Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 517: Often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes!

Seeing Qin Xiaobai put away the flying chessboard and loaded the dice, all three dishes and one soup secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's over!

The devil Qin Xiaobai finally let them go.

"That... Qin Xiaobai, the sisters are going to take a bath, can I trouble you to go out first?"

Cheng Xiaoguo stood up from the ground, returned to her usual carefree appearance, glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and asked.

"Yes, little brother, it's not that we don't believe you, we are girls after all, it's a little inconvenient..."

After listening to the words of Xiaoguo and Dian Xiaomei, Su Wanqing also felt that it was really inappropriate for the four girls to take a bath and let Qin Xiaobai stay in the room, so she also asked A sentence:

"Qin Xiaobai, why don't you go out first, we'll be fine soon, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

These women are crazy...

I think he is a voyeur?

Who cares about you? !

Besides, Cheng Xiaoguo and Su Wanqing, he had already seen his Erha form at that time, right?

Qin Xiaobai pouted, glared at a few people one by one, and said helplessly: "Forget it, wash up quickly, I'll go downstairs for a walk!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaobai turned and left the suite, went to the supper restaurant downstairs alone, and enjoyed a meal while admiring the night view of the magic capital.

After he left, a trace of evil smiles appeared on the faces of the three dishes, one soup and four women.

"Wan Qing, you won't feel bad, will you?"

At this moment, Cheng Xiaoguo suddenly looked at Su Wanqing and asked with a smile.

"That's not good! You don't know that Qin Xiaobai, maybe he will beat us all..." Su Wanqing showed a worried look on her face, her eyes After looking at a few people, he said.

"The four of us can't beat him? It's such a happy decision! Let Qin Xiaobai sleep on the street tonight, and whoever dares to open the door later will be a puppy!" Xiao Tuantuan Said with a smile.

About 20 minutes later, Qin Xiaobai, who had finished his supper, swayed back to the door of his room and rang the doorbell a few times.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

ding dong…

The doorbell rang for a long time, but there was no movement inside.

"Isn't she still taking a bath? Have these women not taken a bath for several years? It's taking so long?"

Seeing that no one came to open the door for him for a long time, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but muttered to himself.

But thinking that Su Wanqing used to take a shower, it did take more than 20 minutes, so there is no too much doubt.

Standing at the door and brushing Douyin, he checked his live broadcast room and the messages from fans to him.

Fifteen minutes passed.

Qin Xiaobai rang the doorbell several times, but there was still no movement.

At this time, his face became a little puzzled, and he shouted to the inside: "Hey! Did you drown in the bathroom? Do you want to call an ambulance for you..."

"Little brother, stop shouting! There's no place for you to sleep inside, you can go outside and find a place to solve it yourself! Lol…"

Small voices came from behind the door.

Then the others laughed too...

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After a while, Qin Xiaobai seemed to remember something, and his face darkened.


Where are they going to take a bath, they are obviously teaming up to make a routine for him...

Are these women the devil?

It’s cold, and it’s still the middle of the night…

Is he going to sleep on the street?

It's okay to give a sofa!

Soon, Qin Xiaobai's face showed a look of crying and laughing, this time he was planted by someone Qin, but when did they discuss this matter?

Is it eye contact?

In the end, Qin Xiaobai shook his head, thinking in his heart, what's the matter with this **** name?

Suddenly, Qin Xiaobai thought of an ancient saying: If you often walk by the river, you can't have wet shoes!


These women are too vicious, aren't they?

Originally, he just planned to let the three dishes and one soup sleep on the sofa or the floor, but these guys actually let him sleep on the street...

He was always showing others, but I didn't expect to be shown once by these four stupid women today.

Although Qin Xiaobai also knew that they probably wouldn't open the door and let him in, he still couldn't lose face.

So, he yelled at the door: "Okay, you are ruthless, if you have the ability to hide in the room and never come out, or let me touch, I will give you all one by one. Cry!"

Although Qin Xiaobai is the owner of Lanshan Hotel, there is really no room for this kind of hotel.

In the past few days, the tiger fish annual festival, platform fans of the entire empire, have poured into the magic capital.

Some even came here from abroad.

The hotel is already full!

So, no way!

Qin Xiaobai originally planned to go back to the house that Su Wanqing rented, but he soon remembered that the house had been demolished by him before.


Do you really want to spend the night on a park deck chair?

But Shen Wenwen's room is still there!

I can only go there for one night...

Driving back to the Wandering Villa, Qin Xiaobai went straight to Shen Wenwen's bedroom.

Meow?!" (Meow star translation: boss? Why did you suddenly come here in the middle of the night, is there any new task of demolition?)

"Tear down your uncle! You are gone! Hei Tan, I have already told my daughter-in-law that you have torn down her room!" Qin Xiaobai was sulking. After hearing what Hei Tan said, he couldn't bear it. Stop talking to frighten it.

Black Charcoal: "???"

At that time, the black carbon was stunned!

What the **** is this?

Why is it now the culprit?

Don't bring such a trick on your little brother...


Qin Xiaobai just wanted to scare the black charcoal, and did not continue to talk nonsense with it, went straight to Shen Wenwen's room on the second floor from the wooden stairs.

Her door was kept open and not locked, but Qin Xiaobai opened the door without much effort.

Then lay directly on Shen Wenwen's bed.

However, Qin Xiaobai has always been a little difficult to toss and turn, and he has been tricked by three dishes and one soup, which always makes him a little uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, the corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth suddenly rose a little, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


He thought of a perfect plan…

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