Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 532: Plan bankruptcy, revenge failed!

The fans in the live broadcast room were stupid, and even once suspected that the reason why the anchor did not show his face was that he was originally a female anchor.

Because she was afraid of being greedy for her body, she deliberately covered her face in men's clothes.

The only thing they can't figure out is a female anchor, why is Mao's game level so high?

After all, the live broadcast section of Douyin platform has not started for a long time. Many anchors have never seen such a precious gift as a carnival.

There are three at once, Qin Xiaobai's popularity in the live broadcast room has increased obviously.

Soon from a few hundred people to 10,000 people online.

Many new fans who did not know the truth were stunned by the beauty of the prosperous age as soon as they entered the live broadcast room.

"Fuck! This... When did Douyin come, such a beautiful lady?"

"Such a good-looking girl must be pretending to be a boy!"

"You're right upstairs, if I hadn't seen him before, I would have almost taken off my pants..."


"Fuck, it's true? It's too long! I was actually picked up by a man..."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"Grass, a plant!"

"Sun, a celestial body!"

"Grass mud horse, a lovely prairie beast..."


A group of new viewers learned that the goddess in the picture, who was almost a perfect score, was actually a man, and almost spit out blood on the spot.

Of course, the reactions of Cheng Xiaoguo and the other women were not much better.

Xiao Tuantuan: "Brother Gou, I seem to have been tricked by you again, this time you say that you didn't collude with Qin Xiaobai, and I don't believe it if you kill me... woo woo woo, pay me Douzi, Pay with me..."

Cheng Xiaoguo: "??? Are you kidding me? Don't Qin Xiaobai have women's clothes?"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Woohoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He doesn't look as good as he looks, so let's hang his photos, aren't we looking for abuse?"

After Xiao Tuantuan finished speaking, Cheng Xiaoguo was immediately stunned. It seems that what Xiao Tuantuan said makes sense...

"We are his number one now, we can ask him to do other things, such as singing, yes, have you never heard Qin Xiaobai sing? It must be very ugly, he is the only one dare to sing..."

Cheng Xiaoguo glanced at the two of them and said in a sure tone.

"No, no, I don't want to be abused anymore, the dog won't play..." After listening to Xiaoguo's words, Xiao Tuantuan waved his hands repeatedly to refuse.

I can't stand it!

I was tortured by blood for eating chicken, I was forced to play flying chess all night, and I lost more than one million beans in mahjong. The guy's women's looks are second to none.

How does this work? It's not dealing with Qin Xiaobai at all, it's like giving him a head...

If she keeps playing, she will really doubt her life!

Su Wanqing's mood is very complicated now. She has seen Qin Xiaobai's women's clothes before, but she seems to have never heard of singing...


She really wanted to hear how Qin Xiaobai sang.

"Or, let's give him some gifts and let him sing a song? I don't think I've heard it before..." After a moment of silence, Su Wanqing turned to Xiao Tuantuan and Cheng Xiaoguo. The two of them asked.

"Duanzi, have you seen it? Even Wanqing has never heard of it before, Qin Xiaobai's singing must be unpleasant! Do you want to try it..." Cheng Xiaoguo persuaded.

"No, Wanqing, did you do it on purpose? Why did I suddenly feel that you, Gouzi, and Qin Xiaobai are all in the same group?!" I cried, and suddenly I had this idea inexplicably.

No wonder she would doubt that Qin Xiaobai's voice is so nice, if singing can be unpleasant, that's no wonder!

However, in the end, the three of them were still a little reluctant.

Everyone gave Qin Xiaobai another ten carnivals. Just to test my curiosity.

Seeing a burst of colorful prompts flashing on the public screen, Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt a little excited.

"So that's what it feels like to receive a gift! It seems quite exciting..."

After muttering a few words in her heart, Qin Xiaobai said to the live headset: "Thank you to the three bosses for the reward!"

Qin Xiaobai's words are sincere and heartfelt.

After all, the live broadcast a few days ago, the audience was very small, and there was no gift. Today, I suddenly received a reward of hundreds of thousands, and I am very excited.

"That... we want to hear you sing, shouldn't it be difficult for you?"

Cheng Xiaoguo asked by typing on the public screen.

After reading the barrage, Qin Xiaobai's delicate women's face, the corners of his mouth slightly warped, inadvertently revealed a captivating smile: "Sing? There's nothing wrong with this! "

With the blessing of the perfect voice, Qin Xiaobai had a bold idea. Since she has already dressed as a woman, let's just perform a female voice by the way!

Afterwards, he rummaged through the computer for a while, and soon found a song called "Thinking of You".

No pretence, Qin Xiaobai put on the accompaniment, and said directly to the screen: "Well, a song "Thinking of You" is given to a fan in the live broadcast room, thank you for your attention !"


The prelude sounded, Qin Xiaobai pursed his lips slightly, and then a clean and clear, charming and enchanting voice was introduced into the ears of fans in the live broadcast room.

"You are empty, you are empty..."

"Form is emptiness..."

"In a doomed love..."

As soon as Qin Xiaobai opened his mouth, the fans in the live broadcast room and Cheng Xiaoguo were immediately stunned.

The sound is so creepy…

With his women's clothes, they couldn't believe it, this was the voice of a man.

"Fuck! I got goose bumps all over the place and lost a pound and a half in an instant. I feel like I have found a new way to lose weight..."

"It's a bit magical, the more you listen, the better you get!"

"A woman can't sing this kind of voice, right? You **** tell this anchor is a man?"

"Suddenly a bold idea!"

"Starting in three years, the highest death penalty, restraint upstairs..."

"As a woman, I want to slap my mouth when I hear it, but there is still no man like a bitch, no wonder the old lady has been single..."

"Anchor, do you look in the mirror in women's clothes every day, and then...hehe!"

"Fuck, it's really possible... growing up like this, his girlfriend must be under a lot of pressure, right?"


At the same time as the fans in the live broadcast room were talking about it, the white abuse team formed by Xiao Tuantuan, Cheng Xiaoguo and Su Wanqing also completely disbanded.

Can't play anymore!

I originally thought of partnering with Qin Xiaobai for revenge, but no matter how they looked at it, they were all being abused in disguise.

The most irritating thing is that their only advantage, the goddess demeanor is also in front of Qin Xiaobai's women's clothing, which is not worth mentioning.

Who can stand this!

So, let’s just disband, and we all agree that this guy can’t afford to offend…

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