Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 598: I cried so sadly, I almost thought I was dead!

After about a quarter of an hour, Mo Yu walked back with the two sisters Shen Wenwen. The Shen Wenwen sisters were obviously frightened, their faces were extremely ugly, and there was almost no blood.

"Sister, I'm afraid!"

After Shen Qianqian entered the room, when she saw the scene on the ground, she immediately hid in Shen Wenwen's arms in horror.

"Qianqian is fine, my sister is here!"

Shen Wenwen glanced at the corpse on the ground, and suddenly felt that the person seemed a little familiar, but in order to comfort her panicked sister, she did not think about it carefully.

"Chief, their sisters are here, now that Qin Xiaobai is dead, how do these two sisters deal with it?" Mo Yu looked at Qin Xiaobai, hesitated for a while and then suddenly asked.

As soon as she said these words, sisters Shen Wenwen and Shen Qianqian suddenly trembled violently.

Especially Shen Wenwen, she almost fainted.

My head was blank in an instant, and I stared blankly at the corpse on the ground.

At this time, she finally remembered why when she entered the door just now, she felt a very familiar feeling when she saw the corpse on the ground.

" can't be him, no way!"

Shen Wenwen cried and shook her head, obviously she didn't want to believe, and didn't want to believe that this man lying in a pool of blood was Qin Xiaobai, whom she had always loved.

At that moment, Shen Wenwen suddenly felt that the sky seemed to have collapsed! Now in her heart, there are only two people, her sister and Qin Xiaobai...

Suddenly someone told her that Qin Xiaobai was dead!

And the corpse is lying in front of her, this... She really can't accept it!

She was caught here inexplicably, she did imagine that Qin Xiaobai would come to save them, but if she knew that was the result.

Kill her to death, Shen Wenwen will not want Qin Xiaobai to come over...

"You lied to me, this is not my brother-in-law... woo woo woo!" After Shen Qianqian heard Mo Yu's words, she began to cry and whimper.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


This scene he really never thought of before, looking at the two sisters who were crying to the point of fainting, Qin Xiaobai suddenly couldn't bear it...

But in the current situation, it is not easy for him to tell them about it!

This stupid woman is really stupid.

When someone said he was dead, did they just believe it?

Crying like this makes Qin Xiaobai almost believe that someone Qin may really be dead...

"Cough cough... Can you stop crying first, then I'll beat you to tears!" Qin Xiaobai coughed dryly, waited for the two Shen Wenwen sisters, and threatened.

It's just that Qin Xiaobai almost laughed after saying this.

They were already crying! why are you crying...

"Mo Yu, I will hand over this place to you in the future. I have some things that I need to deal with for a while, and may not come back for several years!"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the sobbing sisters, shook his head slightly, then turned to the female assassin in front of him and said.


After hearing the words of Qin Xiaobai, the fake leader, Mo Yu suddenly froze. Obviously, she didn't quite understand the meaning of the leader's words...

"By the way, since the murderer of Nanxun has been eliminated by me, then the killing order should be cancelled! Don't go to the empire to perform tasks in the future!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai explained again.

He has no interest in the Assassin Organization. The reason why he had the idea of ​​replacing the Dawn leader just now was because he felt a little excited.

Secondly, it is more convenient to save Sister Shen Wenwen in this way.

He never thought about taking care of this organization.

Isn’t it good to have time to abuse my wife?

"But I..."

Mo Yu was still a little hesitant, wondering how true or false this leader was. After all, the leader has always had a quirky temper. Who knows if he deliberately lied to her in order to exclude his subordinates?

Mo Jade: "…"

"This is the leader token, you can take it, and you will take care of it in the future!" Qin Xiaobai finished speaking and took out a piece of black order that was found from the man just now. The card was handed over to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu took it after hesitating for a moment.

"Thank you boss!" Mo Yu said gratefully to Qin Xiaobai, then she glanced at sister Shen Wenwen who was sobbing beside her, and then asked:

"Boss, what about the sisters? Do you want to kill them together?"

"No, I have a lot of use for these two people. I will take them away later and leave it to me!" Qin Xiaobai waved his hand and said directly.

After hearing this, Shen Wenwen suddenly stopped crying, looked at Mo Yu and Qin Xiaobai with a pleading expression, and said, "Please, let my sister go, she is still very Xiao, is it okay to trade my life for hers?"

"Who said they were going to kill you!"

Qin Xiaobai roared helplessly, then looked at Mo Yu and said: "Okay, you go to work first! Don't worry about things here, I'll take the two of them in a while. leave!"

"It's the boss!"

After Mo Yu responded, she respectfully withdrew.

After watching her leave, Qin Xiaobai came to the door and took a few glances. After confirming that there was no one else, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and then walked towards the two sisters Shen Wenwen.

"What are"

Shen Wenwen stood up and stood in front of her sister, pulled her behind a few times, and watched Qin Xiaobai's every move with a panicked expression.

"Can you stop crying indiscriminately in the future? I almost thought I was dead..." Qin Xiaobai gave Shen Wenwen a helpless look, and then asked.

Shen Wenwen: "???"

Although Qin Xiaobai's voice has not been cut back, Shen Wenwen suddenly felt very familiar with the tone of her words.


She suddenly understood, and at the same time as the tears on her face, a hint of excitement rose, and she asked, "You... Are you Qin Xiaobai?"

"Nonsense! Can you please stop shouting so loudly, so that the assassins outside will hear it and arrest us three and kill us! After you go back, take your sister to the north to herd cattle... The two of you With all the IQs added together, we should be able to barely put a cow!"

Qin Xiaobai shook his head and joked.

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