Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 445: Shen Wenwen's whereabouts!

After listening to Tang Jianjun's words, Qin Xiaobai's heart sank.

Shen Wenwen's experience is already quite miserable. If this sister is gone again, it is estimated that she will collapse directly.

will be wiser a lot.

Why is it gone? It's too sudden...

"Hello? Brother Qin, are you still listening?" On the phone, Tang Jianjun saw that Qin Xiaobai didn't respond for a long time, so he had to ask.

"Yes, Brother Tang, what did you say just now?"

Because she was a little lost, Qin Xiaobai didn't fully hear what Tang Jianjun said, so he asked again.

"I mean, that girl has left the hospital and went to the ghost island to find Suxin lotus seeds."

"Ghost Island, Lotus Seeds?"

After listening to Tang Jianjun's words, Qin Xiaobai was slightly stunned, what the **** is this? Never heard of one...

"Brother Qin, this is also..."

During the next half-hour-long call, Tang Jianjun explained in detail to Qin Xiaobai the so-called ghost island and Suxin lotus seeds.

To sum up, Ghost Island is a very mysterious island, and its level of danger is even comparable to that of the extreme west. It is called one of the four forbidden areas of life on the Blue Star.

At this time, a huge island in the northern seas, even the size of a province of the empire.

Many people have landed on that island, most of them died on it, and only a few have returned, but they are almost either stupid or amnesia.

Similar to the Far West, many countries in the world have sent various elite special forces to explore the secrets, but without exception, all of them lost contact or died.

It is precisely because of this that this island is gradually known as the "ghost island".

Even the fishermen who live nearby do not dare to get too close to the island.

However, a few people who came back alive in those days brought back herbs with very significant concentrated medicinal effects. Suxin lotus seed is one of them. It is said that it can help people restore heart function.

Not many people know about this matter, only some top big families and some experts know about it.

The doctor in charge of operating on Shen Wenwen's sister is one of them.

If it were someone else, the expert would definitely not mention it.

After hearing the news, Shen Wenwen set foot on the flight to Tianluo Kingdom the next day, where she was going to take a ship to the waters near Ghost Island, and then she was trying to find a way to land on the island , looking for the so-called Suxin lotus seeds.

No way!

This is the only hope to save her sister.

Suxin lotus seeds can only be found by themselves. Even if there are still in the city of Blue Star, in her opinion, there is no one who would be willing to sell them!

Hang up the phone, Qin Xiaobai's mood is very complicated.

This stupid woman, Shen Wenwen, has the exact same temper as Su Wanqing...

On that day, Su Wanqing learned that her father had lost contact in the extreme west, and she had to go to find it by herself.

Although Shen Wenwen's situation is different now, she doesn't even want her life!


If you want to replace it with someone else, Qin Xiaobai may be too lazy to manage, but this person is Shen Wenwen!

Watching her die?

Qin Xiaobai asked himself that he could not be so indifferent. For the crocodile in the wandering villa, he could directly kill the couple and demolish seven hot pot restaurants.

Not to mention Shen Wenwen!

However, the so-called ghost island may be very dangerous to others, but it may not be so scary to Qin Xiaobai.

After all, this place can only rank third in the ranking of the four forbidden areas of life.

The first place in the extreme west, Qin Xiaobai went through it.

"Damn, this stupid woman, when I find you, I will beat you to tears!" Qin Xiaobai cursed fiercely, and then swore: "I won't beat you to tears. , Laozi is a dog!"

According to Tang Jianjun's words, Shen Wenwen only got on the flight to Tianluo Kingdom yesterday.

In order to avoid any accident for her, Qin Xiaobai decided to leave immediately after thinking about it for a while, and went to Tianluoguo to find her.

But there was one thing that gave him a headache.

It will take a few days for him to leave, and he is not sure. Su Wanqing, a silly girl, if she has been unable to contact him, she must think he is missing...

In other words, Qin Xiaobai would not consider this matter at all.

But it's different now. After all, it is necessary to take care of Su Wanqing's feelings.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone again and called Su Wanqing.

The general meaning is that I want to go abroad to talk about a business of several hundred million, and I may not be able to answer her calls or videos during this period.

But if he is free, he will take the initiative to call Su Wanqing...

Although this incident was a bit surprising to Su Wanqing, but now she has always been obedient to Qin Xiaobai's words, without any doubt at all.

Just a few words to pay attention to safety, remember to call her often to send videos and so on.

After hanging up, Qin Xiaobai remembered another thing.

If he leaves, Erha will also disappear, so Su Wanqing will definitely be suspicious.

So I had to say to the system brother: "System brother, the Yi Rong Pill last time, give me a few dozen pills... I have some use!"

"Host, are you treating me as an alchemy furnace? Dozens of pills, why don't you die..." The system brother spat at him a little speechlessly, usually fed up with Qin Xiaobai The oppression, finally got the opportunity to slap him, let alone happy!

"I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to talk trash to you! Hurry up..."

Qin Xiaobai answered helplessly.

"No!" The system brother replied ruthlessly.

Qin Xiaobai: "Do you want to die? Give it or not, if you don't give it, I will go on strike..."

System brother: "…"

The system brother was speechless at that time, what kind of host is this special?

I'm going to strike at every turn, who the **** is going to reason with...

"Five billions! If you lose one point, everyone will shoot and break up. Is this system shameless?" The system complained with dissatisfaction.

Qin Xiaobai: "??? Why are you going to be a profiteer? It was only one billion last time..."

At that time, Qin Xiaobai's face turned dark, this guy from the system obviously wanted to take advantage of the rhythm!

" I'll give you a top-quality medicine, the efficacy can last for a month, and charging you five billion is not too much?" The system brother saw that Qin Xiaobai was going to go crazy, and he felt a little cowardly in his heart, and quickly explained said.

After hearing this sentence, Qin Xiaobai's face became a little better. Anyway, money is just a bunch of meaningless numbers to him now.

Five billion is five billion…

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