Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 563: Ah, I can't live anymore, I'm going to run away from home!

The dice rolled for a few seconds, rolled on the table a few times, and finally stopped at six o’clock without the slightest doubt.

After seeing this scene, Su Wanqing could only helplessly squeeze out a wry smile.

It's still a familiar rhythm!

"Okay! Son-in-law, come on..." Su Qingshan looked at the six points on the dice for a while, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

After the camera in the live broadcast room captured this scene, those fans who watched the live broadcast began to complain again.

"Although I have already guessed the ending, I didn't expect the dog emperor to be so rigid! If not, he abused his ex-wife, and now he has begun to abuse his father-in-law and mother-in-law..."

"Hey! I seem to have realized a way to convince my future father-in-law not to dowry... Let alone, I'm going to buy a flying chess, and I'll talk to my father-in-law later. ."

"Upstairs, don't try it! Really, I thought of this method a long time ago, and I have already tried it. Well, I lost all the pants after the loss, and I came back from Guoben. of…"

"Yes! One night, I made an appointment with a girl. After we opened the room, I took out a box of flying chess like a dog king, and she said it was me Smelly hooligan, just grabbed the door and ran away..."

"Gouhuang's routine is really not something ordinary people can learn. Many people imitated him in the past, and now he is still lying in the hospital. Yesterday, he sent me WeChat and asked me to help them order the coffin. It's gone!"

"This is really a wolf! If you don't give any face, are you not afraid that his father-in-law will get angry and drive him out?"


After glancing at the barrage, Su Wanqing reluctantly took out two hundred soft sister coins from her wallet and put it on the table, then said with a wry smile: "This is two hundred yuan, Dad. Mom, who will pay the other 100?"

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, her parents were stunned.

"Girl! You haven't even rolled the dice, are you planning to honor your father for two hundred? Then I'll accept it with a smile. Hehe! Just recently, your mother discovered the private money..."

Su Qingshan smiled and stretched out his hand to get the money on the table, but then he heard Su Wanqing say again, "Dad, that's for Qin Xiaobai..."

Su Qingshan: "???"

But soon, the smile on Su Qingshan's face suddenly froze. His eyes turned to Qin Xiaobai for a while, and then to the beating dice on the table for a while.


Yes, it's six again!

"Xiao Bai, although you are a cabbage, but if I tie up my pigs... Hey, do you understand?"

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai's third plane had returned to the base camp, Su Qingshan suddenly couldn't sit still, and said something meaningful.

"Xiaobai, it's okay! Come on, if Su Qingshan dares to stop Wanqing, I'll beat him together..." Mother Su had already completely agreed with Qin Xiaobai, and she gradually stood still when she spoke. his side.

This scene made Qin Xiaobai feel very embarrassed, the dice in his hand, I don't know if I should throw it...

But soon he was relieved.

Fairness, justice and openness!

Playing Ludo is pointless if it's not about winning.


Water can be put in, but the first place cannot be given up.

"That...I'm just a little bit luckier, maybe I won't be able to do it!" Qin Xiaobai grinned and smiled modestly, and then he threw the dice in his hand again. .

No surprises!

Six o’clock as always…

The first game took only three minutes, and it was over.

Qin Xiaobai happily picked up the three hundred soft sister coins that Su Wanqing took out, then glanced at the stunned three people, and said, "I'm fine, you guys continue! No! Do you want to decide on the second place?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

Mother Su: “…”

Su Qingshan: "…"

Although Su Qingshan was a little surprised by this scene, he didn't say anything, he reached out and picked up the dice and started to throw it.





Qin Xiaobai looked at the dice, and after staying at six, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It turns out that Su Wanqing's father is also a European emperor!

This makes the game a lot more fun.

"One hundred yuan!"

Su Qingshan had a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and said to Su mother.

"Here you are!"

Mother Su took out a brand new banknote and threw it to Su Qingshan.

After seeing this scene, fans in the live broadcast room suddenly became lively again, and launched a barrage.

"Anchor, withdraw! This is a war between the European emperor and the European god, you and your mother-in-law should not participate in the mortal body!"

"Yeah! It's too late to slip now, or you two will definitely go bankrupt today!"

"Fuck, fortunately, I listened to your advice just now, otherwise I would go to the anchor's house with flying chess, and I might have to go bankrupt before I can come back..."

"Dog Emperor has encountered a strong opponent? Where is the opening brother!"

"Come, come, it's open! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks, guess who will win a little more in the end if the emperor treats his father-in-law today!"

"I will not participate in the discussion of such an exciting thing, take off my pants and go to business!"

"My God, isn't it, brother pants? Can you do that too?!"


The next few people played five more games. Qin Xiaobai's European spirit was a little stronger, and he won the first place in five hands without a doubt.

Su Qingshan is okay, and has always maintained the second place. It was his son-in-law Qin Xiaobai who made the blood, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to be losing money. After all, he also earned a lot of soft sister coins!

But Su Wanqing's mother and daughter were even more miserable, each lost 900 yuan...

The memory of flying chess, which has been practiced for many years, has no effect at all in front of two slow guys...

Maybe this is the so-called technology, no matter how good it is, I am afraid to open it...

Perspective self-aiming and locking blood, there is no chance of winning...

"Don't think about it, flying chess is not gambling, they don't care about this kind of thing, you have called the police in 20 years, have you forgotten? So, die of this heart Let's fight until dawn... hehe!" Su Qingshan said with a smile.

Su: “…”

Su Wanqing's scalp was also numb at the moment, and her face had a loveless expression.

One Ou Huang Qin Xiaobai is enough for her, and now there is another Ou Shen father...

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Woohoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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