Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 571: I have never seen a master who negotiated conditions so arrogantly!

Although Douyin's video and Bilibili's video have all been removed from the shelves.

However, the network development of the Blue Star Empire is even more ferocious than the earth. Even if Qin Xiaobai controls most of the entertainment industry in the empire, it cannot completely stop the spread of the video.

So, in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, at ninety o'clock in the evening, the sunspots had reached a peak.

The tiger fish arranged twenty super tubes for her, but there was still no way to completely seal the mouths of the sunspots.

These sunspots who are attracted by the video seem to have an undeniable feud with Su Wanqing. From the beginning of spamming anchors, hanging on the wall and other words, they have gradually developed to Greetings to the family, greetings to the parents.

Su Wanqing's explanation and self-certification of innocence only lasted for more than an hour, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was brought back to the rhythm.

The swearing is getting worse and worse.


If Su Wanqing hadn't been strong enough, and if she was replaced by other girls like her, facing dozens of millions of people, I'm afraid she would have been unable to hold on, and her emotions would have collapsed directly …

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai in the living room suddenly regretted seeing this scene.

Originally, when he used that buff on Su Wanqing, it was because he thought she was too bad and a little disgusting, and he never thought it would have such a big negative impact on Su Wanqing.

If I knew this was the case, Qin Xiaobai would rather put that BUFF skill card in the system warehouse.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now, all Qin Xiaobai can do at the moment is to minimize the harm this matter brings to Su Wanqing.

After thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai contacted Liang Chenghai again and asked him to find the person in charge of Landong and retrieve a data test of Su Wanqing's game.

Liang Chenghai agreed.

Landong also has a certain fear of Qin Xiaobai. After all, they still remember the huge loss caused by the last time they blocked the account of Destiny Wang Xingren.

So, when Liang Chenghai contacted them, Landong's convenient response was quite positive.

I soon sent the data of Dawang's mountain tour directly to Liang Chenghai.

The whole process went smoothly without any turbulence.

After Qin Xiaobai got this data, the corners of his mouth finally rose habitually.

This is an authoritative data monitoring report.

With the proof of Landong Game Company, Su Wanqing did not cheat, it should be enough to convince many people.

Of course, this alone cannot completely eliminate the impact.

The most direct way is to let the ruthless stone stand up and say that the video is fabricated, and then publicly apologize.

It's just that Qin Xiaobai wanted the result, and let the ruthless stone stand up, admit that the video is fake, and make a public apology.


Even Yang Mengxin, who has something to do with him, because he secretly cheated on Su Wanqing, Qin Xiaobai didn't let him go.

Therefore, there is no need to guess the fate of this ruthless stone.

About ten o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiaobai, through Liang Chenghai's relationship, got to the Wechat account of the ruthless stone.

This time Qin Xiaobai took the initiative to add his WeChat.

The note is the Destiny Dog.

At this moment, Ruthless Stone began to panic a little.

Seriously, he didn't expect things to be so big.

Originally, he just wanted to make some hype, earn some eyeballs, increase fans, and seek personal interests.

I didn't expect to kill him, the Douyin account was blocked, and the author account of station B was frozen.

What's worse, the official of Tiger Fish Live Broadcasting Platform actually sent him a lawyer's official letter, ready to sue him...


I also asked him to compensate 500 million soft sister coins!

After he received the news from station B, he was completely dumbfounded. Don't say 500 million soft sister coins, now he doesn't even have 50,000 deposits...

However, when he saw the reminder on the WeChat of his mobile phone that the Destiny Wang Xingren requested to add you as a friend, his mind immediately became active again.

Although I don't know much about the King of Dogs, I have heard that he is the big guy who is covering the king's mountain tour.

Therefore, the Ruthless Stone was thinking of nothing else at this time, but to see if he could blackmail a huge sum of money from the dog emperor.

Thinking of this, he quickly agreed to Destiny Dog's friend request.

" Post an apology video, admitting that the video is nonsense and doing it for the heat, you can speak up if you have any conditions! "Qin Xiaobai didn't hesitate, and directly stated his intentions.

Of course, it is impossible for him to really give money to the other party, or do things for him, everything is just a calculation.

"Dog King! That's a little bad?"

The Ruthless Stone thought for a long time and replied with a string of words.

" Don't be a **** bullshit, I'm giving you the chance to make a big deal out of it. Since you're staring at three dishes and one soup, you should have heard my ID. Tell me, how much is it? Can do it!"

After seeing the news sent by Qin Xiaobai, the ruthless stone face couldn't help twitching for a while, thinking in his heart: Damn, when I get rich, I can speak so arrogantly in the future Bar…

"Let's do it, dog emperor! I don't want too much, 10 million should be just a drizzle for you, if you tip a streamer casually, it's also starting at tens of millions, isn't it too much? "

The Ruthless Stone thought and thought for a long time, and asked in a series of words.

Qin Xiaobai stared at the message, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, 10 million was really not too much for him.

Just go out and lose your family once and it will be gone.

But let Qin Xiaobai give this money to a shameless villain?

Qin Xiaobai is not a philanthropist, not to mention that even if he is, it is impossible to give money to such helplessness.


"50 million is too much, 10 million is acceptable, I will arrange for someone to call you right away!" Qin Xiaobai replied after thinking for a while.

I don't know how many miles away the ruthless stone, after seeing the message sent by Destiny Wang Xingren, a smug smile flashed on his face.

In fact, he originally planned to find Destiny Wang Xingren for ten million soft sister coins. But what he didn't expect was that this guy, Destiny Wang Xingren, agreed so happily...

Ten million!

Not even a brow!

This **** is really rich...

"Dog Huang, don't worry! There are other conditions, I heard that Tiger Fish is planning to sue me and ask me to compensate 500 million soft sister coins, this matter..." The words of the ruthless stone did not finish, For the remaining ellipses, he believed that the Destiny Wang Xingren could guess.

"I will notify Tiger Fish, withdraw this lawsuit, and never hold you accountable!" Qin Xiaobai's answer was neat and tidy, without any sloppiness.

"Okay, Gouhuang is really a cheerful person, you can arrange for someone to make money, after I receive the money, I will use my friend's account to post a video of public apology!" 's answer...

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai still had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number!

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