Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 442: New animal, hapless charcoal!

Seeing the two policemen and Su Wanqing leave, and after a while, Qin Xiaobai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not worried that Su Wanqing would agree directly.

I was afraid of the system brother, and suddenly a task appeared, and then directly told him that the task of the host to maintain peace in the world will be handed over to you...

Then it's really **** up.

Fortunately none of this happened…

At this time, most of the animals in the wandering villa were awake, and they all rushed to Qin Xiaobai's side.

"Boss, where are we going to demolish today?"

"Boss, last night wasn't enough, please take me there again!"

If so, we have a legitimate reason to tear it down...)

After hearing the words of these animals, Qin Xiaobai glared at them and shouted, "Ow..." Looking for a hammer... Didn't you see that my daughter-in-law almost collapsed last night?)

Su Wanqing's live broadcast mobile phone fixed under the street light, the camera happened to capture this scene again, and a group of fans began to discuss again.

"Fuck! This scene feels so familiar, it's like midnight last night..."

"It's over! Erha, the anchor, is going to be a demon again!"

"Come, come, come! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks, guess what Erha is going to lead this group of animals to demolish somewhere..."

"In order to save the anchor from the dire straits, yesterday I specially mailed some souvenirs to the anchor. Today you can wait for the wonderful performance!"

"Fuck! Upstairs, what are you doing? Didn't you mail a boyfriend to the anchor?"

"No, you drive early in the morning? But I like it, hehe!"

"No, I can't live on, woohoo! Buy some crocodile leather shoes in another place, the kind that are purely artificially bred, and the store also sells the same boyfriend of the anchor..."


Soon after, Su Wanqing and the two policemen came out again and sent them out of the Wandering Villa.

In this regard, Su Wanqing naturally agreed.

After sending the two away, Su Wanqing was about to turn around and go back when a courier with an electric tricycle had already arrived.

"Hello! This is Wandering Villa, right? There is a courier, please sign for it..."

The little brother took three cardboard boxes from the back compartment, put them in front of Su Wanqing, and said to her.

"Oh, good!"

Su Wanqing looked down at the two boxes with a puzzled expression on her face, and then signed for them.

The box is very large, about one meter long.

At first, Su Wanqing thought that Shen Wenwen bought these things online, so she didn't plan to dismantle them, she just planned to move the two boxes back first.


When she just reached out to carry it, there was a strange cry from the box, and then it shook violently.

Su Wanqing, who was caught off guard, was taken aback and hurriedly stepped back.

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai! Come and see..."

Afterwards, Su Wanqing shouted at the villa a few times, and she had already guessed what was in the box.

It is estimated that another fan is playing a prank and mailing animals to the Wandering Villa...

Soon, Qin Xiaobai heard Su Wanqing's cry, and brought a group of animals to her side slowly.

After seeing the two shaking boxes, it was a little strange.

Qin Xiaobai was not afraid at all, and shouted to the black charcoal next to him: "Ow..." (Wang Xingren translation: black charcoal, you go! Open the two boxes...)



Being beaten by Qin Xiaobai, although Hei Tan was a little reluctant, he still leaned over slowly.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Su Wanqing and a group of animals, she stretched out her claws and opened the packaging of the carton.


After a muffled sound, Black Charcoal sniffed at the tip of his nose, and was fainted by the smell on the spot.

Lying on the ground, her limbs were twitching constantly, and there was white foam at the corners of her mouth, which kept coming out…

Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai were stunned by the sudden scene.

Quickly took a group of animals and took a few steps back.

Although they are far apart, they can still smell a very strange smell.

Especially Su Wanqing, she almost vomited.

At this time, a small head came out of the carton.

At first glance, the head is broad, the eyes are small, the ears are not visible, there is a flat and blunt nose, and the back is grayish white.

"Xiao Bai, this is..."

Su Wanqing looked at the animal, frowned slightly, and murmured.

This thing is not unfamiliar to Qin Xiaobai. When he was on Earth before, he knew about the animal world.

Honey Badger!

Nicknamed Flathead…

After seeing the appearance of the animal, Qin Xiaobaigou had a wry smile on his face, and said scoldingly in his heart: "Fuck, who the **** did this fan send? coming…"

The Wandering Villa is estimated to have no peace in the future!

Who can stand this Nima?

Qin Xiaobai is not afraid of them, but there are not so many things to do with these two guys.

The black charcoal that has used the system improvement liquid has been stunned by them...

Other animals are even more afraid to approach!

Su Wanqing was also at a loss. Although these two animals looked ugly and smelled really bad, they had already arrived at the Wandering Villa, so she couldn't really ignore them.

After all, it’s fine if she doesn’t see it. Since she’s already at the door, she still intends to keep it, otherwise she won’t be able to live long in this magical capital.

"Xiao Bai, why don't you go and bring them in..."

Su Wanqing pinched her nose, really couldn't stand the question, glanced at Qin Xiaobai beside her, and asked.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the tragic state of Black Charcoal, and immediately persuaded.

Looking back at the animals, they all took a few steps back.

"Ouch!" (Wang Xingren translation: Huahu, you go! Drag them back...)

Huahu: “…”


Huahu, who was named, was suddenly speechless.

It can't even beat the black carbon. In the past, this must not end like the black carbon?

So I had to take out Su Wanqing's words and use it as a shield to avoid this unavoidable disaster.

But obviously!

Qin Xiaobai didn't intend to pay attention to it at all, after glaring at it, he shouted at it: "Ow!"

No way...

Hua Hu had no choice but to have a bitter face, and walked over there.

Fortunately, this time, Brother Flathead did not continue to fart and attack, but just stared at Huahu with a fierce look in his eyes, and let it drag the box into the villa.

I don't know it's hair. After Huahu saw Brother Flathead's eyes, he always felt a little hairy in his heart...

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