Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 550: It's okay to look so good, why?

A few minutes later, Qin Xiaobai came to the door of the ward that Tang Jianjun said.

Originally Qin Xiaobai was going to push the door in, but when his hand reached the door handle, he suddenly stopped in mid-air.

In the room, a middle-aged man's voice came:

" You should also know that the wards here are not affordable for ordinary people, and the daily cost is less than 100,000 yuan. In addition to the previous surgery costs, they are all top-notch in the world. Expert, if it wasn't for President Tang's face, your sisters would have been kicked out long ago."

"This...I know this, I will definitely supply you with the money in the future..."

The voice was very soft, with a hint of timidity. You don't need to guess Qin Xiaobai to know that this is the stupid woman Shen Wenwen.

" In the future? Haha, you are a weak girl with a sick sister, whether you can get enough food and clothing is a problem, and you say that you can make money? It's not that I look down on you, it's impossible okay?"

Come here, none of this is a problem.

Of course I don't want to, I can only do things according to the regulations of the hospital! "

The tone of the man's speech was obviously threatening.

After hearing this, Shen Wenwen's face suddenly turned pale, and she glanced at her younger sister, who was still awake, and struggled in her heart.

On that day, under the protection of the husky, she retrieved Suxin lotus seeds from the extreme north, and after returning, she gave it to her sister.


That Suxin lotus seed is a rare medicine, and my sister's life is saved.

But after all, it is a medicinal material, not a legendary elixir, and it cannot play a role in curing the disease.

Her sister still needs a period of time to recover and recover completely.

Because Shen Qianqian has been in a semi-conscious state, she only wakes up for about two hours a day, and her physical state is still a little unstable.

So, no way!

Shen Wenwen could only let her stay in the Imperial Capital Hospital.

This is a private hospital, and the charges in it are extremely scary, and the average person cannot afford it.


The more than one million that Qin Xiaobai gave her before has already been spent.

Originally, she made a little money during the live broadcast, but the latter took a large amount of money and was temporarily frozen by tiger fish.

The tiger fish platform has regulations, the anchors who have been disconnected for more than ten days, the salary must wait until the normal live broadcast before they can re-apply.

So, Shen Wenwen is really out of money now.

Originally, she thought about borrowing money from Qin Xiaobai, but she finally gave up the idea. Qin Xiaobai has helped her enough.

Give her a million before.

In Shen Wenwen's opinion, Qin Xiaobai's one million is already a lot. He is still so young, and it is estimated that he can't have more money...

So after some hesitation, she still didn't speak.

Actually, due to Tang Jianjun's relationship, the hospital never asked Shen Wenwen about money.

The man who spoke just now was named Shen Bo, the son of a shareholder owner of the hospital.

Half a month ago, I just returned from studying abroad and happened to be a doctor in the Cardiology Department.

He has seen many women, but this is the first time he has seen a woman like Shen Wenwen.

Immediately, he took advantage of his father's relationship and successfully took over the ward of Shen Wenwen's sister.

The purpose is self-evident, naturally it is to get close to Shen Wenwen.

At first, his performance was very normal, but in recent days, he has gradually become impatient.

Shen Wenwen has always only politely thanked him for his various actions, and never had any other meaning in it.

This made him a little bit intolerable.

Shen Wenwen's indifference made him a little angry, but also a little more interesting.

The last two days of ward rounds, always intentionally or unintentionally, showed admiration for Shen Wenwen, and even confessed to Shen Wenwen directly during the ward round yesterday.

After hearing his confession, Shen Wenwen was taken aback at the time, but after recovering, of course she refused.

After going through so many things, Shen Wenwen's heart has become very small, and there are only a few people who can live in it.

Sister Shen Qianqian counts as one, and Qin Xiaobai counts as one, so she should take the risk to accompany her to the extreme north, and Erha Xiaobai who eventually sacrificed can count as one.

As for the others, I am afraid that she will never be able to enter her heart again.

What's more, Shen Wenwen could see that the doctor in front of her was just a playboy. Not long ago, she heard a few nurses discussing that this young doctor had some inexplicable relationship with many young nurses.

For this kind of person, Shen Wenwen feels that she can only stay away. She doesn't comment on other people's affairs, but she doesn't want to participate.

Who knows after rejecting his confession.

When Shen Bo came to round the room today, he said the words just now.

In the current situation, her sister Shen Qianqian has no way to be discharged home.

On the other hand, the sky-high medical expenses are simply unaffordable for her...

To be more serious, the life and death of my sister are now in her mind.

After listening to the conversation between the two at the door for a while, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

This stupid woman is really a **** mess...

What’s the point of looking so good?

Wherever I go, there are some men who do not know whether to live or die, greedy for her body...

Shen Wenwen is probably poisonous!

After shaking his head, Qin Xiaobai pushed open the door with a black face, and then appeared in front of the two of them.

After seeing Qin Xiaobai, Shen Wenwen had a somewhat excited expression on her face, but soon she blushed and lowered her head.

I also guessed in my heart that Qin Xiaobai might have overheard the conversation between her and the doctor just now.

I immediately squeezed my hands together silently, looking a little overwhelmed.

And Qin Xiaobai didn't go to the doctor at all. He walked up to her with a dark face and shouted: "Is the mobile phone in arrears? Won't you call me if you don't have money? Yes, missing your sister's hospital bill?"


Shen Wenwen wanted to explain something, but Qin Xiaobai suddenly stood in front of her, and she was too frightened to say anything.

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