue Star, Magic Capital, Su Wanqing's rented room.

The two reappeared inside.

Su Wanqing was still in a coma, Qin Xiaobai looked down at her, her face flushed, her breathing was even, and there seemed to be no major problem.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and put Su Wanqing on her small bed.

Because she was worried that Su Wanqing would wake up at any time, Qin Xiaobai didn't dare to maintain her human form, so when she returned to the sofa in the living room, she immediately returned to the appearance of Erha.

Then she returned to her room and jumped on the gaming chair. Prepare to rest while waiting for the silly girl Su Wanqing to wake up.

I don't know why, after Qin Xiaobai saw Su Wanqing's sleeping appearance, she always felt that her temperament seemed to have changed.

After half a day, his dog's mouth grinned slightly.

Hey hey he smiled, thinking silently in his heart, is this what it looks like from a young girl to a young woman?

However, at this moment, the cold and ethereal voice of the system brother resounded in his mind again.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing your opinion, please enter the character interface in time to check!"

I have to come to a mission at this time, system brother, are you looking for a hammer?

After complaining for a while, Qin Xiaobai honestly opened the attribute panel and checked it.

Get her up and live. Reward: Evolution point +1000, Six-star lottery times +1. 】

After reading this task, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but scolded in his heart: "Damn, system brother, you are really not human, this silly girl has no sequelae of Wanjiemen. In the past, you **** let her get up and start a live broadcast?"

However, Qin Xiaobai is right when she thinks about it carefully, Su Wanqing has indeed been dove on the audience for too long. After she wakes up, let her go into the live broadcast room and appease those fans first. Bar…

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