Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 487: Miss Su, your home Erha has been demolished again!

After seeing this scene, the other three assassins couldn't help but look at the three-star assassin with half-white hair, and one of them said to him:

"Team leader, it's time to show real assassination skills! These animals are handed over to you, the three of us will cheer you on..."

"That's right, team leader! You know me, I only kill animals, not animals..." Another assassin also echoed.

"Yes! Team leader, it's up to you, stay dry!"

Semi-white-haired assassin: "????"

After hearing the words of the three subordinates, he almost fainted on the spot.


Even if he is a Samsung assassin, he will definitely have no problem dealing with some security guards and the like, but now he is not dealing with people...

The most important thing is that there is not one, but a group of…

Who the **** can stand this?

The half-white-haired three-star assassin, just about to turn around and scolded them, almost lost the assassin's face, but suddenly his face froze!

Three of his subordinates, regardless of morality, jumped out of the window and ran away...

Obviously, the Samsung Assassin was stunned!

But when Qin Xiaobai saw this, it was naturally impossible for the assassin to jump off. He called out to Hei Tan and Xiao Huang beside him, "Ow!" (translated by Wang Xingren : You go down and chase those people back...)

Soon after, there were bursts of howling from downstairs.

Seeing this, the three-star assassin couldn't help but twitch a few times, feeling both scared and depressed.

I was drinking sake and eating sushi, but suddenly I was surrounded by a group of animals, and each of them was so cruel, what a hell...

I just wanted to lift the knife and desperately, but before he could react, a white shadow crossed in front of him.

Afterwards, a paw appeared on his face.

The speed was so fast that the three-star assassin didn't even have time to react, he just felt like he had been hit with a sap, and immediately his head buzzed, and gold stars burst out in his eyes.

Then staggered down.


The voices of Black Charcoal and Xiao Huang came from downstairs.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the Samsung Assassin lying on the ground, then turned to the other animals, and ordered, "Ouch!" (Translation by Wang Xingren: Huahu dragged this man to the building too Next, other animals, let's demolish the upstairs...)

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, the animals became excited again.

Especially the crocodile and the flower tiger, the seriousness is even more flickering...

"Roar!" (Meow translation: Boss Hao, to be honest, brother Crocodile and I have been greedy for them for a long time... hehe! Do you still drag them back to the back?)

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Seeing the excited appearance of Huahu and Crocodile, Qin Xiaobai almost wanted to beat them to death on the spot, glared at them, and then directly shouted: "Ow!" (Wang Xingren Translation: Condition a little outside, keep it for now!)

This Nima is outside, and the movement just now is a bit too big, and a lot of people have noticed it.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai has a big head for a while. If he demolishes the house in the future, he should not be so ostentatious. He will take a few younger brothers and leave after demolishing. That is the best way. choose.

However, since he brought out the animals of the wandering villa, he must bring them back safely.

And, let this be quiet.

The police had already noticed them after the demolition of the hot pot restaurant last time. There is a large-scale demolition incident, and I am afraid that something will go wrong.

After pondering for a while, Qin Xiaobai searched for a while on the Samsung at the moment, and soon a transaction ledger and an identity token engraved with the badge of the Dawnbreak Organization were found. .

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai went to the corner of the second floor, where several people lived, and collected some strange weapons and letters that had been exchanged.

After a few casual glances, Qin Xiaobai's mouth grinned backwards.

With these things, all the previous troubles have been resolved.

He even had a bolder idea!


A group of animals looked at him blankly. Qin Xiaobai walked into the back of the sushi restaurant. Some didn't quite understand what he was going to do, but no one dared to follow him directly.

Soon, there was a sound from the back kitchen of the sushi restaurant.

"Yes! Gucheng Street Japanese restaurant, they are all a group of assassins from the East, they have been subdued by the animals incarnated by the righteous way, you quickly send people to take those wicked people away..."

The person who called was naturally Qin Xiaobai in disguise.

He chose a safer way to deal with these assassins.

Soon after, a police car stopped in front of the sushi restaurant on Gucheng Street.

At this time, Qin Xiaobai had returned to the appearance of Erha, and he was surrounded by a group of animals beside the few who fainted at the moment.

After several policemen came in, they glanced at the appalling scene in front of them, and then glanced at the hundreds of animals in the hall, all of them were a little confused.

But soon, they found the four people lying on the ground and the evidence in front of them.

One of the female police officers took a look around, suddenly focusing on Qin Xiaobai, and a strange expression appeared on her face.

When Qin Xiaobai saw her like this, he felt a little hairy in his heart.


This look looks a bit like I am jealous of someone Qin's body!

"Captain, I remembered that the animals that demolished seven hot pot restaurants last month are the group of them..." Policewoman Hua stared at Qin Xiaobai for a while, then suddenly widened With a few eyes, he persuaded the middle-aged man in uniform beside him.

"Huh? Then let the owners of these animals come over first, and these guys came to openly demolish the house again. This time, I will definitely not be able to educate them..."

The middle-aged policeman said with an ugly expression.

"Ah, well..."

Then the police flower walked out of the restaurant, picked up the phone, found Su Wanqing's number, and dialed it.

Soon after, the phone was connected, and the police flower said to the phone:

"Are you Miss Su? I'm sorry to disturb you late at night, but your husky, with a group of animals, openly demolished the house in Gucheng Street, so you should come over... "

Su Wanqing, who was in her sleep, almost fell off the bed when she heard these words in a daze...

I quickly put on my clothes and hurried out of the room.

I looked at the villa, and sure enough, except for a few hamsters, there was no shadow of an animal.

"It's over, Xiaobai! You're addicted... Why did you start tearing down the house again in the middle of the night, this is going to kill my sister..."

Su Wanqing muttered in a trance as she hurried to the gate of the villa and started the Cullinan.

She is really panicking now. Last time Xiaobai took 100 animals and demolished 7 hot pot restaurants. Today, she took more than 300 animals out. ah...

Meanwhile, a Japanese restaurant on Gucheng Street.

The middle-aged policeman had found four people lying on the ground surrounded by a group of animals. After slowly leaning over, they picked up the evidence placed on the ground and glanced at them. His face changed slightly.

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