Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 588: If you want to die together, whoever counsels who is a dog!

Park Jingchang was relieved, and several beautiful girls from the vitality girl group, all of them were dumbfounded, sitting on the sofa of the live broadcast hotel, confused and scared, and didn't know what to do next .




"Should it be those who signed the contract, at the door of the room?"

"What should we... do?"

The younger two members were about to cry.

This kind of thing, they have never experienced this kind of thing, someone just died in the room, and now the creditor is chasing the door.



As the eldest member of the group, Yoona was horrified, but she forced herself to ask the door calmly.

"Tiger fish beam into the sea!"

"Xu Feng!"

The two stood at the door, and after hearing the question inside, they answered in a calm tone.

It's time to come!

After Yuner and Qianer glanced at each other, they also knew that there was no way to avoid disaster. After tidying up their appearance a little, they got up and came to the door.

Through the small hole in the cat's eye, I saw that there were indeed only two middle-aged men outside. After a struggle in my heart, I gently released the safety bolt and opened the door of the hotel room.

"The two of you are here..." Qian Er looked at the two of them with a pale face and asked in a low voice.

" We feel very sorry for Mr. Park's incident, and please don't be sad." Liang Chenghai showed a painful expression on his face, and then he said: "Originally, we should not have done this. It's time to come, but considering the safety of several people, I decided to come and listen to your opinions."

" Mr. Liang, he has something to say, we have five sisters now, and we have no choice..." Yuner bit her lower lip lightly, revealing a hint of charm inadvertently, and said said.

"Cough cough!" Liang Chenghai almost couldn't hold it anymore, after a few dry coughs, he began to talk formally: "Strictly speaking, a few are now our Tiger Fish artists, Of course, we have no intention of entering the entertainment industry.

After Mr. Park left, the high liquidated damages owed, in the best case, you have to bear half, which is about eight billion! "

After hearing this number, all the beautiful girls in the group of five vitality girls were suddenly shocked!

They really didn't expect that they would have to compensate so much...

In recent years, although they have become popular in Korea, people may not believe it when they say it, and they really don't make much money.

The star of Korea is about ten times higher than the salary of Jinling.

In the past few years, the most popular Yoona has only saved less than 50 million soft sister coins.

The stars are not as crazy as the empire in Korea.

A commercial performance is worth millions and tens of millions, and a movie’s remuneration is over 100 million.

This is impossible in Korea...

So in recent years, many Korean stars have come to the empire to dig for gold.

Park Jingchang really came with this idea.

"With your current situation, those who signed the cooperation agreement and paid the first deposit will definitely not let you go back to Korea!" Liang Chenghai's face flashed indistinctly With a smile, then he said:

"Of course, with your current situation, you can't get along in the entertainment circle of the empire. It is no exaggeration to say that you have nowhere to go!"

After listening to Liang Chenghai's words, the beautiful girls in the group of vitality girls all turned pale and fidgeted one by one.

"Then...then what should"

"emm...Our boss is called Qin Xiaobai, the guy who just gave you a gift called Yi Punch, he is now in the imperial capital, if you want, I can arrange for you Meet him!"

Liang Chenghai glanced at a few people calmly, and then answered.

After hearing this, the members of the vitality girl group showed panic in their beautiful eyes.

Is this going to be unspoken? Most likely it is...

Immediately, Yuner and Qianer's expressions became a little ugly, and their eyes looked at them unconsciously, and Park Jingchang jumped off that balcony.

If this is the case, they would rather choose the same ending as Park Jingchang. At least not by that...

" Don't misunderstand what Lao Liang means, our boss Qin Xiaobai, he definitely doesn't have that idea, maybe it's some business thing, I have to talk to you personally, I can do that. Guaranteed with Liang Chenghai's 20-year lifespan!" Xu Feng smiled and said.

Liang Chenghai: "???"

At that time, he was speechless, Xu Feng, this grandson is really not, why not use his own life, if Qin Xiaobai, after seeing these beautiful girls, really If you mess up, don't you want to be cool?

However, Liang Chenghai was relieved soon. With Qin Xiaobai's wife-protecting madness, he definitely couldn't do such a thing.

"Yes, I also guarantee Xu Feng's 20-year lifespan, you will never be in any danger!"

Liang Chenghai immediately followed the gamble and vowed to die together, whoever persuades is a dog!

After the two of them finished speaking, the five vitality girls formed a group of five and whispered to each other for a while. Anyway, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, although they did not hear what they were saying, they could probably guess. to some.

If nothing else, a few of them should choose to agree.

After all, who wants to die if they can live?

Therefore, neither of them spoke to urge them, but stood at the door quietly waiting for their answers.


About ten minutes later, Yoona raised her head, looked at Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, and asked, "What about our liquidated damages?"

"You can rest assured, Tiger Fish will handle it for you! Of course, the artist's contract is about to expire, we need to modify the period, fifteen years!" Feng calmly looked at several people and replied.

"Fifteen years?!"

After hearing Xu Feng's words, the beautiful girls in the group of five vitality girls were startled again and blurted out in unison.

" That's right! Eight billion in debt, even if you return to Korea and perform in your whole life, you won't be able to perform at all, and you can guarantee that you will continue to be popular in Korea? ?"


Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng told the truth, simple math questions, and a few members of Vitality Girl can still be calculated clearly.

"Okay, let's sign the contract! We don't want to live in the shadow of debt for the rest of our lives..."Yooner gritted her teeth and nodded at her when she saw several sisters, then spoke. agreed.

The signing ceremony only took a few minutes, and it was all completed.

" These are five air tickets to the imperial capital, our boss is Qin Xiaobai, and now we should be in the imperial capital for the New Year, this is his phone number, just contact him in the past... Well, in order to prevent your world Missing, please hand over a few passports to our tiger fish for safekeeping!"

Vitality Girls: "…"

No way, just go, the headquarters will be stronger with this debt!

Under the cover of Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, several people left the Seoul Hotel and took a flight to the imperial capital.

As for the debt of nearly 16 billion owed by Park Jingchang, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng will not help him pay it back.

Of course, in order to prevent these people from pestering the vitality girls and the others, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng still took the part of the reward from Park Jingchang to a branch and returned it to those companies and investors.

And tell them not to entangle the group of artists under the tiger fish, the vitality girl!

If you really want to go to court, these people also understand that there is no way to win the lawsuit.

Therefore, some people can only admit that they are unlucky, and some are persistent and plan to go to Korea to sue Park Jingchang's artist company...

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