Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 585: No, you have, and it's worth so much!

After hearing Park Jingchang's words, Xu Feng and Liang Chenghai looked at each other and smiled, as if not surprised at all.

This is also in the calculation of the two.

Park Jingchang really wants to come to them to negotiate the conditions, then he has no bargaining chip, the only thing he can talk about is the proportion of the share.

" Mr. Park, in terms of our relationship, I should really help with this, but the risk is too great, and that one punch and one **** is not a vegetarian.

Although we can't make much money from him, the anchors under his banner are the pillars of our tiger fish beauty area. So... it's hard! "

After Xu Feng was silent for a while, he then said flickeringly.

He has a woolly friendship with Park Jingchang!

If Park Jingchang hadn't found him through a friend, Xu Feng would never have even heard of this person.

" Mr. Xu, I know this matter, it may be a little tricky for you! Do you think it will work? We don't need so many gifts, how about June 4th? You six..."

Park Jingchang gritted his teeth and said resolutely.

"Okay! That's it!" Xu Feng agreed without any hesitation.

Park Jingchang: "???"


At that time, he felt like he was being tricked...

It's really Xu Feng's reaction, but Park Jingchang won't feel that they are a gang with a punch and a jerk.

In his view, Xu Feng is just pursuing the maximization of the platform's interests through this matter.

After a while, Xu Feng's voice came from the phone again:

" Mr. Park, I had someone check it just now, and there are probably more than 300 million shark fins in the account of one punch and one jerk. Of course, this is all his net worth.

This is the client's secret, and I also secretly disclosed it to you because of our friendship. President Park, you must not trick me into leaking it out! "


Piao Jingchang didn't listen to what happened next.

Damn, that one punch and one banging monster is really not!

There are more than 300 million shark fins in the number...

"Mr. Xu, can I return the 900 million that I gave as a reward now? It's urgent!" Park Jingchang frowned and asked on the phone.

" I'm afraid it won't work, even if it is a rebate, it will have to wait until a month later, the vitality girl group is not signed as an anchor, so the time may be longer, about half a year..."

Park Jingchang's words were not unexpected, and Xu Feng soon refused.

After listening to Xu Feng's words, Park Jingchang almost vomited blood and died on the spot.

Six months?

The day lily has been cold several times…

"In terms of our relationship, can't this be accommodated?" Park Jingchang asked with a hint of pleading in his tone.

Xu Feng smiled slightly, thinking about this guy, do you really think they are very familiar?

However, he definitely won't pierce this kind of thing directly. The more, he could only put on a helpless tone, and then said: "President Park, it's not that I don't help, but the company process is here, our tiger fish is a listed company, this will become a black spot!"

"The to three! You seven..."Park Jingchang's face turned pale, and after a moment of silence, he said word by word.

"Eighty-two, we are eight! I'm taking the risk on Xu Feng alone..."

Park Jingchang: "…"

Now that he has no other way, after thinking for a long time, he can only agree with gritted teeth, and then said: "Eighty-two is eighty-two, but Mr. Xu, you can't, follow Do the same thing with a punch and a jerk!"

"Of course not, I, Xu Feng, swear by the 18th generation of my ancestors, if our tiger fish give a punch and a jerk, the genealogy will soar!" Xu Feng said solemnly.

He didn't deceive Park Jingchang, because Qin Xiaobai, he can't control what he wants to do...

Don't talk about negotiating conditions with Qin Xiaobai, is that what he ordered?

"Okay! Mr. Xu is really a person who pays attention to his reputation!" Park Jingchang complimented again, and then continued: "Mr. Xu, arrange for someone to make money!"

"No problem!"

After Xu Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

In the office on the top floor of Tiger Fish Headquarters, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng were both laughing and cramping.

Soon, Park Jingchang received the money from Tiger Fish, but he glanced at the numbers and was immediately stunned.

Eighty-two divided, it should be 192 million!

Why only 96 million calls?

This is only one-billionth of the reward he gave out! Tiger fish people will not be so untrustworthy, right?

Piao Jingchang was really a little confused because he was angry. He didn't even consider the tax, so he called Xu Feng again.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Feng and Liang Chenghai were laughing nonstop. When they saw the phone light up again, they held back their smiles exaggeratedly and answered the phone again.


Same as before, with speakerphone on.

"President Xu, that's not right! Why is it less than 100 million, isn't it reasonable?" Park Jingchang asked anxiously.

"Very reasonable! We have to pay taxes in our empire. Your money didn't go into my personal wallet, but went to the company's finances and paid 50% of the tax! Of course, the actual ratio may be lower, and you can retire next year..." Xu Feng explained seriously.

Park Jingchang: "…"

This is really embarrassing!

I originally gave him all 19.2 billion, but it is not enough to go shopping with a punch and a jerk. Now it only has 96 million, so it is impossible...

Piao Jingchang suddenly felt dizzy for a while, and he didn't know what to do.

It's too late to collect money now.

Abandoning this PK, he felt blood loss again, after thinking for a long time, Park Jingchang suddenly said:

" That... President Xu, can you look at the relationship between the two of us and borrow 300 million for me first. Of course, I am not an empty-handed white wolf, the vitality girl group agreed to sign the tiger Fish live broadcast for a year, it’s the kind of intermittent live broadcast!”

Although Park Jingchang didn't quite understand what he said, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng already understood what he meant.

"We are no longer signing a star live broadcast! However, if you really want to borrow money, we can lend it to you. Of course, you also know that we are not doing charity, it must be conditional !"

" Mr. Xu, you said, as long as 300 million can call me, the conditions are good! "Piao Jingchang said quickly as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.


Xu Feng smiled and reminded.

"This...We just came to the empire, and we don't have any industry yet, so the bank can't possibly give us a loan! Besides, it's too late to go through the process..." After listening to Xu Feng's words, Park Jingchang answered with some helplessness.

"No, you have! And it should be worth 300 million!"

"President Xu, please make it clear!" Park Jingchang was really confused and asked.

" Your artist company is in Korea, so you can't get a loan in the empire, but you can sign a contract with your artist! The vitality girl groups are all good, take their signing contract, We Tiger Fish can lend you 300 million interest-free, how about that?"

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