That night, Su Wanqing stayed in the study room until after eight o'clock before returning to the Wandering Villa.

Seeing her confident appearance, Qin Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether his hidden mission can be completed or not depends on Su Wanqing.

In the previous lottery draw, Qin Xiaobai once drew a stick card, which could copy a skill of others.

It's been a long time, he didn't use this card, he almost forgot.

Now, it's just a copy, Su Wanqing's exam ability, although in the eyes of the system brother, using the dipping card like this is a bit overkill, but Qin Xiaobai himself thinks it is very worthwhile.

After putting down her schoolbag, Su Wanqing moved slightly, then walked to Qin Xiaobai and hugged him directly:

"Xiao Bai, although you have won the title of honorable good citizen, you still have to be punished for demolishing your home! Emmm...Tonight I will live with my sister for three hours, and don't let it slip away..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


Watching her play games for three hours is indeed a kind of punishment, hot eyes!

After turning on the computer, Su Wanqing boarded the live broadcast room as always.

Due to the double recommendation of Douyin Video and Tiger Fish Homepage in the past few days, her popularity has soared a lot.

At present, it has ranked second in the beauty area, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room has reached a terrifying 700,000 people.

The distance from the first Xiao Xianer is only 50,000 people.

As soon as she appeared in the camera, the fans in the live broadcast room began to remind.

"Anchor, has the King Dog come back! Hurry up and let him come out to suppress Xiao Xian'er..."

"The boss behind the streamer is crazy. Today, he gave 20,000 spaceships as a reward, plus gifts from other fans, the total amounted to more than 230 million!"

"What are you panicking about? This money is like a drizzle to the King of Dogs, okay?"

"By the way, the anchor named Xiao Xian'er is really fighting, this is completely fighting with the goddess!"

"To be honest, I feel sorry for the boss behind him. Spending 200 million yuan is not enough..."

"It is estimated that the head is broken, right? Don't you really think that a reward of 200 million will scare off the dog emperor?"

"Come on, it's open! Bet a pack of spicy sticks, guess how many gifts will the anchor give to the anchor on the last day of the dog emperor?!"


Su Wanqing didn't pay much attention to what the fans said. After chatting with the fans for a while, Cheng Xiaoguo and Tuanzi were dragged to play PUBG.

But Qin Xiaobai is different, it is related to whether he can complete the task and obtain evolution points.

So, after pondering for a few seconds, Qin Xiaobai still put on the black technology collar and opened the Goby Live APP.

Take a look at the list.

As the fans in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room said, the total reward of Xiao Xian'er has exceeded 230 million.


Someone is so stubborn…

Qin Xiaobai's mouth grinned slightly, muttering to himself.

Actually, Luo Yuan, the gold master behind the five anchors, also knew that in terms of popularity, there was no way to stop Su Wanqing.

But watching the king patrol the mountain and get the first place in the beauty area, he is a little unwilling.

In this way, the efforts of more than a month ago are basically in vain, and they have to lose more than 200 million soft sister coins.

So, after some struggles, Luo Yuan decided to give it a last shot.

As long as she gets the first place in the gift reward list, even if Xiao Xianer finally ranks second in popularity, it is still possible for her to get the overall first place.

After watching Xiaoxian'er's live broadcast for a while, Qin Xiaobai was just about to return to Su Wanqing's live broadcast room to give a reward, and suddenly received a private message friend request.

Glancing at the ID, it is the eldest brother of Xiao Xianer's live broadcast room.

That is, the gold master behind her.

Qin Xiaobai didn't intend to talk nonsense with him at all, but a row of small characters at the back of the friend application made him frown.

The back of the friend request is a string of small characters: The dark history of the king's patrol!

After seeing this string of words, Qin Xiaobai was a little amused, is this a plan to start a threat?

What is the dark history of Su Wanqing?

Is he not clear?

However, now has come to the critical period of competing for tickets to the grand ceremony, Qin Xiaobai also does not want to be deliberately rhythm because of some things, causing Su Wanqing's popularity to drop sharply.

So, after pondering for a while, I clicked the agree button.

Soon, the person whose ID is Tianyu Entertainment sent him a private message saying:

"Hello Dog King! I'm the boss of the anchor Xiao Xian'er. I want to discuss some things with you. I wonder if you have time?"

Seeing the other party's tone is more polite, Qin Xiaobai temporarily held back his anger, did not attack, typed and asked: "Speak directly! I hurried back to reward..."

"Dog Emperor is really happy! I have a recording in my hand, I will send it to you later!" Tianyu Entertainment sent a private message, and then continued typing:

"My condition is very simple. The first place in the beauty area of ​​this annual festival will be given to my anchor artist Xiao Xian'er!"


Qin Xiaobai felt even more strange.

This guy won't be a head show, that non-existent recording, deliberately bluffing, planning to fool himself?

"Send it first!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai still sent him a message.

After seeing the message sent by Destiny Wang Xingren, Tianyu Entertainment was silent for a while, and a dignified expression flashed on his face, but he finally sent the recording to Destiny Wang Xingren .

Anyway, the original of the recording is still on his side, so there is no need to worry about the direct destruction of the Destiny Dog.

The reason for some hesitation is that Luo Yuan is worried that after listening to this recording, if the Destiny Wang Xingren does not agree to give up the first place, then things will be a little difficult.

On the other side, Qin Xiaobai frowned slightly after seeing a voice from the other party, and then clicked directly.

It is a self-report of a girl. Qin Xiaobai sounds very familiar, but for a while, he can't seem to remember who it is.

The entire recording is about seven or eight minutes long, and this may be only a part of it. The complete recording time may be longer.

After hearing the end of the recording, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened immediately.

After a long time, Qin Xiaobai had already remembered who it was, and his face became a little gloomier. Using the account of Destiny Wang Xingren, he replied to Fu Fu with a message: "I can tell you clearly, Your five anchors, don't even think about getting a spot!"

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