Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 467: Tomb of the loyal dog Xiaobai!

Fortunately, this white snake with an unknown size in front of him focused all his attention on Qin Xiaobai. The white giant ape escaped with Shen Wenwen and the group of sled dogs, but it ignored it.

Otherwise, even if the body shakes a little, they may fall directly to death.

If you know the location of the mountainside, it is much higher than dozens of floors.

At this moment, the white giant ape did not dare to look back, and ran all the way towards the Stonehenge.

Shen Wenwen sat on its shoulders and looked back at the "snow mountain" dumbly, shouting something hoarse, but the howling wind on both sides drowned her voice.

I could only hear faintly, she seemed to be shouting the word "Xiaobai".

Qin Xiaobai, who was standing on the top of the "top of the mountain", was slightly relieved after watching the white giant ape lead her away, then the dog's mouth grinned slightly, and his body moved towards Escape in the other direction.

No way!

At this time, I must run for my life, the beast in front of me is not a human...

Previously, Qin Xiaobai planned to create a situation of suspended animation, so that Shen Wenwen thought he died on the ghost island, but she never thought that she would really die here.

Just reached the peak of dog life, and it's gone, so who do you want to talk to?

Su Wanqing is still waiting for him to go back!

If he were to die, the black charcoal guy might really replace his position in the wandering villa, and then take advantage of Su Wanqing...


I don't know if it's Mao, Qin Xiaobai really wants to beat the black charcoal to death at this juncture!

In a wandering villa thousands of miles away, Qin Xiaobai, played by Hei Tan, suddenly felt a chill.

The body also trembled involuntarily.

This kind of feeling, it has encountered once, when I encountered this feeling before, I was taken by Jiang Xue for a sterilization operation that night...


A few days in the limelight…

No way!

The sterilization thing, it never wants to go through…

After that, Shen Wenwen, led by the giant ape, came to the Stonehenge on the side of the island, the scene behind her was no longer clear, and she could only hear bursts of bang bang bang bang sound.

The ground also trembled slightly with the sound. It's like experiencing an earthquake, no big or small...

Fans in the live broadcast room did not see the scene just now, but could only feel the live broadcast, which was shaking.

"Anchor, what happened? Why are you back next to these boulders?"

"Fuck, what's wrong with Ghost Island? Is it the anchor's Erha, who has a wild beast and started to demolish the island?"

"It's over! Anchor, run for your life, it looks like an earthquake has occurred. It is estimated that the island will sink in a short time..."

"What happened just now? I went to take off my pants, who knows what happened? Why did the anchor appear here?"


"Anchor, what's wrong? Seek the truth..."


A group of fans who don't know the truth posted a bullet screen on the public screen, asking what happened just now. But at this moment, Shen Wenwen didn't have the heart to answer their questions.

I was always worried about Qin Xiaobai's safety.

If she knew this was the case, she would rather pick those lotus seeds herself than let Xiaobai take the risk...

The anxiety and guilt made Shen Wenwen feel like a knife at the moment.

Stumbled on the spot, pale as paper face, silently slipped two lines of clear tears...

Suddenly, the movement in the distance gradually subsided with a loud explosion.

Everything is still.

Just as Shen Wenwen was about to get up to look for Qin Xiaobai, a blood-stained husky walked in front of her, with a white lotus pod in its dog's mouth.

limping towards her.

Finally, about five meters in front of him, the husky's body fell to the ground with a bang.

The lotus pod in the dog's mouth was still bitten by it.

After seeing this scene, Shen Wenwen suddenly collapsed...

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai... What's the matter with you, don't scare my sister, okay?"

However, no one answered her, the husky's body quickly became stiff.

It is indeed dead!

It's just that it wasn't Qin Xiaobai who died. At this moment, he was at the top of the cliff not far away, watching all this silently.

"Stupid woman, cry! That's just the incarnation of the paper kite that I exchanged with the system brother with four six-star lottery draws..."

Qin Xiaobai's eyes looked down, Shen Wenwen, who was emotionally collapsed, couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly.

While fighting with the unknown white snake, it was swallowed by it.

In desperation, I could only use the psychic skill to summon the cute little ha.

Of course, Qin Xiaobai also paid a price.

The four six-star draws are gone…

The system brother said that the paper-cut is the incarnation of a paper kite, and it only takes a drop of his blood to reproduce the same him.

It's just that the copied thing is a walking dead.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai doesn't care. Anyway, using this paper kite incarnation, giving Suxin lotus seeds to Shen Wenwen, and then creating a death scene is simply perfect.

But what Qin Xiaobai didn't expect was that Shen Wenwen, that stupid woman, would be so sad...

Next, I took the paper kite incarnated body for three days, and finally dug a grave in the snow and buried the paper kite incarnated body. go in.

Then she tried to find a stone, bit her finger, and wrote a few big characters: Tomb of the loyal dog Xiaobai, the owner Shen Wenwen weeping and writing.

After Shen Wenwen did these things, she forcibly endured her grief and left the ghost island with the white lotus pod.

Imperial capital, and her sister are waiting for her, take this thing back to help!

However, she also decided that after this matter is over, she will come over and take Xiaobai's body back to the wandering villa in the magic capital, and then find a better place, Build a new grave for him.

In this way, I can always take my sister to Xiaobai's grave to talk.

Also let her sister know that their sisters survived because Xiaobai exchanged his own life...

For Qin Xiaobai's death, the fans of Shen Wenwen's live broadcast room were divided into two factions.

One faction always believed that the husky was still alive. Of course, after seeing the body, the other faction already believed that he was dead...

After Shen Wenwen left, Qin Xiaobai came to the grave of Stonehenge and took a look.

After seeing the blood on it, there was an expression of crying and laughing on her face, and then she roared softly: "Ow!" (Wang Xingren translation: dead woman, wait for me , when you come back to the magic capital, don't beat you to tears, I'm such a dog!)

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