Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 578: It's very simple, just stop broadcasting for half a month!

Faced with the voices of fans, Su Wanqing just gave it a little, and didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

To be able to maintain the No. 1 popularity in the face value area and end 0202, of course it is perfect. But if it doesn't work, she doesn't want to force anything.

To do live broadcasts is to have a good attitude.

I stare at the list every day, and if a small fluctuation in the ranking makes me angry and depressed, I will definitely not be able to live.

Game anchors like Qiangjian Tuanzi are not always in the first position.

What's more, according to what the fans said, if you really want to go to Qin Xiaobai for help, that guy will definitely be a prodigal, and he can't stop him!

"Emmm... New Year's Day is coming tomorrow, the anchor will wish everyone an early New Year!" Su Wanqing smiled and clasped her fists at the camera, making a New Year's greeting, and then continued:

"Thank you for your continued attention and support, today we will send a small bonus!"

When the fans in the live broadcast room heard that they were going to give out benefits, they all became a little excited, and they sent barrage to ask.

"Anchor, we don't care if the welfare is not welfare, the main thing is to watch you live in a bikini, hehe!"

"You're a fake fan upstairs, right? Let the anchor wear these in the winter. It's still not human! But it seems very exciting. I want to watch it too... Hahaha!"

"Hey, two upstairs sober up, this is a live broadcast, not a swimsuit show, okay?"

"If it really doesn't work, let the anchor's Erha perform a bikini performance!"

"Fuck, brother, is there something wrong with your aesthetics... You were a dog in your last life?"

"Don't mention dogs, this year I've been allergic to dogs. The previous live broadcast of the anchor made me understand that life is not as good as a dog. Later, the dog of her family Tianxiu, It made me understand that not only am I not as good as a dog, but even a fight is not big enough for a dog..."

"Don't say it, tomorrow's main course for Chinese New Year will be stewed Erha in iron pot, grilled dog legs in secret, steamed Erha head, braised Erha tail..."

"Yes! Anchor, it's New Year's Day tomorrow, let's kill Erha to celebrate..."


After seeing the screen-filled barrage, Su Wanqing knew that the fans were joking, got up and hugged "Xiaobai" who was lying on the side, and then said to the camera:

"Let's draw some cash red envelopes today! Emmm, 200 per person, just a little bit of care for you."

The lottery went smoothly at first, and the live broadcast room was also a warm and festive scene.

The fans who were selected are all happy, watching the live broadcast and getting red envelopes, many fans have met for the first time.

Although the amount of red envelopes issued by Su Wanqing is not very large, the number is very large. How many red envelopes were sent out, she didn't know how many for a while.

Anyway, there are more than 20 super pipes in the live broadcast room, and she herself is crazy busy.

In just over an hour, her bank card has lost about two million balance.

It is precisely because of this wave of massive red envelopes that her popularity in the live broadcast room has been pushed back to the first position in the beauty area.

But not long after, Su Wanqing just sent a red envelope when she suddenly received a stranger's emperor account, whose ID was called the agent of vitality girl, and asked to add a friend.

Out of courtesy, Su Wanqing did not reject the other party, but agreed.

"Hello anchor, I'm the agent of Girls' Generation. Recently, the vitality girl group will be preparing to enter the imperial market. Currently, they are doing promotion and packaging promotion on the tiger fish live broadcast platform. If you are in the top five in terms of popularity, please allow the anchor to let it out, and please accept a small gift."

After finishing speaking, Su Wanqing's live broadcast room suddenly lit up with colorful barrages.

ID, the agent of the vitality girl, sent the spaceship X10 in the king's patrol mountain!

ID Energetic Girl's agent, sent a spaceship X50 in the king's patrol mountain!

ID, the agent of the vitality girl, sent the spaceship X100 in the king's patrol mountain!

ID, the agent of the vitality girl, sent the spaceship X300 in the king's patrol mountain!

ID Energetic Girl's agent, sent a spaceship X500 in the king's patrol mountain!

Five hundred spaceships in full.

Su Wanqing was a little stunned after reading it, but she was not stunned by the five hundred spaceships. After all, she had seen thousands of spaceships with her own eyes, and it was in her own eyes. 's live broadcast room.

It's just that the other party's actions really made her a little speechless!

After she finished speaking, she didn't care whether she agreed or not, and directly gave her a gift of five million. What's going on?

Su Wanqing has also heard about the combination of vitality girls. It seems that it is still very popular in Korea. In the past few years, it has frequently appeared in the headlines of the entertainment industry. It seems that it is composed of five beautiful girls. group.

The girl named Yoona in the lead seems to be quite popular in the empire.

However, in the past two years, their news seems to be getting less and less.

I was planning to enter the entertainment circle of the empire!

After thinking about it for a while, Su Wanqing replied to the energetic girl's agent: "Thank you for your reward, but I have no control over the popularity of live broadcasts! If it doesn't work, I will return the money to Are you..."


Su Wanqing is not inflated, she has already sent out more than 2 million red envelopes just now, she really does not want to cause any disputes for this gift money.

"This is easy to handle! As long as you don't start broadcasting, can't you control it? Our vitality girl group will officially debut in the empire on the fifteenth of the first month of next year, which will only take half a month. .

Of course, we will not let you lose Miss Su in vain. The reward just now is just a deposit, and there will be additional thanks at the end of the matter! "

The agent of the vitality girl typed a long list of words and said.

Su Wanqing: "…"

If Qin Xiaobai saw this news, he would definitely scold people on the spot, is this a sand sculpture?

Su Wanqing has a good temper, but that doesn't mean she will agree, such a rude request!

No live broadcast for more than half a month?

Then she will have a ghostly popularity in the future, the live broadcast room is estimated to be overgrown with grass...

"I'm sorry, I can't agree to this matter, sorry!" After being silent for a few seconds, Su Wanqing replied with a series of words, and then she didn't plan to continue to pay attention to this vitality girl's agent.

"Miss Su, if you do this, it will chill the hearts of the nine billion youths in the empire. I think they should have a lot of opinions on you!" Exit Su Wanqing's live broadcast room.

At this moment, Cheng Xiaoguo suddenly called her.

After getting through, I pulled her to complain.

Su Wanqing didn't have it either, so she didn't pay attention to what happened just now, but prepared to comfort Cheng Xiaoguo and asked, "Sister Xiaoguo, what's the matter with you? Did you encounter something unhappy? matter?"

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