Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 565: The evil done by the dog emperor is to pay for Mao's main anchor?

Although Su Wanqing said there was nothing to do, Qin Xiaobai felt faintly that things were not that simple.

It's just that he doesn't have a clue about the imprint.

So I don't know what to do.

"Go back, it's too cold outside!" Qin Xiaobai said after pondering for a while, looking at Su Wanqing.

"Yeah!" Su Wanqing nodded, then her face changed suddenly, and exclaimed: "It's over, I promised Sister Xiaoguo and the others last night to play games together in the afternoon, almost Forgot about this..."

Qin Xiaobai slept early last night, and he didn't pay attention to Su Wanqing's later live broadcast, let alone the agreement between the three of them.

"Let's go, then go back, I just want to sleep for a while..."

Qin Xiaobai is telling the truth, he was squeezed to death by Su Wanqing last night, and he didn't sleep well at all.

After a while, the two returned home.

Su Wanqing took Qin Xiaobai directly back to her room.

In response, Mother Su just smiled and didn't say much. Anyway, in her opinion, the marriage has already been booked.

Besides, it's broad daylight, so I don't worry about the two of them making a fool of themselves.

After returning to Su Wanqing's room, Qin Xiaobai didn't say much, took off his jacket, lay on Su Wanqing's boudoir, and brushed his phone at will.

Su Wanqing turned on the computer and boarded her live broadcast room.

The camera in the live broadcast room captured half of Qin Xiaobai's body, and those fans couldn't help but complain immediately.

"Fuck! It's not right! The first time the dog emperor came to the door, he slept on the goddess' bed. I felt that the lemon was so sour today..."

"Anchor you are like this, I'm going to call the police! I just want to watch a live broadcast, and I was fed a dry dog ​​food..."

"Hey! I'm envious of it, really! If the dog emperor knew, that bed was slept by the anchor's Erha, I don't know how it would feel in my heart!"

"In this world, the only person who can be a green dog emperor is probably the anchor's Erha!"

"Stop talking, everyone! Hurry up and serve the meal, three dishes and one soup are about to start playing games again..."

"I just ate a ton of dog food, how can I still eat it! Now let alone three dishes and one soup, even if the Manchu and Han banquets are placed in front of me, I have no appetite!"


While Su Wanqing was checking the barrage, she received a voice invitation from Cheng Xiaoguo and the others. She didn't hesitate, and simply clicked to agree.

"Wanqing, you won't be dazed by Qin Xiaobai, right? You agreed to play games with us after attending the wedding? You'll forget about it!" In the team's voice, Cheng Xiaoguo complained a little with some dissatisfaction.

"Sister Xiaoguo, don't mention it! My mother and I were abused by two European emperors all morning and went bankrupt..." Su Wanqing replied with a wry smile and shook her head.

"Isn't it? Did Qin Xiaobai play Ludo with you again?"

After shaking for a while in front of the computer screen, Xiao Tuantuan asked.

"Isn't it! This time to my father, I suspect that Qin Xiaobai may be my father's biological..."

Three dishes: "…"

The four girls boarded the game of PUBG while chatting.

And Qin Xiaobai, who was lying on the bed, was speechless after hearing the conversation of several people.

Then, he suddenly remembered the prize of the lottery just now. After pondering for a while, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, thinking that he should try this silly girl Su Wanqing...

Anyway, that teammate's BUFF skill card is also tasteless to him, and it doesn't hurt at all to use it.

Soon that skill card was used by him.

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai's designated teammate was Su Wanqing.

After Qin Xiaobai's operation was completed, Su Wanqing did not show anything abnormal.

Soon, the game begins.

The game characters operated by four people appeared in the quality square.

"Wanqing, let's be a little bit on this one, it's a pity for the last one last night, if we're a little bit harder, at least we can make it into the top ten!" Xiao Tuantuan sighed with regret one sentence.

"Don't be so cowardly with the first one! Let's find some feel, just grab it..."

Su Wanqing didn't have time to answer, she was the first to speak.

"I think what the little girl said makes sense, why are you so cowardly now? It's not like your style, okay?" Cheng Xiaoguo said ruthlessly.

"Forget it, just shoot the gun... Anyway, sooner or later everyone is a box, box box box box..."

While several people were discussing, the plane had already taken off.

In the end, it was decided that three dishes and one soup, the first one of the game went to school to find the feel and experience the joy of just gun.

Of course.

The four of them had no hope of surviving.

As fans complain about them, they are looking for the fastest way to become a box.

The plane flew along the route to the distance from the school, and when there was still a long way to go, Su Wanqing unexpectedly glanced at the small map, and then said in the team:

"Now we should be able to skydive, we jumped off the roof, and looking for guns should be able to kill a lot of people."

When Sancai was about to question, she saw that Su Wanqing had already parachuted, and out of frustration, several people could only jump down.

Because of Qin Xiaobai's BUFF blessing, Su Wanqing's understanding of the game suddenly seemed to have increased countless times.

She even made an unexpected operation, and the descending speed reached the extreme 234km/h.

This is the speed of the ultimate fall...

Before, she only saw Qin Xiaobai fly out when she was playing. As for herself, after playing for several months, she didn't know how to make the speed of decline reach the extreme.

However, today she did!

" I'm going, what's the situation? It's not Qin Xiaobai who is helping Wanqing play, right? We were left behind by her for a long distance..." Cheng Xiaoguo saw that he had already flown Su Wanqing, who opened her umbrella above the school, said something in the voice of the team with some doubts.

"I'm a mother! There are at least thirty or forty people, right?" The little girl looked at the top of the school, her eyes widened a little, and she said in surprise.

"You will die if you jump!"

"Wanqing, take care, my sisters will go to other places to play wild..."

"Yes! Let's lick the bag with tears in a while, hahaha!"

Su Wanqing: "…"

At that time, she was stunned!

It was agreed that the steel gun would become a box, and you actually went to the jungle...

After seeing this scene, the fans in her live broadcast room were about to burst out laughing, and they all started barrage jokes.

"Fuck! There really is no friendship between women, it's full of routines, poor anchor..."

"I'm going, are you going to laugh at me to inherit my flower? The boat of friendship is overturned..."

"The anchor is so miserable! I was directly abandoned..."

"Why does this scene feel a little familiar! By the way, I remembered that it was all the fault of the dog emperor, and now the anchor is forced to return it..."

" It's true, the King of Dogs also deceived Xiaoguo and the others back then..."


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