Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 594: Have you figured out how to explain it?

A bunch of stupid women who don't understand the fun of flying chess!

Qin Xiaobai looked at the people in front of him who were sluggish and talking madly, shook his head, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Fortunately, at this time, the system brother had already indicated that the task was completed, so he did not plan to continue torturing a few more people.

I looked at Qin Yuner, and then said to her:

"Okay, don't be like a dead husband, I'm here today, be happy! You guys should stay in this hotel during this time, if you have any needs, please contact the hotel. Just mention it. When I finish the New Year, I will go back to the magic capital with me first."


Qin Xiaobai did have the idea of ​​letting the vitality girl group be a welcoming lady.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the fourth commercial shopping center in Chenjia Village in the south of the city will start its trial operation.

In this case, such a large-scale opening ceremony must be paid to invite some stars to liven up the atmosphere.

But it costs money!

There is a popular beautiful girl group in front of you.

Of course, if possible, Qin Xiaobai also wanted to call them three dishes and one soup.

The scene was described by the sound of gongs and drums and firecrackers. It shouldn't be too much!

The key is that they are all free, which is a good deal.

Qin Xiaobai was once again impressed by his business talents while thinking so!

If it continues like this, maybe if you are not careful, you may become the richest man in the world, maybe...

At this time, the vitality girl group never imagined that the new boss would hit them again.

If you know, I'm afraid you will really vomit blood.

The popular beautiful girl group with so many fans, I really want to be a welcoming lady, do you want their faces?

Of course, they didn't think about it. After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, they all breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of relief on their faces.

This **** flying chess is finally over!

"Come on! Go home for breakfast..."

Afterwards, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the side, there was still some Su Wanqing who had not recovered, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke to her in an easy-going manner.


Su Wanqing nodded dully and followed behind Qin Xiaobai, but she soon woke up, remembered her dog, and quickly asked: "How about my dog ​​Xiaobai? ?"

He did have two incarnations of paper kites, when Qin Xiaobai didn't want to, he just wasted one more.

The profiteer of the system brother is too dark!

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to think that what he said also made sense.

Last time Xiaobai also sneaked back to the magic capital.

It's just that Su Wanqing felt a little depressed when she thought of this, then glanced at Qin Xiaobai and said, "Haha, that scumbag! Now I hate my sister more and more, she must go to Shen Wenwen. bed..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

If it wasn't for driving, Qin Xiaobai really wanted to beat Su Wanqing to tears on the spot, is this still human?

In front of him, Qin, he said he was scum...

And this matter has something to do with Shen Wenwen!

However, when Su Wanqing mentioned Shen Wenwen, Qin Xiaobai remembered, it seems that he has not gone to the hospital to see the two sisters for a while.

For the New Year, they stay in the hospital, I am afraid they are quite lonely.

With Shen Wenwen's character, even if she thought to herself, she would definitely not take the initiative to call and let him go to the hospital.

"That...I want to take time out at night to go to the hospital and be back in two hours!" Qin Xiaobai originally planned to tell Su Wanqing that he was going to the hospital to see Sister Shen Wenwen, but he wanted to After thinking about it, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

"Is there a friend in the hospital?" Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai strangely and asked.

"Well! It's very pitiful, mainly because I owe her something, but I feel a little uneasy about going there!" Qin Xiaobai replied casually.

I owe Shen Wenwen ten years of life. Even if I tell Su Wanqing, she probably won't understand.

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was a little confused. After all, with Qin Xiaobai's wealth, it should not be possible to owe money to people. Is it a debt of favor?

But since Qin Xiaobai didn't say anything, Su Wanqing didn't plan to ask any more. Otherwise, not necessarily, there will be an Oolong incident like last night.


This guy Qin Xiaobai can't go to the hospital to find someone else's girl to play flying chess...

"Then go! Just remember to come back before the New Year's Eve at night..." Su Wanqing nodded and replied softly.

After seeing Su Wanqing's agreement, Qin Xiaobai's face suddenly showed a helpless and bitter smile, then looked at her and asked, "What do you think, how will you explain it to your parents later? Yet?"


Su Wanqing didn't quite understand what Qin Xiaobai meant.

Seeing Su Wanqing's eyes a little dazed, Qin Xiaobai sighed and replied angrily: "Alas! With your IQ, don't go to the north to herd cattle, let alone a cow. I'm afraid it won't work, maybe the cow will be lost on the first day!"

Su Wanqing: "…"


After Su Wanqing exclaimed, she suddenly seemed to understand something, and seemed a little panicked.


How to explain to her parents...

It can’t be said that she and Qin Xiaobai, as well as five girls, played flying chess all night in the hotel room?

Although this is true, no one will believe it!

Along the way, Su Wanqing struggled with this issue and could think of more than a dozen reasons, but she might really not lie, and each one was full of loopholes.

When Qin Xiaobai heard it, she immediately knew she was talking nonsense.

So, don't expect Su Qingshan and Su mother to believe her nonsense...


As Qin Xiaobai expected, Su Wanqing's parents moved a stool and stayed at the elevator entrance on their own floor.

Both of them have black faces and say nothing!

Soon after, Su Wanqing followed Qin Xiaobai and looked upstairs, timidly afraid to go back.

Mother Su, who was sitting at the elevator door, glanced at Su Qingshan with a dark face at this time, for fear that he would get angry later, and desperately tried to find Qin Xiaobai, and finally persuaded: "Child His dad, don't keep your face, raw rice will be cooked sooner or later! It's not like this these days..."

"Hey... Pigs who have been raised for 20 years have finally learned to cabbage, which was originally a happy thing, but what do you mean by pulling me to give a red envelope? Do you know I have private money..."

Su Qingshan mentions this matter, but he is full of bitterness. He finally saved some private money by flying chess. This is about to disappear, so can he not be angry?

"Are you mad at this?"

Su mother looked at Su Qingshan speechlessly and asked.

"What else?"

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