Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 465: What the hell! One more refined...

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the fans in the live broadcast room were a little frightened.

Although it is confirmed that it is not a giant, it is the first time I have seen a giant orangutan of this size!

This is not a movie of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" or "King Kong"!

The three giant gorillas in front of them may attack the weak Shen Wenwen at any time.

Weak, pitiful, helpless…

This is an adjective that can now describe Shen Wenwen.

However, at this moment, Qin Xiaobai suddenly had a strange idea. It seems a pity to beat such a huge orangutan to death.

It should be a good choice to use it as a mount to drive the road...

Slowly on the snow than them, trying to move forward, I don't know how many times faster.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's dog mouth grinned slightly backwards, slowly thinking about the three giant orangutans in front of him.

After seeing this scene, Shen Wenwen was almost frightened, and hurriedly shouted softly: "Little, Xiaobai! Come back soon, they will kill you..."

After hearing Shen Wenwen's words, Qin Xiaobai's footsteps paused for a moment, but soon continued walking towards the three giant apes.

"Wang Wang Wang!" (Wang Xingren translation: Ha, come back soon! These white apes are extremely powerful, and their IQ seems to be higher than ours, not the big white bear can compare!)

"Wang Wang..."

Seeing Qin Xiaobai walking towards the three giant apes, Alaska and Samoyed were equally stunned and called out to him.


The three white giant apes also felt full of question marks about Qin Xiaobai's obsessive manipulation.


The guy in front of him looks like he's going to fight...

The mayfly shakes the tree!

"Ow!" (Wang Xingren translation: You three should be able to hear me, right? Give you a multiple-choice question, turn into a corpse or send us up the snowy mountain!)

Qin Xiaobai came to a place ten meters in front of them and stopped, and then the dog showed a strange smile and barked at the three giant apes.

White Giant Ape: "???"

They can indeed understand Qin Xiaobai's words, but at the moment they are all stunned!

Glancing at each other.

They are no strangers to huskies. After all, there have been other people who have brought sleds to Ghost Island before, and have seen this kind of creature.

Those huskies before, after seeing them, all shivered and didn't even dare to bark!

What happened to the husky in front of me?


One of the white giant apes couldn't help but sneered.

The appearance of baring teeth and grinning looks very cruel.

The fans in the live broadcast room became worried for Qin Xiaobai after seeing this scene.

"Fuck! This Erha seems to have met an opponent, but he didn't dare to do it directly, which means he's cowardly. I'm afraid this time the anchor is really going to get cold..."

"Yes! The anchor has done his best, who would have encountered such terrifying creatures, they must be mutated!"

"I feel that as soon as this giant ape is photographed, Erha will be gone..."

"Isn't it? Why do I think Erha is negotiating terms with these giant apes?"

"Erha: Brother Ape, give me a way to live, what you want is that woman, right? Here it is..."

"Fuck! Upstairs, your translation seems a little wrong? It sounds a bit strange..."

"Anchor, don't die! My shoes are not sold out yet!"


To everyone's surprise, it wasn't the three white giant apes who made the first move, but Qin Xiaobai, the Erha...

"Ow!" (Wang Xingren translation: Are you a dog? With so much nonsense, how easy is it to be a multiple-choice question? I have to force Lao Tzu to beat you to tears...)

After Qin Xiaobai snorted, all three talent skills were fully activated.

The figure was like a ghost and disappeared directly from the place.

At this moment, he no longer has to worry about the live broadcast, anyway, after this ghost island trip is over, he will disappear in a special form.

Even if it causes shock, Qin Xiaobai doesn't care...

Originally, the three white giant apes looked at Qin Xiaobai with a playful look, but suddenly disappeared directly from their eyes, which made me feel that something was not right.

The pupils suddenly widened a little, trying to find Qin Xiaobai's voice.


Soon, the white giant ape headed in the middle made a painful roar, and his arms subconsciously wanted to rip off the things on his head.

But just after its arm was raised, it suddenly hung in the air and stopped.

"Ouch!" (Wang Xingren translation: move again, you can die!)

Qin Xiaobai was lying on its back at the moment, the nail of one of the front paws had pierced the back of the white ape's head, as long as it went deeper, the white ape would die on the spot .

The other two white apes were stunned when they saw this scene!


Or Erha?

Human bullets can't break their defenses, how could it be pierced by its claws?

The intense pain made the white giant ape in the middle realize the crisis of life and death, and the expression on his face was a little distorted, and he cried out in pleading:



Qin Xiaobai shook his head, sighed, retracted his claws, and jumped off the white ape.

For this sudden scene, Qin Xiaobai's mouth flashed a wicked smile, thinking that this **** is too dark, right?

To pretend to surrender and play the trick of sneak attack?

Unfortunately, they are playing with fire!


The miserable cry resounded throughout the forest, how did the white giant ape never expect that his fist would be pierced by Erha's claws...

"Ouch!" (Wang Xingren translation: I gave you a chance, so you can die first!)


Qin Xiaobai's figure flickered a few more times, and directly cut the throat of the white giant ape with his front paws.

The hot blood melted the snow on the ground…

Then Qin Xiaobai slanted the other two white giant apes and called out coldly: "Ow?" (Wang Xingren translation: Have you chosen? keep trying?)

Two other white apes: "…"

In fact, they started to tremble after seeing the boss in the middle being spiked!

This one is not Erha at all...

It's the devil!

Maybe even more terrifying than the devils that stretch out from the island...

Their IQs are not low, so they can't beat them. Judging from the speed of this Erha just now, they can't run away.

So, there is no other choice!

Puff, puff!

Shen Wenwen and the fans in the live broadcast room were all stunned after seeing this scene!

"Fuck! how can that be? Are these two monsters? "

"Waste my tears, I thought the anchor was going to get cold, but I didn't expect this to be a fine Erha..."

"It's terrible! This Erha is not human..."

"Stop talking, the shoe seller, give me an Erha, and then I'll start a live broadcast and take it to the next Gobyfish Wilderness Challenge!"

"This seems to be teasing us? Do you want to call the police? There are pets here that have become sperm..."

"Stop calling, I called once before, the police uncle is very busy, this is not up to them!"


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