Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 482: A women's husky...

While Qin Xiaobai's face was stunned, Su Wanqing suddenly turned around with a smile, led him to the steps, and then fixed the mobile phone of the live broadcast on the shelf next to the street lamp.

"Xiao Bai, wait here for a while, sister go get something, and come back right away..."

Su Wanqing smiled mysteriously, and then returned to the wooden building room on her own.

After a while, Su Wanqing was carrying a bag in one hand, which was colorful, like some girls' clothes.

In the other hand, I was holding a simple tripod with a digital camera fixed by a rubber band.

After walking to Qin Xiaobai's side, Su Wanqing raised a fascinated smile, looked at him and said softly, "Xiaobai, my sister is going to shoot some Douyin material today, please cooperate with me. Inside is the husky women's clothing that my sister bought online, come and let me help you put it on..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai almost couldn't help but want to punch her.


What the **** is this!

In the previous live broadcast, it was okay to let me go out of the country in female form, but now it has developed to the point where I can't even let go of the Erha form...

"Xiaobai, come on, let's cooperate..." Seeing Qin Xiaobai froze there, she seemed a little reluctant, Su Wanqing walked up to him with a smile, whistling. said.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

If I knew this was the result, if Qin Xiaobai was killed, Su Wanqing would not let Su Wanqing shoot any video, let her fend for herself...

The fans in the live broadcast room immediately burst into laughter after seeing this scene, and they all launched a barrage of ridicule.

"Anchor, you are serious! We are just joking, you have a Erha women's dress, there is absolutely nothing to watch..."

"That's right, why don't you host a video of your men's clothes, I decided it should be more interesting than your dog's women's clothes!"

"Alas...the third day of missing Brother Pants, if he is still alive, he should be very interested in Erha women's clothing..."

"Shocked: The well-known female anchor of Tiger Fish did such a thing to her dog during the live broadcast..."

"I'm going, the shock department hasn't shown up for a long time, brother, your title is easy to bring bad children!"

"My God, just transferred from Douyin, what kind of live broadcast room is this, who can tell me, is the host of this live broadcast room this girl or this Husky?"

"Upstairs, you will get used to it gradually, the real protagonist is actually Erha, the goddess is just a tool person..."


While the fans were discussing in the live broadcast room, Su Wanqing had already taken out a high-waisted pink skirt from the bag and matched it with a light green scarf.

Qin Xiaobai saw Su Wanqing who was approaching slowly, and remembered the task again.

Abandoned treatment.

Never mind…

My heart is so tired, I feel numb!

Women's clothing is women's clothing...

Afterwards, Su Wanqing carefully and meticulously put on the pet clothes she bought online.

The whole process didn't take long, Su Wanqing had already completed her masterpiece, and then looked down at her work, and couldn't help but smile.

"Xiao Bai! Your body is invincible!"

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobaigou showed a hopeless expression on his face, and yelled at her: "Ow!" Such a second-hand hostess! Strength pits a dog...)

" Xiaobai kept this expression, and then took two steps, and my sister went to shoot the video." Su Wanqing said with a smile, then walked to the tripod, and started recording with the digital camera. video.

At this time, Hei Tan, who was passing by, was stunned when he saw Qin Xiaobai's appearance, and then he was about to go crazy with laughter, and began to roll on the ground non-stop.

"Meow Meow Meow!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After hearing the cry of black charcoal, Qin Xiaobai's face turned green!


This black charcoal guy, is he deliberately looking for a hammer?

With a few screams of black charcoal, all kinds of animals in the wandering villa rushed towards this side frantically, and the momentum was like a meal.

Other species of animals have no special emotions except that they are about to die of laughter.

But those canines can't stand it!

Qin Xiaobai looked at the women's clothes one by one, and the mouth was full of laughter...

"Ouch???" (Wang Xingren's translation: ****! Aren't you? Why do you feel like you **** are all greedy for my body?!)

Qin Xiaobai saw the male canine animals with green light in their eyes, and suddenly felt a little numb in the scalp, immediately glared at them, and shouted angrily.

At this time, fans in the live broadcast room, including a group of people with pets, launched a barrage.

"I'm going, anchor, please stop! Don't let your little white girl dress up, my husky is about to lose control..."

"To be honest, my Alaska has begun to lick the screen..."

"Fuck! Do all your dogs react like this? I thought it was just mine..."

"This is too exaggerated, isn't it? A dog girl's dress can make other dogs lick the screen? You seem to be making fun of me!"

"It's true, no doubt, now my dog ​​has turned his face in order to steal the phone, and I have been chased by it for more than a dozen streets, and I feel like it is going to fight with me today …”


Ghosts know what Qin Xiaobai experienced that day, anyway, after Su Wanqing finished, there were horrific screams from the Wandering Villa.

Qin Xiaobai is very vengeful…

Su Wanqing didn't dare to beat him, but the group of animals headed by black charcoal would definitely not be able to escape a blow.

Fortunately, the effect of the video is really attractive.

In addition to Douyin's screen recommendation, the number of Su Wanqing's fans has directly increased by more than 3 million, and it is still increasing.

At about 5:00 pm, Su Wan Qing Douyin's fans had successfully exceeded 5 million.

And many people were successfully attracted to her live broadcast room.

In just one day, the popularity of Dawang Xunshan's live broadcast room has directly re-entered the top five.

Su Wanqing's fans seem happier than herself.

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad.

The first anchor who was squeezed out of the top five in popularity was the anchor named Douluo. In addition, the other four anchors in front of Su Wanqing were also panicked.

In a certain chat group, the title Dou Luo typed and said: "Today, the fans of my Douyin homepage have increased by less than 3,000 fans? Boss, are you reluctant to spend money, give it to us Did you buy traffic?"

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